Bannerlord Perks Guide - Trade Perks: Complete Guide To All Trade Perks & Bonus At The End

Bannerlord Perks Guide - Trade Perks: Complete Guide To All Trade Perks & Bonus At The End

Strat Gaming Guides

2 года назад

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@Strat-Guides - 18.01.2022 04:38

Finally it's finished! Sorry for the delay, had family over the whole weekend and couldn't get much work time in. There were a couple perks I couldn't get to work, so please let me know if you have seen them working and how you got them to work.
I posted a poll recently for the next series and it looks like battlefield tactics and testing is winning by a lot so that will start in February! I'm going to double up on perks until they are finished in January and try to get the companion guide out as well!

@hanheldhandle - 16.01.2024 07:05

Can't trust a guide from a dude that has 60k at level one

@deiovid - 01.01.2024 17:03

Thanks for the information. Great video. Do you have one about Caravans?

@semp224 - 25.04.2023 15:42

The thing has been updated for Caravan master vs market dealer

@juicebox6581 - 03.03.2023 02:23

The 250 perk is now -15% gold required to persuade lords to defecting. Does this change ur pick?

@tasoslotet271 - 08.02.2023 23:00

quetion. will all your guides become up to date? with the 1.1.0 beta

@kalebduggar4251 - 08.02.2023 06:00

Do you have any video in regards to strictly trading perks? Trying to maximize my trade profit. Am at 200 without Sanala in the year ‘88.

@kalebduggar4251 - 08.02.2023 05:56

Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t you have the sword for Barter and self made man backwards? Early you say you would almost never want sword for barter for a main, and then that you have it for main. I think you got you graphics backwards. Great video though.

@kalebduggar4251 - 08.02.2023 05:43

For a strictly trade skill considering, you would most likely not get trade skill points for equipment right? Only for things you profit on something. Otherwise smiths would have crazy high trading.

@NahThisIsPatrick - 25.01.2023 09:02

oh lord the traits are still bugged... good game

@n5roor - 11.01.2023 12:09

I believe more analysis needs to be done with regards to appraiser vs whole seller. Think of it this way, you are always buying and selling trade goods as you travel between locations. While the same can be said with regards to equipment, trade goods are traded at much higher volumes, which "may" lead to "whole seller" being the better choice. I would love to see one of you amazing, in-depth analyses dedicated to this comparison.

@slypalabrica5121 - 18.12.2022 02:15

I've been checking everywhere even Google and I can't find it.. how do u put ur dinars in stash? Already got a town from rebels but I've been trying for hours on how to deposit but I can't.. im on ps4 but even knowing how to do it in pc can help.. I'd anyone can help me lol

@kdefensemartialarts8097 - 11.12.2022 01:06


@elimarks8032 - 30.11.2022 00:33

Trading in bannerlord is one of the most boring things to do imo. Thanks for the video I did learn some new things!

@Sindri44 - 06.11.2022 21:48

again great guides but what do i pick if it's for my caravan leader not My character personally

@Seremothgr - 03.11.2022 12:25

Do you know what affects town prices? Zeonica in my playthrough costs ~15m, any way I could get it lower?

@blablabla72 - 30.10.2022 15:22

Thank you for the video but i have a question does the self made man stack with the perk everything has a price ?

@shawnmchenry9697 - 15.10.2022 20:02

I like to take whole seller early on then switch to appraiser once I become a merc or a vassal

@GamingRemo - 09.09.2022 15:06

@Strat I believe Self Made Man affects the final Trade ability to purchase fiefs. Which as you can imagine, are extremely expensive.

@DderwenWyllt - 25.08.2022 23:12

That bonus tip about selling loot to villages is awesome, I accumulated 25,000 grain from winning too many battles and have been dumping it into my castle stash. I sold it and other loot to my village and have been getting 10,000 denars a day from my village for quite a few in-game months, I'm not even going to bother selling to towns anymore having my villages doing the trading for me is one hell of a feature, I've been saving up in-game to purchase Seonon which will cost me around 50 million denars I only have 5 million and offered all my gold to buy it, but the bar only went up by around 10%, so tips like these are going to make my game so much easier.

@Laazarwolf - 25.06.2022 05:23

To add to your bonus tip at the end; If you take the lvl 75 riding perk "Filled to the Brim" and get a bunch of horses and pack animals (They're considered different commodities) I had about 500 pack animals and several hundred mounts of varying rarities. After you have these head to Epicrotea. When I went there there were no mounts on the market and I sold everything as an accident (ctrl+click the whole stack), and then got about 15 skill levels in trade. Since I had sold every mount and pack animal I had, there were several hundred of them, they were now considered to be well under the market rate (gogo taleworld maths!) So I bought them all back, rinse and repeat. Each transaction had me lose a few thousand denars but got me between 1-15 levels in trade and I had a blacksmith start so I wasn't hurting for $$. **It's very important to note that if you buy ANYTHING during your sell transaction, the trade XP is drastically decreased if not erased completely. Even sliding the marker back from selling too much seems to count as buying it back!!** Also selling equipment has no effect on trade, only things that are considered "goods". Summary, max trade skill with technically no game time passing at all.

@chrisdall9783 - 20.05.2022 13:48

The jew perks !

@TeteBruleeFR - 21.03.2022 08:33

Regarding appraiser vs Whole seller, I usually always go for Whole seller.
I am fully aware I could make more denars with appraiser. But I still prefer to lower the trade penalty for goods I actually bought. I still make good money out of the loot I plunder o the battlefield, and I increase the profit I can make selling the goods I bought on the market for the sweet trade xp.
Now, please tell me if my logic is flawed... I did not do the maths... x)

@MegaEnvyBoy - 17.03.2022 06:18

is it posible to increase caravan guard number?

