How good is it? "WT32-SC01 Plus" with ESP32-S3!

How good is it? "WT32-SC01 Plus" with ESP32-S3!

That Project

1 год назад

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@user-sr9ss3xd4q - 06.11.2023 14:52

As always, excellent content. Thanks a lot for your efforts. keep going on..

@prashkd7684 - 03.10.2023 15:16

This is excellent.
I have a few old Arduion Uno ILI9488 displays designed for ARduino Uno which uses 8 bit parallel interface. I also have some spare ESP32-S2 saola boads and I am looking to make HMI's out of them and use LVGL library for easy GUI designing. Can you please let us know what driver libraries (TFT_eSPI or something else) should I use and how to configure them for parallel interface.

@elabinnovations - 02.09.2023 11:37

hi sir
Where did you buy these displays?
Can you suggest cheap colour displays for projects?

@marioalday5966 - 31.07.2023 01:57

Please notice the lack of DACs on the S3.

@masterjavier1992 - 25.07.2023 20:23

I love your videos they are great.
Do you know if there is an amoled screen with touch for projects, I have searched for a long time and I only found one from "lilygo" but it is very small and does not have a capacitive touch screen, do you know any?

@rhianjustin - 13.06.2023 18:55

Have you had the micro SD working in this board? I’ve tried so many times but can’t get it to communicate, I’ve used SD.h with SPI.h and SD_MMC.h, declaring new pins , but still doesn’t work. Do you have a video of a project that utilises the SD?

@vanninavari6434 - 22.05.2023 18:46

hello, how do you program the Plus model with a parallel lcd that uses the serial in the projects?

@JarrodM29 - 03.04.2023 04:19

Have you been able to get the eSPI library working with SC01 and SC01+? I get the screen working on the SC01 but the touch is not working.

@slobslob1 - 01.04.2023 19:03

Nice Display , but i have problems with the SD card slot. i cant mount it with SD.h, with driver/sdmmc_host.h it works.

@pllagunos - 27.03.2023 01:23

Thanks for the detailed video! I am looking for a 5" display that I can program with SquareLineStudio but also have it communicate with a SPI peripherals (a thermocouple sensor), do you have any recommendations?

@kywildcats - 26.03.2023 05:34

What's the best way of telling if your USB is made for programming or just charging?

@engineerdanny7569 - 25.03.2023 10:58

Could you please speeds for compare a 16bit parallel with 8bit parallel

@whatcall - 19.03.2023 04:37

Thanks for your great intro video. Do you know any way to use LVGL Micropython binding with SC01 plus parallel ineterface. I cannot find any support to the ST7796UI.

@florenccam5492 - 23.01.2023 13:54

Hi, Does someone have the name or reference of the I/O connectors ? JST ? Thanks !

@ki7916 - 12.01.2023 01:59

Hi! Thanks for the video, i just got one SC01 plus, but it freezes randomly with the factory demo. The runtime gets shorter every time from 5-6 min down to 1 sec. I tried different power sources (PCs, 30W usb charger, power bank, etc.) but no luck, still freezing. Sometimes it can't even reset with button. Did you encountered similar behaviour?

@annoorkhan4219 - 01.01.2023 18:11

Hi, thanks for your video.but I need to backup the default farmware before I start r&d .do you have any idea how to do that?

@idiedlastmonth - 19.12.2022 10:00

I found it useful! Thank you very much!

@sebastienl2140 - 07.12.2022 08:43

Nice screen, usb otg pins are connected to usb port

@cornjulio4033 - 25.11.2022 04:03

Cool projects, but I can hardy understand your english. Maybe talk a lot slower ?

@bogdanmarinescu78 - 31.10.2022 21:34

Nice video, thanks! It's clear now that I want to use the Plus version in my next project, however I can't find anywhere a description of its connectors (I'm mainly interested in external power supply (without USB) and the GPIOs that I can use to for external sensors/buttons and so on). Google didn't help much here. Do you have any information about this? Thank you.

@ATNL4 - 25.10.2022 17:34

Hi, and Thanks for nice work u offer, just a question, is this touch screen , what the way to control the variables through esp32 to reflect it on the screen ?, and is there Telegram channel ?

@rarenu - 13.10.2022 22:49

Hi thank you so much for the comparison video of WT32_SC01 with its Plus version. Today I received the WT32-SC01 Plus with inbuilt demo program. Please suggest me a demo sketch to test my WT32-SC01 Plus, by myself. Thank you.

@joshgilbert8265 - 07.10.2022 15:52

Thanks for posting. I looked on your Github and couldn't find the sample code for the WT32-SC01 Plus.. I just got one and would love to start tinkering around with your sample code.

@deanstarman1694 - 24.09.2022 06:19

I'm going to use it for my next project. Thanks.

@jlcamry - 24.09.2022 05:26

nice comparison

because arduinoGFX runs frequency 6.5MHz not 20 or 40MHz

@aluminito - 24.09.2022 02:38

Excelente, la nueva placa tiene una mejora sustancial en velocidad, el siguiente salto tiene que ser un nuevo chip ESP32 que tenga mas velocidad y menor consumo, para lograr mejor fluidez en la interface grafica y menor gasto energetico.

@jpindter - 24.09.2022 00:55

As always, excellent content. Thanks a lot for your efforts. Greetings from Mexico!
