Which UX Bootcamp is the Best? Why I Chose Springboard (General Assembly, CareerFoundary)

Which UX Bootcamp is the Best? Why I Chose Springboard (General Assembly, CareerFoundary)

Sharon Yeun Kim

3 года назад

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@carmenlilianaflores7167 - 19.06.2023 03:58

Hi Sharon! Thank you so much for this video! I know I’m late I am thinking of doing a career switch to Ux designs. I do have a BA in international affirms and i have expert experience in customer service, i was considering the springboard bootcamp. even if i did not have design experience, do you think It it possible for someone with no background in design to still go through with that course?

@issy0613 - 05.04.2023 10:31

Is it possible to get a good UX job without a bootcamp and just, say, Google's UX certificate?

@Alex-ep9yx - 23.03.2023 15:56

For me, I’m gonna start a new graphic design job soon after being in another for 3 years. I got the job but personally i don’t think graphic design is for me.

I heard some of these 6 months bootcamps will eventually require you to focus more and more on them. I’m scared of the time commitment especially since i have a long commute 3/5 days

So i have graphic design experience, I’m willing I put in like 20-30 hours a week in a camp. (Camps will give you hour estimations but i heard it really varies on your dedication and effort), maybe a longer camp will be better so i don’t burn out?

@mikespidle3360 - 21.02.2023 06:07

Hey Sharon! Awesome Video! Thank you for taking time to give your experience!
I am a Virginia Tech grad and have been out of the IT world for about a year now doing some soul searching and coming back. I decided I want to be a software engineer. Have you heard anything about GA vs Springboard regarding Software Engineering? I have experience with programming, but would like a total over-haul. GA looked very welcoming, but it also looks like I have to be in the online class which my current out of IT job wouldn't have time for.. Springboard looks very self-paced, which would fit my schedule better, but I would find a new job if it meant GA is better quality. It looks like GA does have better and more consistent placements than Springboard, but I don't know that for certain.

Anyways! I apologize for the long paragraph and I thank you for your time!

@Anshul1614 - 17.01.2023 13:51

Hey Sharon I have graduated with a degree in English BA and have no work experience. I’m 27 and I’m looking into this field for a career. I learnt there are boot camps but I’m confused as to which one would be better after I have completed the boot camp and start looking for jobs.

@yagmurkalay7743 - 18.11.2022 20:30

Thank you so much! This video helped me a lot!!

@madhusudhanbadsheshi4674 - 13.07.2022 00:52

Sharon how about avacado academy vs springboard ?

@heymija - 29.06.2022 19:35

Thanks for the helpful info, Sharon. I come from a background in human services, with moderate to low income, high student loan debt. My interest in switching to UX design has to do with wanting a higher salary and genuine interest in modern technology and making things user friendly for the less tech savvy. I work full time and would like to switch as soon as possible. I’ve looked into General Assembly, Interaction Design Foundation, and Coursera’s Google cert. program. Generally speaking, what counsel would you offer in this situation?

@ByYshana - 26.06.2022 22:07

I am 18 working in retail. I come from very poor family and im wanting to know if i need a background college education at all. I only have education from high school and from future bootcamps. Would i still be able to get a job from just a bootcamp?

@LAMODELISTE - 24.06.2022 21:14

Thank you for this video Sharon!!!

I’m planning to get the courses but not the bootcamp. I think it’s too expensive for me. But soon I will. ❤️ l’m currently taking ui ux design and development. I’m on my 5th module but I’m looking for more structured learning with UX design. I really want to be a UXUI DESIGNER, what are your thoughts with DesingLabs, CF AND SPRINGBOARD courses?

Btw I used to be a fashion designer and I’m currently switching my career to UX UI.

@Question2055 - 12.06.2022 03:56

Hi! I am brand new to the field of UX/ UI design and I am trying to switch careers as soon as possible. I don’t have very much experience but, I was thinking about General Assembly. Granted it’s a bit pricey but, they have an income share agreement plan for financing

@judylee8327 - 05.06.2022 21:58

Hi Sharon - thank you for this informative video. I currently is working full time as a fashion designer (also a Parsons graduate & been in industry for 10 years) but looking to switch career into UX/UI design. Springboard offers both UX only & UX/UI bootcamps and want to know what makes you decide to do the UX/UI path VS UX only ? I'm currently deciding on which one to pursuit and would love to hear your thought on this !

@jjveliz10 - 25.05.2022 04:04

Hi Sharon! Thank you so much for the well informed video. I come from a Marketing background and have experience with many of Google’s platforms. If I wanted to network with someone from FAANG, would you recommend Springboard for mentors? My goal isn’t necessarily to find a job in UX the quickest, but rather have a more polished portfolio and mentor to keep in touch with.

@jadec3710 - 15.05.2022 03:44

May I ask what made you choose Springboard over Career Foundry? These are the two that I'm contemplating over at the moment. My only real concern is over the quality and the outcome I am going to get out of it. Thank you for helping me.

