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@xayah3943 - 27.02.2025 14:25

ah yes 8 free chests and 2 on paid bpass ACT so 60 a year..surely they willl be put to good use while 90% of them will be utterly irrelevant rewards. Amazing returnal of the chests

@mikalpatric6703 - 27.02.2025 14:26

This is just a strategy to give us something worse in return. Those who don't play 4-5 hours daily won't get all the chests. Since I play 2-3 games per day at most I will do just half of the pass and get 4-5 chests.... with the old system I would get the maximum amount easily (this system helps one tricks that play unhealthy amounts of hours of league)

Keep the boycott until we actually get what we wanted!

@brazilian-lucky-guy - 27.02.2025 14:45

I won't come back to that bullshit

@ClaymorePlayTime - 27.02.2025 14:56

Nooooo the broke people won. Lol

@shinso8936 - 27.02.2025 15:19


@Myczuch - 27.02.2025 15:26

Wait so should we sell our champ shard now for better value?

@phamhonglam496 - 27.02.2025 15:45

nah they just want to neft hextech chest,so they remove it and give it back.nice one lol

@lakk5259 - 27.02.2025 15:48

i thought you couldn't bully a company

@Deme_Diora666 - 27.02.2025 16:00

What happened to them being unsustainable tho…

@GrabielMadeko - 27.02.2025 16:13

It's not about us, is about how many people dropped off the game last weeks

@Himitsuuu - 27.02.2025 16:43

Wouldnt call that much of a win based on how they are reimplemented. They will also take up the space in the battlepass leasing the battlepass with less overall value.

@CallMeTeci - 27.02.2025 17:22

Nothing will change. They will just raise the currency-prices again (as they did several times now) and will attempt the same at a later date or find a different way to f people over.

@DevilWearsAdidas - 27.02.2025 17:41

inb4 they aren't giving keys out anymore xD

@Fiercehowler - 27.02.2025 17:50

bullying works
i was spamming every facebook post with negative comments and reactions

@sanyisasha - 27.02.2025 18:45

I really hope one day they will introduce skin trading. At least in a type of trading a same tier skin to another same tier skin. Especially because of the randomness. Would be really cool if I want to main a champ, I could trade my not used champ skins to that.

@ungezoockt - 27.02.2025 18:55

Remember the devs and talk people of riot didnt make those inital decisions, dont harass them.

@rogamingz206 - 27.02.2025 19:00

Its still a lose2x thing, removed honor capsules and so many gacha thing. My shop too

@avirdis - 27.02.2025 19:08

now we annoy them into giving us more chests cuz of what they just did

@neodim4055 - 27.02.2025 19:20

Best way to wake up from a 6 hour nap

@bohanxu6125 - 27.02.2025 19:41

How many game companies create entire new game mode like Arena and TFT nearly every year?
How many companies commit millions of dollor to make actual good TV series, instead of simply using the brand itself to attract money without making good product?
How many companies constantly update the game to a point of making several new champions every year with entirely new mechanics? (like mordikaser ult, veigo possess, akashan revive, aphileos weapon switch, neeko clone, aroura ult/hex gate, despite the risk of breaking the game with the new mechanism and creating bugs)?
.... and keeping the game free to play? Riot is one of the most ethnical gaming company in my opinion.
Bethesda releases the same game, Skyrim, like ten times already. It tries to monopolize moding through creation club while charging 2 dollors for a mod with just a single weapon skin. Riot is really one of the most ethnical gaming company. The problem is that league player base is toxic, and the ones who are not so toxic still like to complain a lot. Riot was literally giving player free cosmedic! The player base is declining so riot is earning less revenue. However, Riot is still spending a lot of money, since Riot is committed to new content like arena, TFT, and Arcane (cost of creating new champion and game mode is independent of number of players). Reducing the amount of free skin to keep the revenue constant (with a declining player base), is pretty understandable/reasonable. League players should understant they tend to over complain. It's sad to see Riot, a rarely decently ethnical company, keep be labelled a villain.

@Xanit - 27.02.2025 19:47

This is still a nerf, intentionally making it leveled out so everyone gets the same number of chests, not tied to their effort towards getting them.

And I'm still not seeing them revert the changes from Blue Essence to IP, which was much more plentiful and useful because you actually earned it from playing the game.

Not to mention if you unlock more champions (easier with halved pricing) they can force permanent skins gotten from skin shard rerols to be claimed immediately even if you would rather disenchant them. This encourages players to be even less effic8ent in their manipulation of the systems.

@itsgangsgamer - 27.02.2025 20:57

Audentes fortuna iuvat!!!!!!!!!

@MMOStars - 27.02.2025 22:08

This is insane man.

