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@b0nesaww - 03.12.2023 00:49

i wasn’t a killer in this situation, but me and my friends went against a brutal bubba. i was the last one left and i knew hatch was on the other side of the map, so i let him close it while i was opening the gate on the opposite end. when he found me, the door was opening and i had ran out. i told him gg and he started to accuse me of lag switching and “opening the gate in 15 second” - even though i don’t use any perks in my build that allow me to do so.

@FionaGoode - 26.11.2023 06:53

lol you are so salty

@whatsaname1227 - 25.11.2023 03:07

Notice who’s enjoying themselves more

@HuntedHydraGaming - 17.11.2023 19:59

If it wasnt for the report I'd have just brought it up to frustrstion but...I'm more confused by "That's bugged" if anything

@CARCINOHARDKISU - 17.11.2023 16:51

i have only 3000 hours on DBD and honestly... I'm alrealy at a point that i dont care anymore, not that i was salty before but i used to take the game more seriously on a competitive way. I CAN'T IMAGINE having 6000 hours and still beein mad and taking the game personally... Like zzzzzzzzzz aren't they bored of beein angry all the time?

@dannycarr1779 - 16.11.2023 22:06

I had a situation where a survivor DCd after I used doctors ability once

@kushybunny8026 - 12.11.2023 14:23

If i haven't found you three years ago I would be that survivor and your videos helped me see the fun in the game more than frustration. Thank you for making these type of videos to help new players or older players learn just to have fun❤❤

@goldenwolfae - 28.10.2023 22:38

its so much more fun to play like its a horror game when playing survivor than being a lil tryhard about it

@TheDiamondHit - 25.10.2023 10:23

Not gonna lie, the first clip is me. Hard to remember, but I'm pretty sure this was the second stream of the day and I was a bit heated. But the reason I reported was the possibility of a lag switch because I ran into a few during that time. I obviously don't think you're lag switching lol. I wasn't trying to false report when I was reporting because that hit looked so odd to me during that time. But I guess it was just BHVR. No hate tho.

@theladymerc9513 - 13.10.2023 15:30

I’ve had hits like that where I’ve dropped a pallet and the killer still hit me. It just happens honestly

@phlojem285 - 09.10.2023 08:54

Months ago, maybe even at the start of the year, I was playing as Death Slinger. I went up against a 3man SWF, and one of those players decided to body block while I was chasing and they had somehow forgotten I had MAKE YOUR CHOICE active on the body blocker. Afterwards he went into my Twitch chat and started getting pissy with me. Even though he called me names and shit, I just timed him out and deleted messages but I refuse to ban him because every time he shows up I cannot stop laughing at him

I never knew how much joy it would give me to live rent free in a dudes head. I could be getting ass blasted by the most toxic swf imaginable, but with this absolute loser in my chat I just have the biggest smile on my face!

@teflonhammer3465 - 08.10.2023 22:19

bro the ENTIRE time he said you were lagging there should have been the little knife icon that indicates poor killer connection on his screen

@preyingtig3r493 - 07.10.2023 02:20

Not trying to insult the salty TTV but.... they sounded like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs

@Vulpecula-Enfield - 02.10.2023 03:58

I agree with you. I have been listening to your advice and I believe that it has helped me be a better player as both Killer and Survivor. It's thanks to your videos that I decided to check the things I've done in matches. I am guilty of slapping a survivor on a hook. After learning that it was toxic behaviour. I've stopped doing that and have received a lot of positive responses from some of the survivors I played against. Win or lose, I still congratulate them for giving me a challenge. And, I'm thanking you SpooknJukes for helping me catch this bad behaviour beforehand. Your videos do help. Thank you again.

@ItsJustTom - 29.09.2023 21:40

the joke is if the killer lags. Isnt there an icon on top of the survivors head that shows the killer lags?

@ImJustDragonOkay - 29.09.2023 03:55

TheRamblinWolf is AWESOME to watch. Thank you for the recommendation!! I love finding new people, and they were live when I saw this video. I've been watching for a while and they are SUPER positive and fun to watch and so are all of their friends they play with.
So silly when people blame their mistakes on the killer. Sometimes I just make bad choices!! And therefore I go down! It's a game, have fun people!

@ZekeAssassin - 28.09.2023 10:46

Had a killer be salty cause me and another person was in comms lol

@Pierogi_Trash - 26.09.2023 21:30

Recently i was playing trapper and shredded a group of TTVers. At one point one of them kept pointing to the hook and i said to myself, "why? I just hooked you." Then hooked her again thinking she wanted out.

