Fallout Talk - Did Bethesda Ruin Power Armor?

Fallout Talk - Did Bethesda Ruin Power Armor?

Games Twice-Over

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Waldo - 22.09.2023 17:08

Is this even a question that needs answering? It's way better

SinnerBeta - 21.09.2023 15:26

F1-3 power armor were cool end game rewards, like plate armor in fantasy rpgs, but in the end they were just cool looking armored tshirts. F4 power armor introduced a new play style that required resources and management in return for the power, and felt great. The FC were a bit lame, but I'm not sure what I'd use instead to balance the PA.

While 1, 2 and NV are better games, 4 has my favorite PA system. As for Raider power armor it's purpose to me is the same as that of pipe weapons, it's the NPC option to be a step behind the PC's options.

Zerckon - 19.09.2023 22:31

While I really like f4's iteration of power armor from a gameplay perspective, there's one aspect that was not mentioned at all in this video, yet bothers me to no end : Using action points drains the fusion core, at an alarming rate ! I always thought that the fusion core, durability for power armor pieces and limitations for stealth along with a bigger hitbox were all parts of an effort to make power armor unique in combat and feel like a tradeoff between versatility and defence.

But the whole ap drain, from a gameplay perspective, in a game where you use said ap ALL THE TIME (seriously, who does not sprint at all in this game ?) is a very questionable decision that most definitly, makes power armor worse. Its like using power armor locks you out of half the gameplay : you can't sneak, move fast, use vats, power attack all because the fusion core drains stupidly fast if you do so.

I don't know if that thing is still a reality in f76, but I hope bethesda removes that awful fusion core drain on ap drain because its part of the reason why some people see power armor as baby mode in f4 ; you can't do anything, just walk and shoot, without needing a huge supply of cores, especially in survival mode where said cores weight a ton so it doesn't matter how many you actually have as you can only carry a few anyway.

Ironface53 - 19.09.2023 16:33

I think they did it proper justice. It's better than having it be glorified daedric armor in that old Oblivion engine

Akasha Fofo
Akasha Fofo - 17.09.2023 13:41

I wish it was more like endgame than handout in the first 20 minutes.

NickTatorship - 16.09.2023 23:19

It makes sense that the main character knows how to use it in fallout 4 but it should be much harder to get and not just instantly given to you in the first quest you get

Kaiser Franz Joseph
Kaiser Franz Joseph - 16.09.2023 13:58

the idea of power armor being more than a regular set of armor is interesting, but having to constantly get fusion cores just makes it annoying. If fusion cores where endless, the new power armor might even get close to the old style

WolfJarl - 15.09.2023 17:36

Much as I hate 76 with a passion, the sad thing is there were good ideas; the Excavator Power Armor actually being one of them; take the malleability and improvisational capability of a human worker with enhanced protection, in this case from physical harm and environmental hazards encountered in mining. Heck, imagine if they'd gotten the idea to use Power Armor for construction applications when it enhances strength and protects from harm, like falling from greater heights or all the various hazards one has to take into account during construction.

Let alone the simple fact that a lot of devices and tools we use even in reality during our day-to-day lives were initially developed for military application, even something as simple as super glue or even duct tape.

TheKnightGuy - 14.09.2023 04:36

Aside from the whole fusion cores thing. I found the bulky heft of FO4 armour just a masterpiece of design.

Andrew - 14.09.2023 00:46

I kinda miss the look and feel of the old Power armor but still like the look and feel of the new PA in Fallout 4...

VenimX - 13.09.2023 19:37

I love what FO4 did with power armor. It made it feel like you are really in power armor. In previous games it felt like just another suit of armor, but fallout 4 gave it that power feeling. It feels like you are a walking tank as you should since that is how power armor should feel.

