Relational database index vs. NoSQL index

Relational database index vs. NoSQL index

Gaurav Sen

5 лет назад

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Thomas Yorkshire IV
Thomas Yorkshire IV - 22.06.2023 09:31

What is the point of having a balanced BST inside every bucket of a hash map? Why not just have one balanced BST and not use a hash map at all? In the worst case you're still having O(log(n)) time. Is it because in the best case you have O(1) time? That seems kind of weird.

Rising Dad
Rising Dad - 01.06.2023 06:47

He's right about hanging in there. I knew a lot of people in college who basically didn't know anything about software development. I mean, they didn't know what a pointer was and all the classes were in c++. They didn't know what a dot did in C++ or Java in " value".trim(). I asked how they were going to get a job and they said if they apply 100 places, someone will take them. Sure enough, they were right.

Tridip Chakraborty
Tridip Chakraborty - 10.04.2023 20:48

Thanks a lot for the motivation at the end - "Hang in there and stay patient". Made my day. ( wrt to my current job hunting situation)

A-H - 21.10.2022 05:38

OMG I've been asked the hashtable implementation question in one of my interview. If I've encountered this video earlier last week, I would have a better solution for that question :/

PaperGuns - 11.01.2022 00:30

Another excellent, fun, and engaging lesson. Thank you again. I laughed several times and to enjoy the learning is a bonus.

Hari Sridhar
Hari Sridhar - 25.06.2021 05:11

Hi Gaurav - thanks for reviewing the hashmaps again in the context of quick memory retrieval; I've seen a lot of emphasis across places on coding a good hash function, but not making sure your keys are randomly uniformly-distributed!

Abbas Hussain
Abbas Hussain - 06.02.2021 03:06

the wallpaper at the back is upside down and i can’t unsee it

박종선 - 23.09.2020 15:55

Please enable CC button for auto-generated subtitle so that I can understand more.

hardik - 26.06.2020 16:44

Hi gaurav,
In a interview i was asked a question-
Q1: A file have 1 billion records(key,value)pairs and we have 4gb RAM how do we store in a hashmap,
Q2 : A file have 1 billion records(key,value) pairs. if the user have to access a records with key somewhere in middle of file, how can we access it faster?

M O - 25.06.2020 20:14

In a SQL database,s you can combined index of India, gender, city like so:

CREATE INDEX index_name
ON table_name(India, gender, city);

Then you have the index you will be looking for and your statemen is no longer true.

Rahul - 13.06.2020 22:44

Sometimes it seems like I'm watching it in 1.25x😂 you're really fast

Karan Pandya
Karan Pandya - 23.05.2020 13:22

Amazing video.... nice background music..

Mayank Ranjan
Mayank Ranjan - 08.05.2020 04:36

We can use BTree as well. That would be faster though. Indexing also internally uses that.

Varun Mundale
Varun Mundale - 19.04.2020 19:12

Wow! Why can't we apply same concept on traditional SQL to collapse complexity from O(n) to O(log n) ?

Raghvendra Mishra
Raghvendra Mishra - 30.03.2020 17:26

That's exactly what Java 8 has done with HashMap implementation which now converts the bucket into a Red Black Tree after reaching the threshold of 8 elements and converts it back to a linked list after reaching 6 elements with better performance.

Vj Ar
Vj Ar - 20.01.2020 09:51

Your videos are awesome as always! Hitting "like" specifically since I am a big fan of Pink Floyd! Great reference dude! I really admire the effort you put in for content creation and editing as well!

Bolly Dhamaka
Bolly Dhamaka - 12.12.2019 22:17

"its going to work out! Just hang in there and stay patient"

VINIT DANTKALE - 18.10.2019 15:23

Hey, I had kind of same interview question. I wanted to ask if B-Tree or any modification in B-Tree is a good choice?
