Remote Desktop Gateway Setup In Windows Server 2019

Remote Desktop Gateway Setup In Windows Server 2019


3 года назад

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Peter Babczuk
Peter Babczuk - 17.04.2023 14:00

just to be lcear when u add servers you already had one pre configured in domain?

Paul Boerst
Paul Boerst - 02.04.2023 23:20

Two notes on this video.
1. When generating the cert you need to change the options to allow it to be exported this step occurs when you are typing in the common names.
2. If you run into the cert error you need to create a GPO for the domain to push the cert we created on the RDG to all machines.
Figuring out that I needed to do those 2 things actually took longer than actually doing them.

Imam chowdhury
Imam chowdhury - 24.03.2023 13:20

hello, my side -->yes, export the private key--< radio button disabled.... I can't export private key

Sam Kuek
Sam Kuek - 04.11.2022 08:06

Hi friend you are great 👍

Klein Fernandez
Klein Fernandez - 27.05.2022 03:19

Are they on the same network?

Darshith P
Darshith P - 02.12.2021 15:16

i am not able to see the certificates list in MMC while requesting new certificates, please suggest

Chintan Panchal
Chintan Panchal - 02.12.2021 08:17

Hi There, just a question on how did you import the certificate on RDS server from your PC after downloading certificate on your PC. Practically you have export certificate from domain controller to its own PC. RDS has its own PC and these deployment activity is done in RDS. Can you please guide if possible? Thanks

SuperAnxion - 20.07.2021 13:34

thanks for the video, however its works inside domain, but how to setup outside? different WAN?