Sepru Da Bojler
Sepru Da Bojler - 12.09.2023 15:36

Im in an ad but the answear is without a doubt yes

ImMrRev - 12.09.2023 03:06

Yes they did, and combat armor

Feito Puns
Feito Puns - 11.09.2023 21:07

no they didnt, they made it a functional power armor and not a costume like fallout 3 or fnv

PossyCo - 11.09.2023 04:40

You know the power armor stations where you can repair and mod them? Just make it to where putting your power armor there charges the fusion core inside. That way you only have to get a new fusion core if you; A: accidentally let it get to 0 percent charge or into the negative. B: get it too damaged/destroyed by enemies punching and shooting it. C: insert other reasons here. MAKE FUSION cores more reusable and recyclable. Maybe you could combine fusion cores for durability or modding, etc.

Kameraden - 10.09.2023 14:01

Honestly Fallout 4 saw the biggest improvement in Power Armor in Fallout's entire history... just it was executed so terribly.
1. Power Armor should of been far more RARE.
2. Power Armor should completely protect wearers until it starts to fall a part, making the destructible aspect of power armor, and enemies wearing power armor make sense.

I think those two changes would of did wonders for Power Armor in Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is literally the only Fallout game I use power armor in as well. Though Rarely, it's still more often then "NEVER" in Fallout 3 and NV.

metalgearfan - 09.09.2023 02:00

For all the problems people have with Fallout 4, it almost feels universally agreed upon that they completely hit a home run with the reworking of power armor.

knock - 08.09.2023 20:05

Fallout 4s power armour was the only good thing about that game. And its a pain in the ass because of fusion cores

Steven baker
Steven baker - 08.09.2023 01:59

No they really didn't ruin power armor. Having it as end game only equipment ficking sucks and the limitation makes it more valuable. They introduce it to help players understand the change and provide it at a critical moment that wpuld otherwise cream (shit players) early levels.

Anne O'Nymous
Anne O'Nymous - 07.09.2023 13:18

I rarely use power armor. With the right mods, you can get normal armor as powerful, if not moreso. It's slow, heavy, noisy and has to be repaired constantly.

Anne O'Nymous
Anne O'Nymous - 07.09.2023 13:16

I'll bring up 2 points in their favor. 1) The original power armor, at least in science fiction, was from Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" and the way it is described comes close to what Bethesda cooked up. 2) In keeping with the 1950s aesthetic, Bethesda's power armor is on the spot. Need to equip an army of minutemen with power armor? Get your sneak and pickpocket up to 3. Go into sneak mode behind a brotherhood paladin and pickpocket his fusion core. He'll step out of the armor and walk away. Now its yours.

Aced - 06.09.2023 19:26

Tbh i just neglect the T-45 in Fallout 4.. i just use it to pick up the Minigun then i get out and leave it there... However my BOS T-60 is something i use regularly for when i wanna explore more dangerous areas

Gar - 06.09.2023 16:47

I like Fallout 4's power armor better because it actually feels like power armor instead of just another armor. On the contrast it is way too easy to get it

poshel naxui
poshel naxui - 06.09.2023 10:13

Did nissan ruin the 35th skyline?

Oliver Hogan
Oliver Hogan - 06.09.2023 00:46

just wish you didn't get it within the first or second quest of fallout 4

Beephus - 05.09.2023 09:47

fallout 4 shouldnt need to get a perk for power armor training, everyone seems to forget he was in the military and most likely would have extensive experience with power armor

The Green Gamer
The Green Gamer - 05.09.2023 07:09

i was playing fallout 3 (first time btw) and found a group of outcast soldiers with power armor and laser weapons i swear to you with my baseball bat i beat them all to death only using 6 stimpacks and left with a sliver of health left
edit: forgot to mention i was level 1 and just left the vault

fly1ng papaya
fly1ng papaya - 05.09.2023 03:28

Bethesda ruined fallout. All trash after fo2

REEZY - 02.09.2023 17:20

In fallout 3 and new Vegas: power suit just kinda feel like a scrap metal armor and just kinda bored because you can alway fix it if you are rich

Ty - 02.09.2023 07:18

the explanation I personally adopt about why power armor takes fusion core is a mix of the fusion cores being fuel reasoning, and that due either misunderstanding or it being a long while since the war, people of the wastes grew to assume that fusion cores were batteries instead of just fuel, another bit i personally add in is that fusion cores also contain not only the fuel but the capabilities to quickly start the reactor in the suits (sort of like with the beryllium agitator with liberty prime and the institute reactor but on a much smaller scale)

That One Guy from Stab
That One Guy from Stab - 02.09.2023 05:51

Power Armor before Fallout 4 was a suit, it felt kinda nice just because the story behind it, the training needed to use it, and all that.

