Deep Inside the Man Behind Pixel Corps

Deep Inside the Man Behind Pixel Corps


1 десятилетие назад

924 Просмотров

If you havent heard of Star Wars, stop reading now. If you have heard of Star Wars and especially Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, then youre in for a treat. Alex spent several years working at Industrial Lights and Magic working on Star Wars #4, er, #1, and is also the founder of Pixel Corps, a guild of digital craftsmen where Alex trains future geekstars in everything digital. Irina interrupts Alex Lindsays video production bootcamp class and tortures him with deep meaningful questions such as — who was the first girl who flipped his boat? Turns out it was the lovely Lorraine. Alex hosts This Week in Media and is a regular guest on the This Week in Tech. Alex also produces MacBreak Weekly.


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