Is washing rice really still necessary?

Is washing rice really still necessary?

Adam Ragusea

3 года назад

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International Sales
International Sales - 16.09.2023 04:56

As a Chinaman who’s eaten rice all his life I can tell you that rice should be washed to get the starchiness out a bit or it tends to be sticky.

Haruka Okami
Haruka Okami - 15.09.2023 15:29

Hello! A Spaniard here! I just wantes to say that paella is not pronounced pah-yeh-yah, it is pronounced pah-eh-yah (I don't really know how to transalte the pronunciation to writing). In any case, there is no "E" sound in paElla, as in Spanish "E" is always pronounced Eh

Benjamin Batchelor
Benjamin Batchelor - 15.09.2023 04:52

I never knew the washing or not washing was such a cultural controversy

Dubs Wahèbè
Dubs Wahèbè - 12.09.2023 10:20

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ do i hav' to worry about washing arsenic from Instant “brown” Rice (like the stuff sold in cereal-sized-boxes) or has that usually been done by the seller?

Ghost Emblem
Ghost Emblem - 10.09.2023 23:23

My rice is never fluffy I thought you just put it in the rice cooker and wait but it comes out much worse than when my mom used to make it. She said I wasn't washing it enough but I can see in this video Adam gets lovely fluffy rice without washing it. Can someone pls help with any advice?

FairbrookWingates - 10.09.2023 06:08

Ahhhh, this explains the faint musty odor of my stored rice! I'll know to rinse it as it ages, thank you!

XHG Tech
XHG Tech - 10.09.2023 03:52

Another bug that LOVES flour is earwigs. That's why you should never set your flour on the floor if you can avoid it, and why setting it in a sealed container is a must, especially if you're like me and live in a super cheap-rent house that has basically no insulation.

Eshelion - 09.09.2023 15:48

I never had rice of such bad quality I'd need to wash it, but those reasons given for it in some parts of the world are really good, also the ones for cooking some dishes (it's similiar to when to flush pasta and when not to). I've also used both drained and not drained rice and never thought some people might feel weird about that - it was natural for me to use one or the other for different meals. I have never thought about frying a rice a bit and then boiling it, like you showed, so gonna try that. :D

Arsen Skavin
Arsen Skavin - 09.09.2023 09:20

Good vid!

jsr - 08.09.2023 09:22

Anyone else eating unwashed rice while watching this?

Carbon Dated
Carbon Dated - 08.09.2023 06:50

White ppl dont wash their rice 😂😂😂. Just earned yourself a subscriber im dead ☠️☠️☠️

IncoherentLogic - 07.09.2023 03:20

One area of rice cultivation you left out is northern North America! Manoomin is huge

Mister Sid
Mister Sid - 06.09.2023 16:54

I'm here because I want to know why it takes 16 minutes to say it depends.

MadManDan - 04.09.2023 23:05

Pro tip: a shot of white vinegar to your rice before cooking white or brown rice (even mixed!) will give an extra day or two before spoiling. Not much, just a splash, and it wont affect the taste. :)

Richard - 01.09.2023 05:19


Marxulia - 31.08.2023 13:14

Bruh, do you have a broken tongue? Doesn't matter where it came from, washed and unwashed rice tastes different.

Iuwl - 31.08.2023 11:43

I've tried cooking rice without washing and there's a weird taste I can't describe. Sometimes I find my pasta covered in fine grayish... pasta dust? so I wash those before cooking them too.

I just wash everything now. Don't know what the storage conditions were like, and how it was handled.

Austin Dela Vega
Austin Dela Vega - 30.08.2023 09:34

This made me lose a bit respect for Uncle Roger for grilling Auntie Hersha so much when her method was also right from her heritage.

Xavier Rey Lebumfacil
Xavier Rey Lebumfacil - 29.08.2023 17:30

Bruh? This a question?

deadmeat - 29.08.2023 16:53

I know that ive never had clumpy rice, so i can't say how good it actually is, but clumpy rice sounds disgusting

Ruboka - 29.08.2023 00:32

how does parboiled rice affect this discussion? Also cooking with a rice cooker does not change anything if you should wash or ot wash rice, does it?

Akanao - 保証したドM
Akanao - 保証したドM - 28.08.2023 14:00

In the PH, the rice has powders in its grain. If you don't wash it out, your rice cooker will be a mess of bubbles.

Yongbin Song
Yongbin Song - 26.08.2023 13:10

Of course, it is necessary.

Sandra Jackson
Sandra Jackson - 25.08.2023 16:50

I wash so i can see if i am putting in too much water

Candy Mils
Candy Mils - 25.08.2023 16:37

Great video! I didn't know about the arsenic problem. I mostly buy Jasmine rice out of Thailand. But it's good to know. I figure each dish would require washing or not washing according to the cuisine. Just as the dish dictates whether you use jasmine, basmati, long grain or short grain rice. I hadn't heard of the"pasta" method of cooking rice before. Cool to know. I use a zojirushi rice cooker except for Mexican rice. Your videos are always very educational. Thanks for all the effort you put into them.

