The Respawn Drama Explained: Who's Right?

The Respawn Drama Explained: Who's Right?


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@nuzie6947 - 15.05.2024 02:59

I think a decent fix would be the need for a regeneration component for the medical ships. Also, during regeneration, having the option to self destruct your ship before the pirates remove the component or if they happen to be greifing respawns.

@arcadealchemist - 15.05.2024 03:02

just put a Limit on the range (unless you are back spacing from a city or space station because you lost your ship)

make respawns limited and require a BIOMASS container to be installed (1/8 scu barrles you screw in under the med bed, T1 uses 2, T2 uses 3, T3 uses 8.
each one is a respawn body that has to be primed takes 5 mins

only reason to go back to your body should be to collect your gear and harvest your ibrahim sphear which should be your EXP gained during play
you can only bank your EXP when buying a perk upgrade for your body (DARK SOULS METHOD)
this way we can have a reason to go back

medical gameplay to recover other peoples Ibrahim spears, if a player dose not return for their gear but wants their Exp they can request a medical recovery

This way you have medical gameplay

have a MEDICAL device to remove sphears from the skulls of Quanta too
and they can sell it back to medical centers for profit but also medical gameplay Exp whic allows them to unlock medical perks

PERKs should be the reason to recover your body along with equipment this way you have EMERGENT gameplay and co-op enviroment because returning someones lost brains like you're in death stranding might be good for the community

Thats how i'd improve things

BUT feel free to steal my idea and post it on spectrum cos i can't as my energy is just too hostile for the twiglets

@Ap4ach3 - 15.05.2024 03:16

Everyone is forgetting this is temporary. Respawning is not gonna be what is now. When the game releases. They want death of a space man to be implimented and real risk vs reward. To fool yourselves. This is only happening now because of the fact the game is not fully working how intended

@brianhorton1977 - 15.05.2024 04:21

I liked the video right when I saw the "Ded" talk open! Brilliant!

@alandab - 15.05.2024 04:23

I absolutely love it!

@danny1988221 - 15.05.2024 04:56

No medical game play should not be there at the expense and penalty to my gameplay, its a made up gameplay and has no value to any missions or rep. I like the idea of finally again being able to respawn without wanting for someone to have their fun at playing "fantasy doctor". I don't care and it should not be taken into account to punish players just for someone to have their fun.

@vik12D - 15.05.2024 05:05

I've been wanting a medical ground vehicle for a while now. I'm glad to see one is coming out. As someone who does medical game play as often as possible, lets be real. Not a lot of people use beacons. If they died pulling out weevil eggs, they don't pop a beacon. If they have rare gear, they don't pop a beacon. Most of the time, when someone does, I get part way and they just decide to respawn anyway. Its a great quality of life option. Has anyone else randomly died on a ladder? In a cave? Loading or offloading a container? On a bunker elevator?

@HadronFlux - 15.05.2024 06:08

There are so many ways they can tweak the dials on how they can balance every bed being a respawn point. Distance (given), consumables in the med bed, still have a max on what injuries are fixed (so you respawn hurt still), so on... On the upside, the game has such a time sink it is nice to keep you in the game.

@thebonedaddy9162 - 15.05.2024 06:15


@simonethier5793 - 15.05.2024 07:44

3 ship respawn allowed in 12hours for personal ship. It gets reloaded 3 respawn 12h after your last respawn
(If you respawn, it reset the 12h )
If you respawned 3 time already. You got 3 option respawn at home location imediately pay 5k or wait 5min and respawn at home location for free or pay a for rescue. Two type of rescue (first aid only) 15k and if the medic die in a 1500m radius the 15k is charged and the medic is paid. or (military rescue team ) 50k is charged when you get healing.. team dont get paid if get killed and you dont get charged

@jameskraze - 15.05.2024 07:57

Death of a spaceman is a joke and should not ever be in the game with how little they seem to have thought about how respawning should work. This is just getting to be rediculous. And on top of that this change in particular seems to invalidate medical rescues unless the beds have a time limit or some kind of resource limit. However I do like the idea of not losing an hour's worth of time traveling back to get my ship and loot and everything.

