The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce

The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce


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Madelayne Oporta
Madelayne Oporta - 20.09.2023 22:19

Our brain is hilarious, I've seen people being controlled, just injecting water instead of a real medicine when they are having anxiety attacks.....

Dumbo - 13.09.2023 10:35

But isn't it called the Nocebo Effect?

SJFBSJISSJSHDKK - 06.09.2023 23:36

Can I drink Fake Medicines (Sugar Pellets) and believe every day that my skin will be beautiful, and consequently, it will be beautiful?

Crystal 🌸
Crystal 🌸 - 04.09.2023 01:25

I'm watching this video as part of my General Biology course in college. I love watching this animated video that explains the history of what we know and use today. They're more informative than the live motion demonstrations.

Lazzy:3 - 29.08.2023 07:19

It does make sense even if u think about it naturally, we’re still animals, and what keeps us alive is our senses and ability avoid getting ourselves killed, that’s why we turn to fight or flight mode triggered by panic or stress, but let’s just say whatever issue u have has been resolved and suddenly that stress and panic/blood pressure goes down and your body is more regulated becuz emotions have a very strong effect on our physical health (same reason why intense stress can cause heart problems.). The issue may still be there but your brain is reacting differently now that it believes it’s being helped, and that will in turn lessen its signals of stress and strain on the body. Cuz afferall nothin in the body can work without signals from the brain.

Danl Hendle
Danl Hendle - 13.08.2023 02:02

But you know what's even more effective than the placebo?

Danl Hendle
Danl Hendle - 13.08.2023 01:55

You cant fake the placebo effect and they are perfectly safe with alcohol

DaReel DMT
DaReel DMT - 12.08.2023 02:14

Hmmm... Does this mean the Placebo somewhat correlates with religion and religious beliefs?

Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki - 05.08.2023 18:45

this is really dangerous, and much bugger than in just medicine,

Bailey Ryan и Никола Тесла
Bailey Ryan и Никола Тесла - 25.07.2023 15:53

I love this channel

Martin - 22.06.2023 19:23

The human mind is truly an enigma.

Ans Acak
Ans Acak - 13.06.2023 07:42

Then its self hypnosis?

Maximum Dube
Maximum Dube - 09.06.2023 10:38

It's a mind over matter thing! What the mind believes the body believes too! In English, the body is always ready to receive what the mind orders!

Jinnie L
Jinnie L - 16.05.2023 04:39

Once my mom told me drugs make you addicted to them and you can't stop. Placebos work the same way i thinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk. (I'm 9 okay?)

DavidGlennWilliamson - 30.04.2023 09:28

ask your government why they keep trying to make me mad when i got my math right......cuz I'm tired of trying to read all of their minds at the same time, to understand why they harass me.

TSMalini74 - 28.04.2023 10:52

Where shall i get this Placebo tablets? If anyone having idea, please send me the details

Movie Stuff
Movie Stuff - 23.04.2023 20:59

Btw, if you blow little kids wounds and they claim it feels better now, it's a perfect example of plasebo effect.

The United Wings
The United Wings - 22.04.2023 17:02

Amazing Video ❤

Alexis Starc and Baby Aaron Starc
Alexis Starc and Baby Aaron Starc - 22.04.2023 06:04

Nicolai Telsa overcame a fever when he was told he'd be allowed to pursue engineering.

reconnect2nature - 15.04.2023 20:10

The interesting "subject that lies behind our eyes" is not just the brain, but the True Self. If one seeks to realise what is there behind the eyes and brain, AND body and mind. Then you will start to understand the placebo effect...

A clue is 'maya' 😊🙏

David S.
David S. - 14.04.2023 20:48

This is how crystals, sage, moon water, spells, curses and hypnosis works.

Link The Fusky
Link The Fusky - 03.04.2023 03:51

when i was scared of the dark as a kid and couldnt sleep my mum gave me tic tacs and said they were sleeping pills that gave you good dreams, they worked for years and i asked her about the sleeping pills years later and she laughed and said they're just spearmint tictacs i was just too tired to leave the light on till you fell asleep and they were in my purse

VJ Shortnimation
VJ Shortnimation - 28.03.2023 17:27

Placebo = belive in something that it works for it to work... I guess

Sknidojegg Dojbejejnsf
Sknidojegg Dojbejejnsf - 28.03.2023 06:24

More lies to covering lies makes them feel good about themselves as they are that kind of “always right” stereotype

An Aspirant
An Aspirant - 25.03.2023 20:24

That way we can eat & drink whatever oily and junk food we want we just need to convince our brain that it's healthy and making our body stronger and it will make no harm right.

aeiou - 22.03.2023 14:10

Shhhh don't tell them

Sara Wilkinson
Sara Wilkinson - 20.03.2023 18:39

The mind is so incredible.