@VioletIceFire - 14.05.2022 19:51

I am in the world of therapy/car management I’m in no rush but I would like to make sure that I can have a great profolio when I finish whatever program I’ve tried. I’m so lost in which to choose…

@kymt0709 - 11.05.2022 22:01

Hi! I was wondering since you came from a background with some design experience, what made you choose the UI/UX design course over the UX design course that springboard also offered? I personally have some design background but still deciding between the two! Thank you so much for your help!

@AAJKFilms - 05.05.2022 13:31

Great video! Very informative. I am looking into a UX/UI boot camp but don't know what to go for since I heard good things in many of them. My background is in graphic and interaction design so I do have some knowledge in design, some UX research (journey maps, user journeys, ux/ui analysis, user personas), and some knowledge in prototyping. Since my degree did not focus too much into the very detailed research aspect, I want to gain knowledge in that and learn in more depth about the psychology of UX/UI design. What would you recommend?

@mariamoooooo - 02.05.2022 02:38

thank you for the transparency and honesty in your video! super helpful :)

@kigga4250 - 27.04.2022 20:07

Hello Sharon, I am an undergraduate majoring graphic design with a minor in computer science. I will be graduating next spring so I have less than a year left to dive in to the job market. I am currently working as a graphic designer so I have a strong design background with a little bit of coding knowledge therefore, I don't want to go over too much graphic design studies again within the bootcamp. My school does not offer ui/ux concentrated courses so I was considering taking free/cheap/short courses like the google certificate course offered by coursera but your video made me want to take a proper bootcamp to create an up to standard perfect portfolio. I thought I wanted to take a bootcamp from popular schools, for instance UC, but maybe not. Can you please recommend me some bootcamps or courses?

@reneiscool22 - 24.04.2022 22:39

I just saw that Springboard is offering a plan where you pay after you graduate.

@erinmiller3638 - 08.04.2022 20:16

Hi! I just signed up for springboard-starts Monday. I’m having real concerns since I work full time and some other students are telling me that they are devoting at least 40 hours weekly to the program. I was under the assumption it would be more like 15-20 as the course suggests. What are your thoughts? I’m am completely new to the industry, but feel I have some natural aptitude. Thank you!!

@littlelostmillennial2110 - 05.03.2022 14:35

What cohort were you in? I was in September 2020

@604krusty6 - 26.02.2022 03:59

Hi Sharon. I don't have any tech or design background and thinking of doing a career change. I am actually debating if I should get into more of a traditional route (example: U of Toronto UX/UI certificate program ( 12 months long and around 800 CAD OR Brainstaion UX/UI program: 9 months p/t and around 12k to 15k CAD? Do you have any thoughts on that?

@BraleyBailey - 22.02.2022 09:57

Sharon, thanks so much for your video I was almost starting at GA but I heard more people mentioning about the cookie cutter portfolio they help you to create. I have more experience in graphic design and also I’m truly trying to find a mentor as a super important part of my plan for UX designer. How did you find or know what was the mentor that was more fitting for you? I will dig in more to Springboard 😀

@aaroninaspen5974 - 19.02.2022 08:09

this video was super helpful for me, thank you Sharon!

@Krunchezy - 19.02.2022 05:10

Hello Sharon,

Thank you for sharing your viewpoint on these UX bootcamps. What would you recommend for me, I am looking to switch my career from Graphic Design to UX/UI design. I have a degree and want to complete my UX/UI training in 4-5 months. My budget is around 10k and would like a bootcamp to help bridge the gap between myself and the UX community (connections)

Have a great day!

@Innocentbeauty009 - 14.02.2022 17:49

Hello! Thank you for this video it was very helpful. So I come from NO background in design. I mostly have a medical field background and I want to transition into UX UI, but I'm leaning more towards UI. Finances are kind of a big deal for me, but in terms of my education, I too look at the long run. I'm looking for something flexible, I want something hands-on, as well as focus on my portfolio so I can land a job. I'm also looking for a boot camp that will teach me how to have a designer's eye if that makes sense? I would like for my portfolio to stand out, but i understand as a newbie it may not be perfect at first and it'll get better with time. Any recommendations?

@JaneWang-vu4jc - 09.02.2022 15:19

Thank you for your sharing, that is really helpful for me. As an architecture design student who is going to graduate in five months, do you recommend I attend the GA boot camp which is faster? I believe I have experience in design thinking and making portfolios (in architecture), but I know nothing about UX software now.

@sharonw6597 - 02.02.2022 00:06

Hi Sharon! I have no experience in UX design/design in general and want to get into that field. I want a program that will be more hands on and that will help with the portfolios and also help with job searching. I also want one that I am able to complete within 6-9 months or at least flexible. Which one do you recommend? Thank you!

@prasadanantha1103 - 19.01.2022 08:57

Hi, thanks for the video. I am in Banking Operations with around 15 yrs experience based in Malaysia. General Assembly has a part time UX bootcamp for 3 months.. any idea about the part time course. Thanks .

@thanib7796 - 19.01.2022 01:39

Hi Sharon! Thanks for your video - super helpful! Currently deciding between Springboard, Google UX, and the UCI and UC Berkeley UX/UI bootcamps. Such a hard decision...

