big 4 work week in my life! day trip to austin for work, spring haul, staying busy

big 4 work week in my life! day trip to austin for work, spring haul, staying busy

Abby Asselin

2 года назад

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@fruitpuncher7667 - 21.04.2022 03:20

queen youre providing this week 😩

@erikahipps - 21.04.2022 04:13

I personally love just seeing your real life! Fun to see how others live!

@davidparnell3241 - 21.04.2022 04:33


@HayleySmith01 - 21.04.2022 04:37

i feel the same way about my home vlogs buuuut girlll don’t even stress yours have always been interesting to me & i like to think of it as we really are just showing reality!

@vp951 - 21.04.2022 04:41

Love seeing your real life! Thanks for the videos!! ❤️

@joyleenstrozier4295 - 21.04.2022 04:51

Wow!!! beautiful!!

@cheeseandsprinkles77 - 21.04.2022 05:03

I know you’ve been wanting to hang stuff on your walls since you’ve moved in, I think your bedroom would look great with battery powered wall sconces/lamps from amazon! like the ones that attach to your wall. You have high ceilings and the short lamp with the bed frames shrinks it. Battery powered ones higher up above your nightstand would add some balance!

@mirandaalexis - 21.04.2022 05:11

i feel ya with the working out for mental clarity

@peilin44 - 21.04.2022 05:17

ugh I needed this, I always look forward to your vlogs!

@tonynguyen6181 - 21.04.2022 06:22

the way i clicked on this vlog so fast haha

@nanawordie7967 - 21.04.2022 06:28

I'm suprised your company doesn't recruit at The University of Houston or Rice ! Also your vlogs aren't boring

@bekkkabby - 21.04.2022 07:28

I don't think your vlogs are boring! feels like we are just hangin out

@erikahernandez8463 - 21.04.2022 07:31

also love button down shirts <33 love ur vlogssss <3

@lofiru6017 - 21.04.2022 08:28

Thanks for sharing :) 🥺 You earned a sub :)) Btw I make music for vlogs that you can use! So come check it out :) - lofiru

@faith_friend - 21.04.2022 09:08

I love your video’s gorgeous x

@taycrums - 21.04.2022 11:42

girl have u tried the abercrombie curve love jeans? they are LIFE CHANGING!!!!!!! only things that fit me right and make me feel confident in jeans!

@samanthaanne1056 - 21.04.2022 13:14

TOVOLA is legit the best y’all

@juliamorris833 - 21.04.2022 16:42

Your lashes are so long when you have mascara on! Goals

@bellarpeterson - 21.04.2022 17:14

Can you talk about what you actually do for work on a day to day?? As a law student with no friends or family in your field, I’m so clueless and curious. Love the vlogs!

@synchrosb1 - 21.04.2022 17:52

Tovala doesn't ship to Canada :( I'm so sad, I wanted to try it!!!

@katiemacc6193 - 21.04.2022 20:12

I love your work bag!! Where is it from?!

@alyf.6698 - 21.04.2022 20:39

Love your energy and love the workplace positivity!! You make a big difference and happy to see someone like you 🙂 as an auditor I appreciate it.

@megmullins2368 - 21.04.2022 20:58

how the tables have turned!! now you’re the one recruiting baby accountants!!!

@RJ-bj8ic - 22.04.2022 04:04


@jmullins88231 - 22.04.2022 06:18

Hey Abby! Your pink botton down is soooo cute! With the houston humidity and the way I sweat under my arms, I can never wear silky shirts like that lol. anywhooooo great vlog! continue being great and remember you are beautiful!

@lamishaislam2481 - 22.04.2022 06:56

Can you make a video on your CPA journey? Including your study schedule for the entire process? <3

@hannahdavis3 - 23.04.2022 16:55

I hate that you’re tired and struggling during busy season, but I actually busted out laughing at your “Good morning, happy Friday” at the end. Hopefully things are getting better now 💗 and also I always love your vlogs!! Def not boring

@keanupaulina7642 - 23.04.2022 19:10

I love watching these I feel like we’re just hanging out 😂 they’re not boring!

@isabellacruz6727 - 24.04.2022 02:48

I hope you’re feeling more rested! Just wanted to tell you that your vlogs don’t have to be “exciting” or anything, I watch your videos while I’m doing stuff around the house and I just feel like we’re hanging out. We like you for you, so hopefully that knowledge can take some of the stress off :)

@stephaniemarie3 - 24.04.2022 15:10

I love any content you post! You’re my comfort channel haha I’d watch a lazy weekend vlog from you even if you were literally in pajamas and bed all day just updating us on snacks and shows 🤣

@gretchendodge4078 - 24.04.2022 16:08

YOUR WEDNESDAY OUTFIT IS SO CUTE !! makes me happy to see you dressed up and happy. I loved how you talked about fulfillment because I’m pretty fulfilled at my job, I work at a daycare. It’s way different then your job but I think that both our happiness is present at our jobs even though it may stress us out at times♥️ Keep going 🥰

@Kesenkus - 24.04.2022 22:08

Not boring at all!!!

@92missken - 25.04.2022 00:57

Enjoyed your weekly vloggy vlog,have awesomeness daily week/weekend!

@madilynmiller - 26.04.2022 21:49

love your channel so much!! your vids are so aesthetic and calming🤍

@AmberLive10 - 29.04.2022 15:12

This is soo random, but I literally set down to watch your video after picking out almost the same exact outfit for casual Friday 😭😂

@Dessys_World - 07.06.2022 08:08

Where is your work tote from? 😍

@anaaezelramirez6928 - 14.07.2022 10:45

Where in big 4 is she working? 🤗