@nurbakikasikci1065 - 11.03.2022 19:35

You are by far the best bannerlord content creater imo. Thanks for all the videos.
I just have one question. Did you test whether companion choices matter for caravan? Some say their trade skills don't matter at all. Also there are factors like scouting and tactics so they won't be destroyed immediately. The effect is really hard to observe so I'd appreciate if you made a video for that

@cut-- - 07.03.2022 06:38

Another question, sorry for driving you nuts! My companions in caravans keep "staying" at some cities, like for days, until I have to go find them, rehire them, and then spend another $15,000 to start a new caravan which is bad business. I only have 2/7 running routes now bc I can't figure out how to keep them working. tyvm !

@juicebox6581 - 03.03.2022 14:37

Man after 1k+ hrs im just now learning merchants and gang leaders increase in number with prosperity.

@benwhiley9680 - 27.02.2022 15:12

Does Self-Made Man work for marriage and/or fief negotiations? Prisoner release?

@holarndius - 18.02.2022 13:02

That cat picture about the thief and the money made me laugh so hard i started crying.

@fatboyphil044 - 18.02.2022 04:17

Whaaaat, trade is def my most overlooked skill, but unloading loot to bound villages is a complete game changer, had no idea

@frankcolumbo6465 - 10.02.2022 15:16

It would be an interesting video that tells which workshops bring more profit. As I understand it, caravans in the game are not particularly profitable right now?

@cut-- - 09.02.2022 01:15

I've been wondering.. when you scroll over some items it says, "Seeing range" Is that a typo that should be "selling" ? If not what is seeing range ? tyvm

@mikoajfrankiewicz218 - 09.02.2022 00:35

so almost all perks don't do what is writen on it, cool

@aputin654 - 03.02.2022 11:10

The return of Jeffe

@dilsoncamacho4100 - 28.01.2022 03:46

I don't know if it's a mod or not BUT I think market dealer is working in my game. How I noticed it is that I have 3 workshops and I was running on a small daily deficit, about -80 per day when I got the perk, and then, while hovering over the income the expected value is still a small negative, the actual daily income was repeatedly going positive.

I think the numbers from that feat are not being shown properly on the clan tab but somehow gets to you. Right now I'm testing and with a expected +8 denars in income, I earned 131, next day expected +12, earned +133 ...

@Hortortortortor - 27.01.2022 12:50

Does self made man work on fiefs?

@Turnil321 - 27.01.2022 02:09

Can you make a video comparing caravan guards?
I noticed they are different for each faction.
For example, Vlandians have crossbows and Bratanians have throwing axes (even for the horse versions)

@JonyMSalomon - 24.01.2022 23:25

You could say it louder but not clearly 👌🏽💛

@andreascj73 - 24.01.2022 19:21

Wait, mercenary troops are not those, you can hire from the taverns only but all troops?

@Jonnlock - 24.01.2022 16:11

Everything has a price is the most broken perk in Bannerlord. You need about 10kk and you can get all of the Calradia within the hours.
1. Buy all the fiefs from the lord.
2. Lord will immidiately become doubtful of his king because he has no fiefs and will be avalaible for recrutment.
3. Offer him recruitment in exchange for his fiefs. Fiefs will gonna cost much more than the price of his recruitment and you can demand extra money from him (yep, exactly the money that you paid him a moment ago).
4. You got a lord and his clan, with all its fiefs in a perfect shape, and he is completely loyal to you. All for a price of about 70k that went to his recruitment.
5. Find next lord. Repeat the process.

@Elfnethu - 22.01.2022 00:52

A much faster, 1.7-tested trade-leveling method is as follows:

1.: get a few dozen war horses, hundreds of horses, up to a thousand mule (all in low prices) and about 3 million in cash (cheap horses can be bought in Aserai towns, money is from selling crafted Tier IV two-handed swords).

2.: Search for a town where you get good prices (like buy a mule for less than 30 and sell at 200) and start swapping: sell all 3 type of horses, then immediately buy them back (for a loss) and repeat this more than 200 times (without restarting time or moving from town to town).

With this method, up to Level 200 is like 5 minutes, but after 250, it becomes tediously slow. From 290 to 300 require more time, then from up to 290, so be patient.

Be aware, that some horse types (like mule and sumpter horse) have the same price pool, so selling one reduce the price for another. Also, I tried to speed up the process by selling up to 5k mules at a time, but they quickly push down the prices to unprofitable levels.

@abdul_funny - 21.01.2022 23:55

hey, when you get 200k subscribers that's gonna be really funny lol cause i been here since a while

@spedepasanen7229 - 21.01.2022 18:49

Today I learned that horses are not animals.

@natedaniels3655 - 20.01.2022 21:13

Easy trade guide!! "Start off with a higher level perk in Riding, and it's easy!" ..................................

@davidcampos9245 - 20.01.2022 10:46

Hey, if I can offer some feedback, I would most definitely love to watch a video detailing the best troop compositions (Cav/Melee/Range) for each culture, for example, Sergeant crossbowman over bow? etc...

@leinad4820 - 19.01.2022 12:22

Great tips... Maybe we need to found alternative incomes from the smithing debido (my bad, fool corrector)

@erastal - 19.01.2022 09:25

havent watch the video yet, but i level trading by getting the horse perk that reduce the penalty of herd and just trade mule to different town lol

@michaelh2282 - 19.01.2022 07:38

Please do a video on policies!