@sourabhbaligade5947 - 27.12.2021 07:42

I want to change my career n want to enter in UI & Ux so which will suit for me im beginner n no prior experience

@shriyablon2678 - 15.12.2021 12:46


I have been looking into UX and self learning basic and did short course for foundation. I have done masters in marketing and been working on CS for 10 years. I have interested in UX because the field is creative and tech friendly. I would like to be ready for career change and GA seem to be quite straightforward option but I cant afford to invest 10-12weeks with no job as well as the amount is huge. Any suggestions?

@lesliewilliams4277 - 17.11.2021 05:23

I graduated from DesignLab in July (part-time track because I was working full time) and I'd recommend it! I had no design experience whatsoever and I came with a nursing background. I did end up getting a full-time job a few months after it.

@lidisirodriguez5340 - 14.11.2021 21:32

Hey! Thank you so much for this video. It has helped me a lot. So at the moment, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Visual Design. I am working as a social media manager and recently started to do research on the Tech Field. I found UX Design and realized it was for me. I just don't know where to start. I'm considering getting a master's degree but then again I want to really want to start working as soon as I can because of where I am financial. What do you think would be the best approach for me?

@yvonnefuchen1110 - 12.11.2021 07:58

Thank you Sharon for sharing this informative bootcamp experience. It is really helpful for me. My background was quite various from PR, travel industry, supply chain and a co-founder for a start up. This is actually I felt I put UX design's hat on and inspired me to land in UX design world. Now I have finished google UX designer course. Still not sure about my resume and portfolio. Do you think I should join a bootcamp or find a mentor to help me adjust my portfolio and resume ? Thank you so much for your time.

@viniciusgomes1737 - 30.10.2021 02:07

Hey Sharon. I need your recommendation. I'm from Brazil and I'm thinking of transitioning to UX. As a matter of fact, I already do some UX writing in my current job, alongside the technical writing tasks, which is my actual position. I don't have a degree in Design, I actually studied English in a prestigious Brazilian University and I also have some background in tech too, including coding. Now the bootcamps you mentioned seem amazing but paying more than 10K US dollars is unimaginable, since 1 dollar is worth almost 6 BRL (consider a big mac costs about 25 BRL). What would you suggest in my situation?

@user-qx6cs8iu1m - 24.10.2021 12:52

Hi Sharon! Thank you for sharing your opinion about the UX design bootcamps. I am working as a fashion designer in Korea, and trying to switch my job to UX designer, hopefully go abroad :). I am considering taking course of GA or CF cause my financial situations and I am kinda newby in digital design. I wonder which course wou would take if you were me!

@improvehealth858 - 21.10.2021 19:13

Did you take out the Climb loan for springboard? I am in the process of applying and was accepted. I am stressed trying to figure out how to finance

@jacielee3960 - 29.09.2021 18:17

Hi! Your genuine video was so helpful for me. Thanks, Sharon! I have been working as food packaging designer (consumer-focused) for 15 years. Now I am considering to switch my career to UX/UI designer. I have a visual design background. I like to take part time program while I am working. I look for a strong mentorship to develop my portfolio and start my new career path. Can you give me your recommendations? Very much appreciate your help!

@sabrinaalam6868 - 29.09.2021 13:31

Hello there! I am from Bangladesh and looking for an online course or boot camp for UI/UX design at a reasonable price. Could you suggest me please?

@cristymwanika1712 - 08.09.2021 15:02

Do any of these schools accept the GI Bill??

@CloudSky_ - 13.08.2021 23:32

How about avocademy? They said its good for only $1500

@CamAndJayToday - 12.08.2021 17:12

Hey There! Would love your recommendation! Single mom, working full time, would love to make the switch as soon as possible - needs to be affordable! Lol all the impossible elements! What do you think?

@jameshizon4861 - 05.08.2021 08:28

Found your channel and I was introduced to SB via friend in the UI/UX Program. Currently wrapping up my Data Engineer program and will try to connect with you on LinkedIn. :)

Also great plan. Hopefully you can get good internships later on.

@rashmikakrishnaswamy4926 - 03.08.2021 13:06

Hi , I am working as a developer ,without any design background and would like to switch my career to ui/ux designer in india.I can afford for any kind of bootcamps that provide me knowledge from basics to help in finding a job within India . I can attend these classes as part time since I am already being employed in a company .Can you suggest the best one for me ?

@user-bp3pg2py2k - 24.07.2021 11:47

Thank you for your sharing. I will graduate in 3 months majoring in Web design and plan to seek a full-time job. Now I am looking for a Bootcamp maybe focus on job hunting. So I'm not sure Springboard UX Design Bootcamp(6 months) fits me. Could you please give me some suggestions?

@hairandhay9423 - 18.07.2021 20:30

I graduated with a degree in fashion design but haven’t had any jobs in the industry yet because of Covid. Could you tell me if springboard would still be a reasonable choice?

@maiafitness282 - 18.07.2021 06:43


I feel lost, so I have been trying to finish school and there isn’t nothing that screams this is me!

I have no digital experience or designing experience but I can help but come back to UI/UX HOWEVER I am beyond scared and I keep pushing it off and saying I’m not good enough.

I have experience in accounting, HR, and I was also a personal trainer.

S.O.S! Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!!
