A Budget Necromancer anyone  can afford - Let your summons do all the work !! - Diablo 2 Resurrected

A Budget Necromancer anyone can afford - Let your summons do all the work !! - Diablo 2 Resurrected


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alex ciuca
alex ciuca - 27.07.2023 00:35

Beast in hand, infi to merc (might aura) insight in iron golem have funn and enigma 100%

Cornelius F
Cornelius F - 15.06.2023 23:47

I often don't watch your Videos dbrunski because I play solo. I haven't the gear for the builds. It's nice to see that more people want to see budget build guides.

lolek gierek
lolek gierek - 30.05.2023 13:29

sorry but u made him wrong. 20 normal skeletons, 20 skeletons mastery, 20 amp dmg and 20 in CE. 1p in cly golem, 1p golem mastery, 1p summons resists, 1p decrepify, 1p in bone spirit (to help kill bosses faster). rest in bone armor +1 hard point on synergies.

Your Mom
Your Mom - 15.05.2023 15:11

I started an HC Necro 3 days ago. Pure summons from the start. Diablo killed 3 skeletons but was killed...
Still using a lvl 4 wand in nightmare.

Eagle Breasts
Eagle Breasts - 04.05.2023 06:48

Usually Necros are pretty bad at killing bosses, so I just use a Act 2 Merc with a G.face and the problem is no more.
Also, recently i found a Death's Web, and i respect to Poison Summoner, the clear speed for groups is way faster, and for bosses is equally fast.
There's more to do than just stand back and wait for the bones ...

SILENT MINORITY - 26.03.2023 03:13

its sad that a player thinks he invented a build and claims he is first THE BUILDS WERE PUT IN THE GAME BUY BETTER PEOPLE THAN THIS PLAYER

 Royal Doyle
Royal Doyle - 18.03.2023 18:17

Regarding leveling with this build all you need to kill Diablo is iron maiden and a clay golem. Which is 1 extra skill point over the amplify damage and clay golem you should already have.

David Edlund
David Edlund - 14.03.2023 20:31

Love your vids man! But one thing -. in normal, you said that Diablo will kill all the summoners with 1 fire nova. But, as you previously stated - if you have a clay golem and iron maiden.... Well, you can easily just use that do kill dia and still be a summoner necro in normal :) I did it and it was no problem.

Alfons Hasel
Alfons Hasel - 10.03.2023 21:01

I prefer this so much to the lol casul just go full trangs, anni, whatever builds. Its actually viable without noliving

John Costanzo
John Costanzo - 08.03.2023 20:35

Is this still viable?

DudeSicko - 25.02.2023 09:18

Want to thank you for those budget builds, it also helps a lot on Season start, and if you do not have 24/7 playtime, what most people do not have...

tdreamgmail - 31.12.2022 19:57

IST isn't budget

nikolaj kristensen
nikolaj kristensen - 10.12.2022 15:56

i love the fishymancer, add beast to it and watch the afk-army win the game

Uncle Sleepover
Uncle Sleepover - 19.11.2022 05:30

I love that you’re covering some budget builds! That’s what gets me excited. Seeing a Max geared tutorial always feels like I’m at a museum or something lol

dno.allyn.86 - 13.11.2022 09:49

king leroic? you mean lee or ic? lol it's said in the games. in the voice acting. lol.

Ryan Wardhaugh
Ryan Wardhaugh - 08.11.2022 20:17

How do u have ur skills displayed above the main skill bar?

Trent Hudson
Trent Hudson - 08.09.2022 17:55

Missed the opportunity there to show rhyme in a necro shield. Budget gg ;)

tdub - 06.08.2022 22:51

This character is actually a good andy killer with all the monsters in her area and the fire dmg from CE

Great Dude
Great Dude - 11.07.2022 22:05

I think Vmagi/spirit, Lore/peasent and Honor runeword is better for Act 2 Might Merc because Might Aura gets increased damage and thus skeletons do more damage. Now when it comes to Merc survivability Act2 Merc is slow skeletons and golem kill most of the creatures before Merc even comes to combat for bossses on the other hand decreptify and Urdar revives and its over.

Huey Sharapova
Huey Sharapova - 17.06.2022 17:54

It's technically viewable in the video, but it should be mentioned that you do NOT use a holy freeze Emelio. Fishymancer Emelios use might.

OpiumMuffin - 12.05.2022 04:42

Literally stupid. I’ve hit 90 on this build and it’s by far the worst class/build in the game. It’s slow to start, even with end game items it’s slow AF, you literally can’t do Jack shit if you are plying anything over 2 players in hell. Build sucks. Stop promoting becro summoner, period

silvano preziosi
silvano preziosi - 11.03.2022 19:12

Just started a necro right now. Need to try that.

Danedog614 - 22.01.2022 23:04

Love the videos, played D2 as a teenager and consider it one of the best games ever made...but as a grappler I just noticed something ...what's up w/that left ear? I see some cauliflower ear going on here. You a wrestler? Jiu Jitsu? Maybe boxing? How did this happen? Very curious! D2R wise, I think I'm gonna run Hydra sorc when 2.4 comes out next week, have you done a video on it yet and the potential buffs and gear that should be used? If so toss us the link!

Dennis M.
Dennis M. - 22.01.2022 19:06

Ok start as a bone necro, but when is the best point to respecc?

Vincent-Antoine Soucy
Vincent-Antoine Soucy - 21.01.2022 20:21

honestly buget d2ris my favorite thing to do. I like to make a new character rather than farm forever for a rune the same route. It's fun to farm, but I like to experience new character/gameplay often.

