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@tanishqpradhan7752 - 07.11.2020 16:12

Can you make one for 960m when ac valhalla releases.

@baynessagneberhe9700 - 07.11.2020 16:24

have u tried it with intel hd yet? if u already did give me the link. i haven't been using yt lately.darn, i would soooo love to play this game.

@Sambanime - 07.11.2020 16:53

Very strange bro, my pc and is the same than you, gives me almost fixed 60 fps with everything in very high and high in except the shadows in low that there is no difference. And then the rest just like you.

@tessaprive9434 - 07.11.2020 21:45

1060 TI, can i play game?

@mego7389 - 17.12.2020 16:21

I have a really odd issue with this game. I have the exact same specs as you. When I open the game, for the first several seconds, I always get a smooth 60 fps, at 1080p medium settings. But, no matter what I do, after this time is up, the fps completely tanks. I've checked my CPU and GPU temps, there is no thermal throttling in my GPU or CPU, and nothing eating up resources in the background. In fact, there is only a 5 fps difference between 1080p medium settings and 720p lowest possible settings, and I have absolutely no clue why. I average 30-40 fps in the game at 720p with lowest settings.

@jxiongdevdiary - 21.12.2020 14:12

Received d3d11: failed to create 2D texture errors when trying to run the game with my laptop, do you know what is the possible issue and solution?

@MNMNT_OG - 01.01.2021 18:08

Got the same specs except I only have 8GB RAM and the game runs really bad for me. I had to turn the settings down to 720p and low settings and it's still stuttering... I also have really high ping, around 200. I tried various settings but it doesn't run as smooth as yours does. Really strange...

@lunadesormeau9477 - 02.01.2022 21:05

I have an i7-6700 with a gtx 960m and I'm unable to even open the game, it crashes as soon as i try to open it with a bunch of errors and missing modules or something.. I don't understand I have an MSI ge62 apache pro and all is up to date ? :(