Bernard Saniga
Bernard Saniga - 19.03.2023 09:26

I'll test when myknew ankle stops cracking ten I'll believe it I know they can't fix it I need my focus medicine or I'll think of the 100s of people I need to kill

Bernard Saniga
Bernard Saniga - 19.03.2023 09:24

Placebo is for mental patients placebo a metitarcil bone fused and cracking knee ankle idiots these guys can't I want my meds I can see in my science testing

Rena Ding
Rena Ding - 12.03.2023 07:37

music is elite.

Howtosuck - 11.03.2023 21:58

It kinda works like a diying person wanting to see his family before they die and they do survive just to see their family not a placebo but the will

jub8891 - 27.02.2023 00:16

maybe this is why nothing ever happens to me.. because i believe in nothing

fiammetto - 24.02.2023 00:59

I prefer fake drugs for minor stuff

TAG David
TAG David - 23.02.2023 04:10

People really be like 'By the power of my imagination, I tricked my cells into synthesizing the chemicals I need to cure my diseases.'

Please, you aren't an anime character in Baki. Use Placebos as a form of relief, but don't even think for one second it'll substitute real medicine.

Ok 👍
Ok 👍 - 21.02.2023 05:56

You mean gazebos? 😒

Ani Babayan
Ani Babayan - 12.02.2023 22:08

Knowing about the Placebo Effect was a fascinating and eye-opening exploration. The description of the placebo effect's capacity to cause actual, visible changes in the human body despite the fact that it is not a "legitimate" therapy really caught my attention. It's  astonishing how important the mind-body link is for healing. This further demonstrates the fact that we are occasionally fooled by our own minds without even being aware of it. I hope the Placebo Effect could be applied to the treatment of those with serious illnesses like cancer.

Afolabi Samsudeen
Afolabi Samsudeen - 04.02.2023 21:53

Trivaricaine is a mixture of fake concoctions; fake concoctions that relieve pains!

guy with mustache and monocle
guy with mustache and monocle - 20.01.2023 10:09

placebo effect is like magic

Jude Drabble
Jude Drabble - 17.01.2023 14:46

Sugar 😳🧂

sparky7679 - 17.01.2023 03:04

What is the saying? “As you think so you become.”

be smart
be smart - 15.01.2023 16:56

I still don't get it. Can Placebo actually treat the disease itself or it just makes pain go away by releasing natural painkillers produced in the body???
Is it just a painkiller or it can actually treat the disease????????

TheLordShinnok - 09.01.2023 01:25

👎📹Ted Ed I😕Placebo shall please heals Nocebo⚰need more Placebo & Nocebo lessons placebo uneffective Worth Try again I rare visit🏥I👍all 💊.

cava guynh
cava guynh - 03.01.2023 17:31

cause we connected to the universe, and the universe is us

A guy always with a dark cloud above
A guy always with a dark cloud above - 30.12.2022 23:05

Now let's get back to the Homunculus!

dairo1 - 30.12.2022 06:52


Jean Baptiste
Jean Baptiste - 25.12.2022 04:28

The effect of a Noble, in a wheelchair, the invention of the chandala, the gravediggers of Indi. Defeated by the Antiquarian Riddle, for an "irish", a Georgian Caspian. Noahim.

Rosalie DeGregory
Rosalie DeGregory - 15.12.2022 04:28

It's the Power of Positive Thinking (often disparaged by those who haven't read Norman Vincent Peale's profound little book). It's the Law of Attraction (Law of Harmonic Resonance, I call it). This is a universal law which for me, is best taught by Abraham, a group channeled by Esther Hicks. It is also explained by the man whose work is perhaps the most important science of the past 100 years, the great biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, not only a brilliant scientist, but a delightful lecturer who discovered that our lives are not pre-determined by our DNA, but the DNA changes in a very dynamic way! Healing by Placebo Effect is not questionable. American Medical Association and Big Pharma money making schemes aren't either; they are absolutely, without doubt, diabolical.

Thanh Trúc
Thanh Trúc - 07.12.2022 17:16

Awarenesses give u strength to heal yourself

Thomas Johnson
Thomas Johnson - 23.11.2022 12:28

Placebo effect = Faith

Same thing!