@Saturn-6 - 15.05.2024 08:00

I think they will eventually do what they did with the Cutty red to the Ursa. ALso think its a kick in the teeth for those who subbed the medical ships

@silvergeist43 - 15.05.2024 10:09

I wish they would set T2 med beds have a respawn range of 500k. That why you have have you Carrick or 890 sat on a planet or in orbit as a mobile base. And T3 20k should be fine

@neth77 - 15.05.2024 11:42

In my shitty opinion, i want to be with the masses and hate it, but i think i will take advantage of it and probably love it!
However like EVERY ship release ever, they do something to make it OP and must have, then it gets nerfed later so i don't expect it to last.

@nicobleiler - 15.05.2024 11:46

They should add "Medical Resources" as a limiting factor for respawning, making it impossible to forever camp/respawn and require going to a station to restock on supplies

@FrozenKnight21 - 15.05.2024 11:46

To be honnest, i feel that only tier 1 medbeds should allow respawn. This is because, it allows for all injurys to be healed via suicide. And the push was to move towards players not killing themswlvs as often.

However, death in the game is too much to easy. Often having to suicide or dueing to stairs, or gemotery bugs. So, until they get the game far more stable, im okay with this change.

Either way, I feel they should be more transparent with the long term goals, or if they want to see community feedback, they should open polls on community forms to see how players want to go. Not just listen to the loudest player. (Just place it in the launcher, heck they could even target players who are prone to the gameplay they want feedback from.)

Alternately, having medbeds use resources is also plausible. However, I think that having medbeds have cooldowns, based on tier. E.g. tier 1 - 1 min, tier 2 - 5 min, tier 3 - 15 min. This also encourages having more beds or higher tier beds available.

@CitizenLarente - 15.05.2024 12:19

Thanks! A lot of interesting ideas for discussion.

@TheGuilev - 15.05.2024 12:53

there is no medical gameplay :

- going to a bed med and get full heal
- use the magic paramed auto heal
- beacon are useless because of high risk of a trap or taking too much waiting time

No skill needed = no gameplay

@N1ghtR1der666 - 15.05.2024 13:35

I would love them fixing respawn beds but we know with absolute certainty that they will remove this function one or two sales down the line. How many times do people need to be baited into ship sales, for fuck sake!

@N1ghtR1der666 - 15.05.2024 13:38

the criminal thing is such a non issue, I would love to see the number of people effected by this, I bet its small. Now ask how many people are effected by the enshitification of SC serveres leading to another half hour rekit and refly to the mission

@N1ghtR1der666 - 15.05.2024 13:46

they should improve the systems that let is interact with and rely on medics to make them worth calling ever in hte first place anyway, does anyone actually use them outside of a joke anyway

@spacetruckerbob - 15.05.2024 15:38

2 thoughts 1. make it where anyone can clear the med beds data ,2, make it where you have a shield around bed and no inventory given you the choice to ether hang out tell they go there way or op out to restart a new adventure by clearing your self from bed and backspacing but in the end can you ever please the hard core gamer when they cry so much over paper cuts ether way good video man 🖖

@josephjohnson9857 - 15.05.2024 16:01

They have fuses in the A2 just have them were they can be removed by the pirates.

@SmorgusBorg - 15.05.2024 16:42

Way too much time is utterly wasted "preparing" to play Star Citizen. The game is in Alpha, and we still need tools to circumvent the tedious death consequences triggered by bugs.

@Shrike_AFK - 15.05.2024 18:26

I think until death of a spaceman is implemented into the game it is a totally viable option to be able to respawn in every med bed. Especially while the game is still in a state where dying happens a lot for reasons that are not the players fault.

