The Distributive Property ,Associative Property,and Commutative Property Explained Clearly

The Distributive Property ,Associative Property,and Commutative Property Explained Clearly

MooMooMath and Science

54 года назад

36,037 Просмотров

In this video, I explain each of these three properties and give examples that will help you understand their importance.
Video Guide
00:00 Introduction to Distributive Property
01:11 Example problem Distributive Property
02:36 Introduction Associative Property
03:10 Example problem Associative Property
05:35 Introduction Commutative Property
06:39 Example problem Commutative Property

Math Standard
7.NR.1.9 Apply properties of operations as strategies to solve multiplication and division problems involving rational numbers represented in an applicable scenario.

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Este video ha sido doblado al español con voz artificial con para aumentar la accesibilidad. Puede cambiar el idioma de la pista de audio en el menú Configuración.

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