Edward Barton
Edward Barton - 25.08.2023 08:43

I work in food manufacturing and flour beetle is still a major issue, my girlfriend don’t believe flour gets bugs in it 😂 I’m always checking ours

Side not, all tobacco also has tiny bug eggs in it. Leave it at the right temperature and humidity for long enough and they’ll hatch. Many cigar enthusiasts store their cigars improperly and come back to find holes eaten out of them

Life is gross

Clinton Cannon
Clinton Cannon - 25.08.2023 06:52

I'll save you sixteen minutes...wash your rice!

jam8 - 24.08.2023 12:43

I tot it is to reduce sugar / starch

Kuryaku - 23.08.2023 20:22

You should wash it because of pesticides and other nefarious products which the rice is exposed to.

Joel - 23.08.2023 16:19


Jean-Pierre Yin
Jean-Pierre Yin - 23.08.2023 15:44

washing rice make the excess of starch gone and less heavy to digest, the water I use to wash rice help my flower as fertilize.

pleappleappleap - 23.08.2023 02:22

If you are careful about the environment, you can age your own rice.

pleappleappleap - 23.08.2023 02:15

Washing removes some of the starch from rice and makes it less sticky.

pleappleappleap - 23.08.2023 02:15

I don't buy my rice in "White people stores". My rice comes from various countries in Asia.

pleappleappleap - 23.08.2023 02:14

I am in the USA, and I sift my flour to incorporate a consistent amount of air.

Teknote - 22.08.2023 19:34

This is funny coming from a guy who doesn't eat rice so often.. lol

Teknote - 22.08.2023 19:22

clebrated my ass, Rice is a way of life, we cook rice atleast 3x a day, 7days a week so on so on, wtf you talking about asian style? your just justifying

Teknote - 22.08.2023 19:20

Have you ever visited a rice mill ? Yeah thats what I thought. so shutup and wash your rice!

R B - 22.08.2023 16:28

I've never noticed a difference between washed and unwashed rice. I only eat high quality medium grain rice though. Maybe it matters more for lower quality/different types of rice.

jj jj
jj jj - 22.08.2023 12:10

어떻게 밀가루와 쌀을 비교하지???
밀가루와 쌀가루를 비교하던가... 우리도 떡 만들땐 쌀가루를 쓴다.

그리고 익힌후에 씻은건 면일때 하는것이지, 쌀을 익힌후에 씻는건 경악이네

T Wang
T Wang - 21.08.2023 21:23

Also for asian people it's super common to buy large bags of rice, like 10kg, at once because that's cheaper and we eat it a lot. Then the 10kg rice can last for a good while during which it may get dirty if not contained tightly and cleanly.

バナナお爺さん - 21.08.2023 15:07

makes a lot of sense, in asia we buy rice in Kgs and usually you consume it slowly throughout the year.

There will be rice mites finding their way to your rice even in air tight containers, just wash your rice makes them and all eaten rice float to the top and they can be easily discarded along witht he water. But yea, i think it mostly boils down to tradition

max von Stein
max von Stein - 20.08.2023 22:12


Link The Fusky
Link The Fusky - 20.08.2023 19:04

i'm british but I still wash rice cause I don't like it sticky, I make myself a bowl of tuna and rice some mornings (literally just canned tuna in brine with white rice) and it tastes better rinsed somehow

Jack Mi Nao
Jack Mi Nao - 20.08.2023 09:55

I didn't know Americans eat rice I thought you only eat everything without rice

BillBill - 20.08.2023 05:43

I am told that washing rice can reduce heavy metal from rice and our rice does not have any vitamin added

Posy - 20.08.2023 01:13

lol Thanks

Eula - 19.08.2023 13:54

Wash rice to remove RNG

Kavi Mitsunari
Kavi Mitsunari - 19.08.2023 02:33

Well, let me tell you then, you have no tongue. Because I can tell you there's a BIG difference between rice washed and rice that wasn't. If you don't feel the difference, then you tongue has a problem to taste things rightly.

Then it can be worse : that would mean, you can't make the difference between good or bad rice. Worst : can't do the difference between indian rice, thai rice, chiniese rice, cambodian rice, and so on. (yeah, every rice has a different taste too, texture & so on...)

So yeah, good to talk about a lot of "science" stuff & all. But don't forget we talk about food here. So about TASTE. Which is the real deal here.

So don't feel offended, if on the summit of your mountain, I don't want to eat rice at your home.

And one more reason to it : I taught to a lot of european managers a few years ago, how to cook rice well/better (so, by washing the rice, wherever it came from). Guess what ? Right the next week, all the guys came to me as if I was Jesus telling me "first time in my like kids asked for more rice !!!"

See ? Didn't need to call any "expert" or "scientist". I just taught some guys who were older than me, what my mother just taught me (and she hasn't been at school), and I schooled all of them by making them doing the best rice of their lives. Just by telling them HOW to wash it (and maybe, that's the thing you didn't get ;) ).

And I don't know why you told us you have italian origins... like... man, I would NEVER ask an italian about rice, ever. At least Uncle Roger knows what he's talking about, since he knows what taste is. :)

U O.
U O. - 18.08.2023 02:10

Im a Nigerian living in the US. I have had to pick out weevils from my rice when washing and recently my life flashed before my eyes when i was sifting flour and discovered all the weevil maggots infecting it (it was legitly more maggots than flour😨😭). So its not only a 3rd world problem, okay