@Shrike_AFK - 15.05.2024 18:31

Maybe CIG could implement a system that only lets players respawn in vehicle medbeds once and then the ability to respawn in that vehicle is on a cooldown for a certain time (for that player). When the player dies again while the cooldown is still active they would just respawn at their selected hospital instead. That would solve the spawn camping issue wouldn't it?

@BigBobBlazer - 15.05.2024 19:20

Been playing this game for years. Having seen their MO, this is why I believe the change is happening.

It’s Invictus and they’re releasing a new medical vehicle. Just before the sale they say that you can respawn in it? Lol. That was all marketing. That Ursa Medical Rover is going to fly off the shelf. Plus, it was easy for them to make as are most variants. Essentially they slapped a medical Pisces interior into the Rover. Slap a respawn tag on it and CIG makes millions.

@jboxjbox - 15.05.2024 19:22

Would be cool to have some kind of battery component to the medbeds that would need to “re-charge” in between spawns and each tier of bed has greater capacity and/or better recharge rate. Then if yours is still on cooldown, it defaults to the home location. Could maybe even add multiple and a priority to attempt. I dunno, I’m not a dev or game designer but seems like a reasonable solution. I also think the medical beacon system should be rep based somehow and maybe it will which could make it less sketchy.

@vertexrikers - 16.05.2024 13:20

I very much like the idea of limited biomass that you have to refill at some point. Also i want to be able to err... recycle errr... unused biomass that i happen to err... stumble upon. Savvy?

@metakillz3532 - 16.05.2024 15:45

i see this as a massive win personally. i love my med pices and gives me a great reason to use it finally! i dont like the small beds and the inability to revive myself, especially since i cant ever get anyone to revive me.

@LMMSDeadDuck - 16.05.2024 17:12

I can see both arguments and I think both have their merits. But I believe this is only temporary or, at the very least, is going to be tweaked as the game continues to be shaped. The cynical part of me is to entice sales of the Nursa.

@eyekhan6099 - 16.05.2024 21:34

There are too many bugs and other ways to die in the game that having some way to get back in the action without waiting an hour or more for someone to come revive you only to die themselves due to the jankiness for the medical bed respawn to be detracted upon too much. More quality of life features available to mitigate the rough edges of the game should be considered as well.

If I only have an hour or so to play, I would rather play a different game than spend nearly all that time stuck in a time sync due to bug death.

@cptmuzz4085 - 17.05.2024 00:19

The greatest marketing team in the history of humanity, really, these guys could literally fund a small country out of economic destruction while taking the money out of "your" wallet to do it...

@GizmoMagui - 17.05.2024 01:37

90% of my gameplay is just doing medical for players and they ended up tipping me money for the kindness of saving them. This pisses me the f*ck off soo badly from Acade gameplay to now adding back greifing and respawns of these beds. WTF is the point of medical gameplay if you're not the one giving the medical help. WTF is the point of an ONLINE GAME.
CIG is just catering to fucking children bitching about repercussions of dying.
This going to suck for those whacky Medrunners Org's pure coffin in the nail for them...
Less medical beacons less interaction less of everything WTF is next removed servers and going peer to peer and co-op only....

Deep down i just feel its a marketing tactic to try and push sales on medical ships.

FFS you can't even give medical help to those laying on the damn BEDS they have to do it their selves, Its not really medical gameplay if they're their own doctors.

@The_Real_bubbazaneti - 17.05.2024 17:39

My take on this DL, is CIG just does this now to sell ships and vehicles. They will remove it again. The usual marketing trick! and the excuse will be "rebalancing" and will of course once again draw the "its still in alpha" so using time an effort on this, is just waist of time! ;-)

@angrypug9841 - 17.05.2024 18:06

I hardly EVER see medical beacons go up. After the stupidity that Medrunners pulled majority of those beacons went away, they kinda ruined it for everyone. I just want a Cool down per player - not per bed. And the option to Choose Home location or recent med bed. This would solve all the issues in 1 swift slap on the ass.