I joined her stream and asked why she wanted hook. She told me she was trying to show respect to my puppers charm. 😢

She was super respectful and funny, she laughed about the misunderstanding. She was not bent out of shape at all. Im a follower and subscribe to her now.

Crazy wholesome vibes, even if shes frustrated. Attitude is everything.

@GamerModz123 - 25.09.2023 19:21

Is lag switching actually common on this game? I just got it the other day and have had several weird lag moments but I haven't seen a lag switcher in over 10 years. Whenever I watch content creators in the DBD space I see people bring up lag switching at least once in the video or comments. Is it really that bad in DBD?

@brycebraley3845 - 25.09.2023 13:52

@spooknjukes9886 I had a killer procced his first game on to tunnel me out and throw hooks at me in basment and then watch and wait and say he did this to himself. I was trying to get a sneaky blind because I thought it would be cool of course on a huntress it's not easy. But I was at the top of the skull merchants death house and trying to blind him from far away for 10 seconds. Then got tunneled out.

@blboy129 - 24.09.2023 16:20

I know you aren't cheating or anything but if I was killer and I hit from there I'd be questioning my own ping xD

@sevricklayton6003 - 23.09.2023 18:07

I got a suspension on Xbox after being reported for cheats because of infinite tier 3

@hexkiwi - 22.09.2023 18:14

A survivor prolly has blamed me for their mistake, but I played dbd on Switch for a long time, before going to PS5 so idk if they blamed me or not. 🤷🏽‍♀️😂

@Deadpool-en8lv - 22.09.2023 13:16

“Why are people allowed to play while lagging” as if anyone wants to play while lagging

@soysauceballs6217 - 22.09.2023 08:36

Actually have a good look and you'll see that when he swung the blade the swing radius was no where near the nea. This is the sort of shit that the devs need to fix.. like when you fault and the killers weapon swings threw the walls

@jakethesancho7302 - 22.09.2023 01:31

I hope the one accusing you of lag switching had a better day after this.

Hope they’re not feeling any type of way after seeing this. They just sound frustrated, some chose to blame others for their own mistakes because it’s easier. I hope they get to a state in their life where they recognize that. I just hope they don’t feel shamed for feeling an emotion. Kinda wish you did leave their handle in. I would go follow and spread good energy.

Wish the narration in the video told a more positive story. But that’s video games I guess 😂

@ChowChow1617 - 22.09.2023 01:24

save the best for last evil laugh insert

@user-vd5gv9ri9z - 21.09.2023 23:21

"Why are you allowed to play if your lagging?" My brain hurts so much

@DeletedUserAccount - 21.09.2023 18:47

never happened to me. but thats because I only ever get console players in my lobby who cant type.

@lycceto - 21.09.2023 18:17

I had a Billy game a couple days ago. I’m running Lethal, BBQ, UltiWeapon, Bitter Murmurs, and double boots. I’m transparently there for silly chainsaw snipes. I get Cowshed, which I’m not super confident on with the extra clutter from the rework and even if I was, three of the survivors were real good at getting out of the way and really good in chase (the fourth guy dc’d after getting chainsawed at the beginning because he was caught in the open with no cover during my first chase). I don’t get much of anything done that game, I’m getting looped real good, but I’m having fun so no worries. Then one of them majorly fucks up by double vaulting at cowtree. They get no distance and go down next to the last gen that’s at 99% but it’s the boy working on it so that scares the bot away (please fix this, BHVR). I hook the person next to the gen and see the other two people healing on the other end of the map. I down the bot, then open a locker for Ultimate Weapon and get two screams from the other two. One of them runs into some rocks and wasn’t quite 99’ing her sprint burst so goes down, then the other stays next to the hook and shack and starts looping me there. She eventually goes down because there’s no pallet and the window’s facing the corner so she can’t make any distance. So everyone is down so I can finally get started hooking. Nobody wiggles and I win by the barest thread.

I say ggwp in the chat, because they really did all play really well up until the couple mistakes they made snowballed really bad. I said they all played really well. But the person who messed up first just gets really, really mean about it all. They called me dogshit at the game, they boasted and bragged dying I was so easy to loop, and I only one because I slugged and camped for an easy win. Then they said I was unlikable and that they hoped I would die unloved.

And they said something about my discord mod being garbage which I still don’t understand what that was even referring to.

And that was a real downer of an ending to a fun and tense game.

@roxycattv8498 - 21.09.2023 18:04

I love the positive streamer you showed! I felt that jumpscare she had and love the attitude she brought to the match. I've had sooo many killers scare me when I'm inevitably by a hook! But it's always great fun to play with wholesome people like you guys!

