Ross's Game Dungeon: Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)

Ross's Game Dungeon: Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)

Accursed Farms

1 год назад

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@nicefloweytheoverseer7632 - 22.12.2023 04:03

Undertale is a great example of "splitting the timeline"-style multiple choice adventure, as almost, if not, every action has consequences.
Though all the same assets are used every time, so...

@robertflinch2447 - 21.12.2023 09:52

I like how Tyler is also erased from the game halfway through.

@TheGibbie - 15.12.2023 06:28

Im surprised he never played omicron: the nomad soul

@TheValiantBob - 04.12.2023 08:37

"Put David Cage on a leash" is probably the most accurate statement you could make about every single one of his games

@Lamrett - 02.12.2023 16:09

Ross trying to apply logic to something David Cage was involved with... Losing battle. End up as crazy as one of the characters or, worse yet, Cage.

@boilerhousegarage - 02.12.2023 03:14

David Cage is overambitious and most of his ideas can't meet the development budget/timeline--at least in the first two games. Omikron: The Nomad Soul IS worth playing through just to get an idea of what he was doing (SPOILER) You the player are supposed to be the "soul" sucked into another either dimension of star system, the guy you start the game as is dead and it's only when you lose a fight you continue by possessing a character, then later see that you can possess many of the NPCs (but not all) and even raid their apartments for stuff. It's pretty much open world too and you can explore a lot, enter a combat arena for money (the combat is like a fighting game, much better than Fahrenheit quick time) although it gets a little same-y; each zone of the city has a unique look. It's nearing the end it gets all crap, as you can see that Cage wanted a city of the dead to battle through, which instead becomes just an odd first person arena where ghosts attack you and it's very weird. You get on a Yak supposedly to travel a long distance to a city of some ancient folk.. this gets cut down to a quick ride through a cave entrance and the hidden city is totally empty and obviously unfinished, just turned into a bridge/switch puzzle. The end boss is as hard as shit.

I loved seeing the game in development, played the PC demo, but ended up buying a secondhand Dreamcast just for this game. A big mistake, as the PC one is better. I got Heavy Rain of course, thought it was good. Didn't mind Beyond Two Souls.. then after that I got old and only play really old DOS games. David Cage, what did you do to me!!?

@RealEnerjak - 24.11.2023 13:55

"You can't have a game where you do nothing but stab people"
That was Painkillers entire selling point! A gun that pins baddies to the wall with entire trees, a rotating blade which chops baddies up, and a super shotgun that also freezes enemies. But all you need to know is there's a gun that fires surikens and lightning.

@JonathanXLindqviust - 17.11.2023 09:09

Farenheit's first 20-40% is one of the best games I've ever played in over 30 years. But the last 50%+ is fucking insane and ruins the entire thing. Still worth checking out

@red_cosplay - 17.11.2023 00:41

Hey Ross, your long videos are just wonderful for when I can't get up beceuse of corona

@robinanwaldt - 16.11.2023 00:14

I’m currently playing the PS4 port and guess what, it’s even more letterboxed! Or rather, it actually has a wider aspect ratio and does show more of the frame. Whereas the PC version seemingly runs at 16:9 Widescreen, the PS4 version runs at 21:9 CinemaScope. It also has a film grain filter all over the game. (which makes it just that little bit more pretentious)

@theblackwidower - 06.11.2023 13:54

Regarding the idea of 'choice' based games. I think we really should see one of those people who made the really good choose-your-own-adventure books that actually had branching stories, write and direct one of these games. It would still require some extra work on the part of the animators, modellers and programmers, but the story aspect is something they're already experts in. It'd certainly be interesting.

@cyka_delik9537 - 06.11.2023 05:20

BRO. I forgot all about this game!