But Fallout 4's gameplay with Power Armor was astronomically better then any of the previous games.

Roon Kolos
Roon Kolos - 01.09.2023 17:34

When i first heard power armor and saw it, i imagine wearing a tank and being as sturdy as one

Its why i love the FO4 power armor and even the 76 one BUT change the fusion core thing and it makes it that much better

WKD R - 01.09.2023 15:16

Sole survivor was in military so he probably knew

TECHNOLOGIC HMM - 01.09.2023 03:51

To me fallout 4 has the best power armor

C0RRUPT ED - 31.08.2023 17:04

Didn't even watch the video. But I can say with confidence, no.

twobearshighfiving - 31.08.2023 11:28

I don't mind Raider PA, because the ramshackle look helps world-building and role-play, 2 things modern BethSoft seem to struggle with, the real issue is the T-45 being served on a platter

Cinderan Magnus
Cinderan Magnus - 31.08.2023 09:45

I'd say thats the only thing they improved

Ah yes
Ah yes - 30.08.2023 23:05

The lack of training is the only thing I dislike

Connor Thompson
Connor Thompson - 30.08.2023 17:11

Honestly Bethesda ruined just about everything with Fallout 4 and 76

Catgaming - 30.08.2023 08:57

And keep in mind the main character of Fallout 4 survived (200) years not 100 but 200 years in a cryo chamber

Catgaming - 30.08.2023 08:50

I dont think they ruined it i think they improoved it

Skitsophobia - 30.08.2023 05:52

Is it just me, or is his voice super relaxing?

Nicz - 28.08.2023 19:01

The Lore Friendly PA mod for FO4 is great for that.
It makes the T-45 from Concord useless since its FC Ejection System is damaged and once you run out of your FC till a certain threshhold the Frame explodes. It mostly lasts for the Deathclaw fight but after that your Frame is gone.

It also makes Raider Armor extremely useful as an early game alternative. Its not the best and breaks quickly from something thats not a Raider or heavy melee attacks but it can be repaired with armorer 2 instead of 3.

It also reduces your incoming damage extremely until the armor is destroyed like an actual Tank.

Playing a mod list atm and Armorer 3 is locked at around level 30ish which makes all other frames (even the 45) a one time use if you are lucky to get armor parts that are in good condition

Ingrid Mace
Ingrid Mace - 28.08.2023 06:49

About the power armor in fo4 being a frame that you put the armor on, it's the united states we're taking about, a country that, when it comes to armor, always prioritized logistics and a chassis that can reveive further modifications, just look back at ww2, the m4 sherman and how many different versions came from it ( there were more than 50 iterations of the sherman tank! ), which in itself, had most of its chassis coming from the m3 lee, which later in the war, after the implementation of the sherman, was turned into the m7 priest, so yeah, power armor being an exoesqueleton designed to have the armor pieces latched onto it is 110% believable and logical for the United States, this way, it is also easier to repair, mantain and replace any specific piece of the armor

In fact, this is how some parts of the sherman tank worked, if it received a blow on its tracks, turret, certain sections of its main body armor or most of its internal components, the mechanics could just take those out and put in brand new pieces, this is how many knocked out shermans returned to the frontlines in less than a week

NCR_trooper-69 - 27.08.2023 19:23

How to break Fallout 1?
Toughness (2) Power armor
Deathclaws critically hit you for no damage

De Paula Caldeira Lucas
De Paula Caldeira Lucas - 26.08.2023 20:37

People talk about power armor lile is some kidm of mech that need piloting skills.....is an ARMOR for christ sake, is not that hard to use if it is working

Alex H
Alex H - 25.08.2023 23:54

The lucky charms flash for half a second had me dying 🤣

Jarvijj - 24.08.2023 17:36

yes they did