@maxtreacy8474 - 21.09.2023 12:50

nope i just dont play killer

@loopgodjohansen - 21.09.2023 11:54


@Zarina_Denmark - 20.09.2023 22:08

Ohhh Yaah. Every time I play killer. I always have someone who is angry with me. Always me who makes mistakes. Never the survivor.............. But I don't see why the ttv reports you. You can clearly see that you hit the survivor, and now knock down pallets afterwards.... I've seen other strange things in dbd.. But yes. There's always someone complaining in that game... And it's sad...

@chlofiDBD - 20.09.2023 20:09

Another DougDoug classic

@kylereaves4378 - 20.09.2023 13:43

Hahaha what a trash ttv

@rjseven - 20.09.2023 08:57

Love the thumbs up person. I have gotten a ton of gg's and positive messages from the community and tried showcasing that in a video. Glad to see the positive when the negative can feel so overwhelming some times

@EXOTIZ - 20.09.2023 06:48

he looks and sound like the Penguinz0 but Dbd version

@Jaszzzzzzz - 20.09.2023 05:51

What’s his second channels name I can’t find it

@LocalMemeFarmer - 19.09.2023 22:52

I remember getting yelled at by the survivors post-game as Huntress b/c I got two separate hits on them where I just managed to clip them at very awkward angles. I was neither lagging nor cheating, I just got very lucky and was surprised that I got either of the hits that I did.

@Letycs - 19.09.2023 22:28

While I don't disagree with the overall message, I don't think that was a good example of camping a pallet where they got hit through it. The options were throw it early to make distance and killer just walks around, don't throw it at all and keep running (the killer will catch up faster than you can make it to another loop or back around to the same pallet) or wait a moment around the corner (pretending you kept going) to get a stun and make the most distance.. which is the right answer in that scenario.. which is what they did and they got got by latency.

Even if you look at the fact that you swung before the pallet dropped, the swing only connected after you had finished swinging. Like a Freddy lunge. Even when I play killer I see it and it's totally BS for a swing to connect after the animation finishes.

@Erica-tx9cp - 19.09.2023 22:15

I just went thru a match with 3 hackers, literally healing in lockers and just sitting in lockers, ridiculous 🙄🤦‍♀️

@malevolentghost5734 - 19.09.2023 21:55

Saying you shouldn’t be allowed to play if you’re lagging is so - entitled and bratty? Sorry not everyone has a 2k gaming setup with top tier connection pal-

@Justlov4 - 19.09.2023 21:30

First person is obviously not having fun. First game and they already sound drained. This game can cause you to burn out and you need to know when to step away. Doesn't seem like he knows how to do that. I love DBD but sometimes I get game after game where it is just not going well and sometimes I'm not in the mental space to brush it off. So I do something else. No shame in it. But I have played comp and just for fun. So I understand both sides. Wanting to win and wanting to just vibe. If something doesn't happen game after game it can be draining. The way I've kept in the headspace of the second streamer of just enjoying the game for what it is is by learning to step away when I need to or laughing when I vault into a killer or making goofy plays. In the end it is just a game. There is no need to get upset and potentially ruin your day over a few matches that you won't remember in a week. Just yesterday I had a person go off on me I'm end game chat because I chased him a few times in the game. I told him it was because he was the best looper and I appreciated the chase and that I was still going to let him live which is why I left him slugged to get picked up again. I was kind and he was like oh usually people are mad at me and apologized for being so upset during end game once I explained myself. Usually you just need to be nice to others and be nice to yourself and if the game is getting to you that you need to report or are getting angry then just step away. ❤️

@ItsAGF - 19.09.2023 19:27

"Why the killer fast" bros using hope mft resilience and windows. Lil bro is not even playing the game himself at that point

@FerventLotus - 19.09.2023 19:19

"Every pallet I throw should be successful. That ONE time I threw too late was because of lag switching. Let's report the killer."

@CosmicBolide - 19.09.2023 19:15

Unfortunately for dbd not having a way to rewatch a match you played to see what happened stuff like that hit happens so fast and stuff it’s hard to tell which leads people to report which sucks but the devs rather add things and remove things rather then fix lag issues or de-sync a problem the games had for a few years now lol

@Dr.Faustus. - 19.09.2023 18:52

Can't believe you cheated
I'm 5 seconds into the vid btw

@Lina-ke4jq - 19.09.2023 18:20

Thank you for reminding us how to have fun in this game❤ sometimes, atleast for me, it can get really frustrating but you stay reminding me its all about my mindset!

@Prazca - 19.09.2023 18:11

bro sounds like hes working his 9-5