@Marlax-101 - 18.05.2024 01:50

main issue with t3 respawn is finding them. bigger ships you can see but t3 beds can be shoved into a lot of ship types.

t3 beds should respawn if you bring a body back to the bed. t2 respawns with degrading and t1 would be the best.

@hawkofthereborn43 - 18.05.2024 06:51

This invalidates the Apollo and other specific T1 medbay capable ships, Cutty reds were only supposed to be just a space ambulance. You can't get full medical care in an ambulance, just enough to keep you alive on the way to the hospital.

@axelmousti5812 - 18.05.2024 14:48

Hello sir, as we have realistic gunfights in the game game we did expected a realistic medical gameplay, like open the arm, fix the bones, close the arm, there you go, very simple T1, no need of fancy beds or insane resurection process. We need animations and internal bodies as bones and organs that with OCS sounds fairly light to support. It's not real gameplay until you can "put your hands" into it, wich is possible ONLY with gunfire atm, melee: rejected, salvage: rejected, repairs: said rejected and so on...
ATM we have 1 gameplay loop, wich is about firing weapons, and on the side we have beams to do everything else, wich is a bad copy past of the fight gameplay... Wich make the game forgetable within some hours as it's just another mere FPS.

@Snicklefritts - 22.05.2024 00:16

I think they added the new med bed thing to offset the MM debacle.. I dont like the new ARCADE style flight model

@DarkStarNova94 - 22.05.2024 04:13

The amount of spawns based on ship is a good idea and also allows you opening up fuel mechanics. As a solo i would love having the Nursa in my corsair if i had to refuel the regen bed after at the most 3 respawns. With that said it should be cheaper to call for help then buy fuel for your mobile clone generator.

@DarkStarNova94 - 22.05.2024 04:32

Make respawning "expensive" compared to calling for help. Respawning should be a thing for all the beds though. Use fuel that limits respawn usage so that it makes them use the beds to heal instead of just respwaning.

@blackhero911 - 25.05.2024 15:44

If you don't like it don't use it. I like to have an insurance policy when going into a heated combat area. It reminds me the movie Tom Cruise was in.... Edge of tommorow. This is a far future technology that I think we should have . Like androids with our conciousness in them or somethng like that. We every advantage against aliens or human enemies.

@ir8dudefpv - 26.05.2024 06:10

Can’t we all just have our cake and eat it as well?
(If my question causes you confusion then you are part of the problem)

@matrusdoubt6696 - 29.05.2024 20:23

Love your style and no-bullshit kind of information dispension.
Also your walking through the Reclaimer with backwards view is very skillful. By now I might be able to do it aswell. You have traversed those corridors to a sufficient amount of times ;)

@aka-47k - 31.05.2024 01:45

they should name the ressource you need for medbays : Soylent Green, its people after all!

@DavidRJones82 - 02.06.2024 16:09

Man… I want this to be fun. Not completely tedious. Respawning is a OK.

@Unit-ro6km - 04.06.2024 19:30

Have not seen a single medical beacon since this hit.

@Bullhead_JW - 22.09.2024 01:05

Absolutely ridiculous change. I don't even really do medical gameplay and this is just wrong. It completely and utterly defeats the point of larger ships. Why have any on board medical capabilities when if you're injured, you can just suicide and respawn in a Pisces anywhere? The entire point of bringing a ship with a T2 bed (typically larger ships) is that they act more like a mobile base for a group of players to be out further and be self sufficient. The game shouldn't just allow anyone to fly around in a C8R and just respawn at a bunker over and over and over again. It just takes away any reason to work as a team or wait for rescue if you're on your own. It takes a huge factor of risk away from harder content that would naturally reward a group taking a larger ship to tackle it. With this change, any single ship that can fit an Ursa or Pisces in it can now have full respawn capabilties. It's just wrong.

If this is just a temporary change to sell the Nursa, it is absolutely immoral.

If this is a temporary change to ease QOL while other systems are refined, I can get behind it.

If this is a permanent change, this is a MAJOR AND FOUNDATIONAL part of the game that they have ruined for convenience.