@juliencesttous6633 - 27.02.2025 22:28

"It turns out that bullying Riot actually works"
Is a sentence that should be remembered

@witchinggecko4271 - 27.02.2025 22:47

Can't wait for the next regular skins costing $500 and are locked behind gacha so they can make up for the losses, created by chests

@Nebesko1990 - 27.02.2025 23:55

They felt that Liandryn Torment burn down their bank acc😂

@eifiethemeep - 28.02.2025 00:27

we did not win, do not fall for riot’s manipulation tactics

@moontim4620 - 28.02.2025 03:09

I rerolled my skins and got hextech chest last week, was wondering why. Now i know

@LazyRittz - 28.02.2025 04:34

I hope people aren't stupid enough to fall for it and come crawling back. This company can fuck off

@mozzy2968 - 28.02.2025 05:04

But they still took away the level up rewards and the free orbs though didn't they. Its feels like they just took hextech chests away with the rest so we's get mad, then give the chests back to make us happy and forget the other stuff...

@T1dichnoyeah - 28.02.2025 05:04

sida hahaha

@hywong5332 - 28.02.2025 06:53

LMAOOOOOO after all these effort it's really back

@parth6615 - 28.02.2025 08:43


@arufaasashin5137 - 28.02.2025 09:00

Let's make them 1 for every champ s tier match again!

@yerearth - 28.02.2025 09:50

Guys, i want to make sure that this is understood. While yes, chests are back, this is a nerf to progression

We are receiving 8 hextech chests in the pass in place of 2 guaranteed skins
-hextech chests have a 50% chance to drop a skin shard
-3 skin shards are required to form a random skin

This means that we have the odds to receive 4 skin shards, or 1 and 1/3 of a skin each act (~2 months)
-This is a 33% nerf to progression, or 17% nerf to progression with the following argument

I want to make sure you all understand that this is a nerf Even when adding the 2 chests from honor, this will still equate to ~5 skin shards, or 1 and 2/3 skin. While we got chests back, we have sacrificed guaranteed skins and are worse off for progression than we were than when chests were removed.

Additionally, the non-prestige skin being replaced with 25 mythic essence is also a nerf. A random skin has always been worth 30 mythic essence, as a random skin shard was worth 10 mythic essence in the old mythic shop.
-This is a 17% nerf to progression

I am incredibly grateful that champ cost is being halved, but we still have huge issues here
-champion shards are no longer obtainable through leveling up beyond level 30, and we only get a scarce amount of blue essence via the pass and capsules present within it.
-champ shards offered a flat discount of 40% discount to ALL champions.

While we now have a universal 50% total discount on champions, which is 10% more than champ shards offered, we have nowhere near as much obtainable blue essence as we had before.

The consensus is that this is not the buff you all think it is. We are still much worse off than we were in season 14, and we are actually worse off for skin progression in act 2 than we were in act 1.

@aliagha.huseynli - 28.02.2025 09:51

As a child, you would wait and watch from far away

@jagorit3767 - 28.02.2025 12:53

Try not to forget the fact that they emphatically did not care, not about the playerbase or about whats healthy for the game. They lied about virtually everything, said things werent feasible financially, then gave it anyway? They act like a criminal organization in every way shape and form.

@petermuller6524 - 28.02.2025 15:28

Hextech Chest

@Shjeshje - 28.02.2025 15:42

They aren't doing this because they felt bad or care about the community or anything of the sort. They saw a dip in sales and players and realized it was going to affect their bottom line in a bad way. Screw them. We'll never have nice things if people keep supporting these practices.

@aldecotan - 28.02.2025 18:31

I mean... what's stopping them from lowering the chance of a skin or a champ drop?

@firespawnie537 - 28.02.2025 18:55

Profit and playerbase got lower i guess so they bring em back. I stopped playing for a while because of the damn ranking near 50% winrate matchmaking system. I play really well my champ and role. If i get 53% win rate , i will have monkeys in my team guaranteed until i reach near 50% again. If i get 48-49% i will have four Fakers in my team until i reach 50% again. That's stupid.

@-elds-khalil5359 - 28.02.2025 19:18

Good try

Don't repeat it again or else 🙂🙂

@michaelcorola8420 - 28.02.2025 20:41

So giving away imginary things was affordable in the first place

@nqnqnq - 28.02.2025 23:03

hopefully the majority of the player base won't forget their treatment and neither forgive

@achrafkabbous - 01.03.2025 18:33

Yoooo why is daisy procing on hits??!!!

@bigpinut2386 - 01.03.2025 19:36

I dont believe it was that easy, i bet the sistem
Will be shit from now on

@bigpinut2386 - 01.03.2025 19:37

They will have to make their money elswhere

@Xayaez96 - 02.03.2025 14:47

And now we want capsules back 😂

@zzzztito7925 - 03.03.2025 15:29

Why are you happy now you have to buy battle passes to get chest, that’s a scam . Wake up they just want your money

@Vandiril - 26.02.2025 20:11

10 CHESTS PER ACT = 60 CHESTS PER YEAR (honestly better than expected)
Also Clash will be each month again, instead of every 2 months (forgot to mention that)