@criticalfxck13 - 03.11.2023 23:48

Celcius : Blue Oracle

@Reac2 - 31.10.2023 23:25

The WRITER OF THE WHOLE GAME as HIMSELF in literally the first sentence after introducing himself:
"AT THE START there is a few things you should know before you get STARTED" Not even mentioning the "is" should be "are". He wrote that, there were passes people made over that sentence to check it and because he is a proven prick IRL likely were too scared to correct or say anything about.
Like something out of a third rate Comedy sketch. David Cage is a HACK

@kikichevy - 28.10.2023 00:54

Fuck me, the cop who visits Lucas' apartment is named G. Abidbol.
I hope other Frenchmen got that one, lmao

@panfilolivia - 22.10.2023 16:00

im sure you know this already but your videos are amazing and super entertaining. thanks for putting them out there bro

@glassisland - 21.10.2023 02:18

I played this game and I only remember like 30% of what happens in it. It's a little sad when vertical wallrunning and escaping a panther become completely forgettable events.

@Xe4ro - 10.10.2023 23:51

It was a weird game but Sandpaper Kisses still gives me warm feelings...

@jmm1233 - 07.10.2023 14:48

show called this game , Quciktimator

@friendformationbot - 04.10.2023 16:15


@R4m3Nz - 03.10.2023 21:55

Classic David Cage

@TentacleShark - 29.09.2023 12:42

Fahrenheit is pretty much where David Cage peaked in his career. Certainly his most unintentionally hilarious game. Heavy Rain is just very dull and depressing, and it cheats with its murder mystery (aka unreliable narrator). Beyond Two Souls is the worst. The absolute worst. An abomination of every Hollywood cliche imaginable, with some of the stupidest, most audience insulting writing you'll ever encounter. So bad that you can't even laugh about it, it's so bad it's sad.

Detroit is also unabashedly terrible, the writing is pretty much on the same level as Beyond. But Detroit has one redeeming quality: the Connor/Hank bromance. The by far most likable characters David Cage has ever come up with. And then there's Omikron... which is probably the only other Cage game worth checking out due to its outrageous plot, but the gameplay seems absolutely horrendous. I'd rather put up with never-ending quick time events than the David Cage version of Deus Ex.

@lucasgraeff5391 - 24.09.2023 18:32

the guy you described with the drawings looks like thom yorke from radiohead

@LCTesla - 24.09.2023 14:57

Lie: all your actions have consequences
Truth: they make your guy feel slightly better while his life spirals down the drain
oh and he might not kill himself. might.

@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 - 22.09.2023 17:04

The least believable thing about Fahrenheit & Phantasmagoria 2 is they didn't make bumping your head when you come out from under a desk after fiddling with the cables a high-probability randomly generated event.
2nd least believable thing about Fahrenheit is that you have all these windows open in spaces at temperatures cold enough for long enough you'd see breath. 
(source: Canadian who has accidentally fallen asleep with a window cracked open a sliver in January)

@dudeguy1049 - 14.09.2023 04:17

Ok, so two thoughts
One, the investigation game I thought we had before the lack of choice reveal was a cool idea
Two, that actual choices in games graph looks almost exactly like the Shadow the Hedgehog level tree whatever the heck.

@tatertot64 - 13.09.2023 03:41

Don't breathe this!

@unreal1257 - 08.09.2023 11:26

Wait!? This is the remastered graphics?

@-Sisyphus- - 08.09.2023 03:09

The switch from "Slow burn Lynchian style crime drama" to "High octane Matrix style ultra fight" is so damn jarring. I'm stuck between being amused and confused.

@Genji-Agito - 08.09.2023 01:31

I thought chaos was the origin of all things.

@NorthernPyro - 05.09.2023 02:20

"hello, im David Cage" hoo boy thats never a good sign

@crunkers_ - 02.09.2023 10:33

His other games are less.. disjointed

@baddragonite - 29.08.2023 07:27

I remember having alot of fun with this gane on the original xbox
Felt like a unique experience at the time if very weird haha

@JP-xw2kf - 29.08.2023 04:56

I love this game it's complete schlock

@scottspencer9043 - 21.08.2023 00:57

When the writer-and-director calls the game "fire night".