Attila jávor
Attila jávor - 21.01.2022 17:01

This is my starter build in all new ladders. I like it so much. Thy for the video.

banshera - 13.01.2022 00:27

Imho your endgame videos are high quality and showing different builds of each class, but sometimes it feels like every build is made around Enigma. Now showing low budget versions shows the flexibility where some classes - like necro - really shine. Btw its a great support to new and might increase the number of followers the quality of your videos and explanations deserve.

Keep up your great work!


Sophie Moutou
Sophie Moutou - 09.01.2022 23:58

Thank you very very much, you helped me pass the council at Travincal, I was stuck there for ages! My mistake was having less points at amplify and more at bone spear because of my insecurity on bosses. I know that amplify with decrepify do the job! I would love to see real play through on bosses and crowdy places like chaos sanctuary etc. And tell us how to protect our follower better, he dies a lot and money gone :p And some money making tips for low gear players, we seek more guides with low gear!

Commotus - 02.01.2022 12:28

I have no idea who this fishy is but been playing D2 on and off since 2000 and back in the day it was just called the lagromancer, this build is older than you think........

Black Swordsman
Black Swordsman - 23.12.2021 17:26

decrepify is pretty underrated. I used that on pretty much every boss so that my merc and summons lived long enough to kill the boss. It makes duriel useless, and it reduces the damage output of the other bosses by a lot as they cast spells slower too

Junobeach - 22.12.2021 09:04

king leROic

ansizfark - 21.12.2021 17:03

As a dedicated scrub fishymancer player I feel attacked, lol! Great video!

The Cranstable
The Cranstable - 21.12.2021 02:51

The AI for Revive got improved! Now they can teleport to you!

Andrea M
Andrea M - 20.12.2021 23:25

Budget fire druid for new balance ladder 🤓

Ермаков Евгений
Ермаков Евгений - 18.12.2021 23:28

Its a garbage build, especially in hell, especially x number of players. You can leech with a hammerdin with corps explosion. Unplayeble slow gameplay, only possible to play with good gear, ie enigma etc.

Dr. Evil
Dr. Evil - 18.12.2021 21:59

Arm of king Layrowic

pensive_cube - 17.12.2021 01:15

Might as well kill Pindle after you summon your army beyond the red portal. Might take a while with a budget build, but I think it's still worth it.

당신의 눈높이는?
당신의 눈높이는? - 16.12.2021 13:52

I have 2 FisherNecs in HC currently. One is at lvl 78 in Hell and the other at lvl 35 just arriving in NM. Both of them started out as straight summon necros and obviously I haven't died yet. The key to playing a summon necro in the early game is Act1 Merc. I picked up my merc at lvl 3 as a quest reward and she's been with my lvl 78 Necro ever since and the same for the other one (I had to replace lvl 4 quest reward merc to lvl 4 fire arrow merc due to her skill being cold arrow.) With an Act2 Merc, you will never get through soloing Normal Act2 Duriel as a straight summon necro.

thezfunk - 16.12.2021 03:15

I was able to take a summon Necro all the way from level one to hell at level 61 and had no issues by myself with no boosting. I am working through hell now and it isn't as fast as I would like but now I just need some gear. My easiest path to hell I have tried so far.

Boursin Burger
Boursin Burger - 15.12.2021 16:47

My feedback: Budget builds will always be popular for people to see because a vast majority of players play casually and don't have access to expensive gear or runes unless they get very lucky. But IMO the best thing to add to these videos is showing gear tier progression for each slot. Start with the truly destitute player who only has access to common Countess runes and then show how (for example) Helmet slot starts with Lore and can evolve to a +2 Necro circlet, then eventually to a Shako; Body Armor starts with Stealth and can then upgrade to Vipermagi / Que-Hegan's / Trang's Scales, and then eventually all the way to Enigma. Some slot evolution isn't going to matter much, like Boots. Still, in those cases, there are plenty of Unique/Set options to list like Sander's, Hsaru's, Aldur's, Waterwalk, Infernostride, then ending with Marrowwalk as the most preferred option.

Matt Wyatt
Matt Wyatt - 15.12.2021 16:47

…..this is just basic knowledge

Wee Gee
Wee Gee - 15.12.2021 14:01

I'm always reluctant to use teleport staff because by swapping you would be losing some of your skeletons, I know being able to teleport is great way of crowd control but still a bit OCD on this

Jiří Kupka
Jiří Kupka - 15.12.2021 14:01

How can I make skeletons this tough? Im tired of resummoning them every minute and finding corpses for them :). Thanks

purpleganja2 - 15.12.2021 10:33

I like the budget builds videos. Mostly seeing builds that work well with the kind of items that requires the less random chances to get like the easy runewords and crafted items. They are very reliable for solo play with no trade.

EntertainmentNihilist - 15.12.2021 00:15

Marrowwalks are cheap AF now and give a nice boost to skele mastery. I got one for a ko.

EntertainmentNihilist - 15.12.2021 00:07

As somebody who was/is saying that synergies were a mistake - I would agree with you that removing them entirely now would be too big a shake-up.

What I would like to see now is "pruning" of some synergies. Skills like Bone Spear, Blizzard, and the Druids fire skills simply have too many. They essentially require you to spend all your points to make one skill hell-viable.

==Abstract example==

Current skill:

-4 synergy skills each giving 5% damage per point

Pruned skill:

-2 synergies each giving 10% damage per point.

Martin Corriveau
Martin Corriveau - 14.12.2021 20:43

I do prefer some self item found and playthrough because it is easy to throw an enigma/torch/ani on toon and make it viable and fun character. However for single player self found playthrough it require a bit more strategy.

prsquared - 14.12.2021 18:39

I would recommend Obedience instead of Insight for the Merc
