Full Arch Guided Surgery and Immediate Teeth (Same Day Teeth™)
For More Guided Full Arch Video and Info, Visit:
This course implements the practical application of the Pikos Institute Philosophy for computer-guided surgery. It is the integration of meticulous perio-prosthetic based planning, CBCT imaging and interactive software with state-of-the-art surgical performance utilizing computer generated surgical guides and prosthetic components. This course is designed for implant clinicians to take their clinical and technological skills to the highest level: from pre-surgical planning to final restoration for full arch reconstruction. It will also provide practical information to incorporate high technology interactive planning, computer generated surgical guides and computer generated perio-prosthetic components that will lead to predictable form and function.
This course will include LIVE surgical demonstration cases as well as hands-on training in advanced planning techniques, guided surgery and reverse tissue engineering concepts.
Top 5 Reasons
To Attend Full Arch Guided Surgery and Immediate Teeth
In 3D Guided Surgery and Immediate Teeth, you will:
1.Become comfortable diagnosing and treatment planning full arch and full mouth immediate placement and provisionalization.
2.Understand the indications and advantages of guided surgery for immediate full arch implant reconstruction.
3.Learn a unique, totally guided surgical and prosthetic protocol for full arch immediate implant reconstruction.
4.Discover a unique, totally guided surgical and prosthetic protocol for full mouth immediate implant reconstruction.
5.Become aware of the advantages and disadvantages of guided surgery vs. non-guided surgery for immediate full arch and full mouth implant reconstruction.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
1.Describe the practical application of the Pikos Institute Philosophy for computer guided surgery and prosthetic management of the implant site.
2.Apply the concept of reverse tissue engineering for soft and hard tissue augmentation.
3.Determine the appropriate patient specific surgical guide system for computer guided implant cases.
4.Recognize, manage and prevent complications associated with 3D based surgery.
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