Procedurally Animate Handwriting in Blender | Blender Tutorial

Procedurally Animate Handwriting in Blender | Blender Tutorial

Alaskan FX

2 года назад

17,426 Просмотров

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@ilirbeqiri - 25.11.2022 20:54

Cool video. Just a suggestion though. You can use the spline index number to select the ones that you need flipped. Keep rocking! 🤘

@lukayz1363 - 26.11.2022 06:02

Cool tutorial

@AlaskanFX - 26.11.2022 06:38

I can’t post polls yet, so comment below if you want the next video to be a beginner tutorial on the new official simulation nodes in Blender 3.5 geometry nodes!

@slytherinmagick - 26.11.2022 13:34

Nice tutorial, thank you. In the string input value where text goes, can a paragraph or longer be put into it?

@clarissa8804 - 03.12.2022 18:35

This is amazing. Thank you for the tutorials ❤️

@alexandreuroz5968 - 27.12.2022 19:20

Amazing ! It reminds me of the scene in Matilda when the chalk wrote a threatening message to Trunchbull. I wonder if we could recreate this in vfx.

@marcelolbr - 04.01.2023 00:08

Great tutorial. How do I find the point count of the uppercase 'S' of the Fancy font?

@PiononoMatic - 04.01.2023 23:20

sos un genio00o0o0o0 muchiiasimas gracias!

@matthewward1346 - 19.01.2023 17:47

This dude can math

@KIFDRAKON - 25.01.2023 20:25

Good day or night. Thank you for an interesting lesson. Everything is beautiful and interesting with fonts. When I inserted the SVG drawing, I encountered an error or did not understand the lesson. Curves are drawn by 40-60 percent. What is the reason for this and how it can be cured or corrected.

@nanduanand00 - 28.01.2023 11:51

Thanks, Nice Tutorial, How can we control the start frame and end frame of handwriting in this animation?

@david-d113 - 31.01.2023 11:01

Thanks, it's amazing. And I'm wondering if you can post a short tutorial about how to do the dynamic painting on the canvas to achieve such effect?

@FelinaFaerlaingal - 18.02.2023 01:10

This is amazing but finding a font that works is haaaard! A lot of fonts I tried to use give me a 'contour' curve. As in, it doesn't do a single line for each letter, it traces the contour of the letter, which screw up the rest of the nodes.

@sophiehaberland6642 - 16.03.2023 16:33

awesome! thank you for the tutorial. So it seems its easier to flip stroke direction in blender geo nodes than in after effects. I guess I will switch all my handwriting animation projects over to blender now :D How did you determine the values? Just trial and error? I'd love to try out a few more fonts with this method..

@JesusLovesOfficial - 18.03.2023 10:49

I love it brother! I just have one question , how do I set the animation to a different keyframe?

Cause it just starts immediately on 0 and i want the animation to start at 60 and end it at 300

Do i add a different node for that? If so , what nodes do i use?

@Raj_K_C - 05.04.2023 07:39

very nice video bro,
how to change font round shape to square ?
and give some bounce effect in font? please reply

@brighttendaimuvirimi1905 - 07.04.2023 10:13

Delighted with the tutorial, here is my mental hug subscription

@foolingshappy3447 - 19.04.2023 19:00

how can i add thickness to the text without making the animation?

@gooner3129 - 15.05.2023 18:37

Hi, nice tutorial. Need some help though. I can't seem to apply any materials to it.

@asimov2144 - 20.06.2023 23:58

Hi. Very impressive ! How about 2 lines of words ? One below the other ?

@braunbar2581 - 24.09.2023 23:52

Hey. thanks for the great tutorial and the work u put into ur Video and Blender. But i was kind a dissapointed as i figured out, that u cant use any other Fonts at all for this set up. I tried at least 5 other Hand-Written-Fonts and nothing worked. I was forced to download the same font as U. I guess its great to have this node set up, but its only a "One time Project" for me. So better use other methods for future projects. Anyways, thanks again.

@Faircrow - 07.11.2023 06:04

is there a way to get a cube to follow the movement of the letters being written?

@nhlakaaa7048 - 22.11.2023 17:00

When I add colour to the text...the colour doesnt change. How can i fix that

@benderbaer4182 - 02.12.2023 17:32

Thanks for the tutorial, i need to know, how to get the information of the reversal positions, because im using a different string

@andrewgallacher8994 - 04.12.2023 22:01

Hello I got everything set up but I am having trouble adding material to the text. Where in the nodes do I add the Set Material Node? I have tried in multiple areas but nothing seems to be working for me

@Paradicsomhaj - 10.12.2023 15:22

how the hell did you figure that out?

@dhyowiify - 01.01.2024 12:47

Great tutorial! Thanks for this. Can this be adapted to using thicker script texts?

@KingOfHydra - 08.03.2024 04:24

where i can see spessific number, in case D latter?

@IrishIPA - 12.03.2024 07:06

thank you, it's very helpful

@zanetadubravska5421 - 28.03.2024 20:55

Amazing video, thank you!!!! Please please, can you give me advice for changing material. Im lost. I've tried so many options but no way to change it. Thank you very much

@GinoZump - 03.04.2024 11:37

why not just use the build modifier?

@Gladiator2000-xt8de - 02.08.2024 19:33

Very helpful video ☺. Is it possible to share your .blend file, you showed as example in this video?

@sorenstorm - 18.09.2024 07:54

Wow that was great - nice tutorial! I am looking into if I can make a switch between after effects and blender. And this truly looks amazing when dealing with the pretty old fashion ways after effects does graphics. :-) I know they are very different programs - but it seems like blender covers a lot of my usecases :-)

@louischouinard6158 - 18.12.2024 19:51

Thank you very much for this video, it was very helpfull. Maybe a few suggestions to improve it as new geo nodes are now available to simpify the workflow...
1) The "Curve Info" node could be used to get the index of each spline in the text curve (the index of each letter in the string) to simplify the separation of letters instead of relying on length. This removes any dependency on the specific details of the font itself.
2) An "Index Switch" node can then use this index to select from a list of booleans which splines need to be reversed. Exposing the inputs of this switch in the "Group Input" let you adapt this list to the individual letters in any string you create.

@LeNeoBarde - 08.03.2025 16:52

Thank you very much for the kind help.
