D.L. Hughley Defends Sen. Kamala Harris; Talks Black Greatness

D.L. Hughley Defends Sen. Kamala Harris; Talks Black Greatness


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@ncdogg425 - 13.08.2020 17:31

Fox News sounds all confused trying to say negative things about her.

@willemdee - 13.08.2020 17:34

Kamala is not for us.

@Sinfulxann - 13.08.2020 17:37


@rippleeffect8311 - 13.08.2020 17:38

Ride or die fools 💯

@jocelynbabin448 - 13.08.2020 17:49

People & especially Black People can we just celebrate Joe Biden pick and not start complaining because there is work that need to be done John Lewis stated Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day,a week,a month, or a year,it’s a struggle of a life time. Never ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble ,necessary trouble.

@latishahunt1968 - 13.08.2020 18:58

Well said! Proud black woman. Men men need to protect her.

@qwavil5617 - 13.08.2020 19:08

Dee L is a 3-truths and the rest is bullshit lies, This person will use Neuro-Linguistic Programming on you(please research things for yourselves) we must stop looking at these so-called celebrities as knowing it all because they have been Infiltrated and compromised, think for self knowledge???

@freda2758 - 13.08.2020 21:54

Expect a whole lot of negative comments, appearing to be black people, attacking Kamala Harris from here on. These trolls will have black-sounding names and use black photos. The vast majority will be white racist putin/trump trolls. Don't be fooled or distracted by them.

@lindaking1731 - 13.08.2020 22:29

I totally agree with your assessment of this situation and we must stay woke and get out to VOTE!

@gerrigerri7564 - 13.08.2020 23:09

WS PROGRAMMING is a "MF" on black people every time something starts looking up for black people the condition of ws kicks in "SELF HATE, CRABS in a BARREL, To light near white & the worst why should we help them make it won't help me "SNAP OUT OF IT" you know the problem now fix it!!!!!

@goodmen2973 - 13.08.2020 23:58

Do your research on who has jailed more black people between Trump/Pence vs Biden/Harris. I won’t be voting nonsense narratives in. Also ask Black Men who suffered under reign if they would vote for her.

@ABihStayWinN - 14.08.2020 00:17

Take Trump over Biden Harris

@vickietaylor-epps5834 - 14.08.2020 01:55

It is time for this country to wake up. True history must be told.

@Williethewhipp - 14.08.2020 03:41

It's Like Dave Chappell said in the Skit about the Dude that got a job at the 🍔 place.. First they Said Right on , Then they said pamf

@sleepyccs - 14.08.2020 11:09

Kamala is not a USA slavery descendant. Kamala's family has not survived the history of oppression that you are talking about in the USA. Her family immigrated here to attend college . I don't see myself in an Indian/Jamaican privileged woman.

@Mel81818 - 14.08.2020 20:19

In 2014-5, we were dealing with Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice. In 2015, AG Harris refused to support a bill requiring special investigation of of police fatal shootings. The same year she opposed state regulation of police body cams, wanting to leave it up to local law enforcement leaders to decide on tech and what they could afford. She supported body cam for DOJ and border patrol but blk ppl aren't being killed by border patrol. Now it makes political sense to do the opposite. That's fake. History is important.

@Raquel6470 - 14.08.2020 21:25

Despite how they have acted....we have survived! Love it!!!

@russell311000 - 15.08.2020 00:56

Bro she's going to lock us up faster than we can say I didn't do it.

@tonysmith952 - 15.08.2020 17:02

If she needs defending, she must have done something wrong!

@emmanuelwilliams6004 - 16.08.2020 06:59

Brother DL need to look at this women political record and judge her on that not her color this women K Harris was locking up Brothas and keeping them in prison way past there release date for a cheap labor force she withheld evidence on black men that would take them off of death row she let the banks get away with illegally taking black peoples homes . HL I have respect for you bro but we as black people can not afford to vote for this women on the basis of her color wake up people do your research on this women and see the destructive force she has been in black peoples lives in California in police brutality and misconduct cases . She is not for reparations for us nor has she made any promises to the black community what kind of person can sit there and say support a women that has not said she would do a dang on thing for black people to hell with a black face in a high place That does nothing for us she is not for police reform because she did not even attempt that or talk police reform in California. Support her because of her political record . A Brotha was on death row and she had evidence to free him and did not and he served almost 7 years and thank god he got free and he won a lawsuit against the State of California.People don’t be fooled by all this black talk it’s about what she is going to do for us as a people ! She locked up over 1,500 black people up on marijuana charges and when asked did she smoke marijuana she started laughing .This women is backed by millions of wall street bankers money and other rich and special interest and when she or if she get in office that is who she will continue oh yes continue to serve not the working class and poor . Look at who is bankrolling her and it is not us blacks and that is who she will serve to hell with voting for her because she is black no reparations no fu*king vote . This women is not even for police reform and this Brotha is talking about vote for her on some symbolic sh*t I vote for who is going to do something for me and she has not promised black spit this women is rich she will serve the Jews that’s Bankrolling her !

@noirbellaqt624 - 16.08.2020 22:08

It's a step in the right direction!!! 😙 COULD be awesome to have a Black FEMALE Justice on the Supreme Court!! THAT'S POWER!!

@russell311000 - 17.08.2020 03:26

Nah bro you don't get a pass because your black. Look at her track record period.

@KentuckyBlue502 - 17.08.2020 03:31

This fool almost kicked the bucket! Be quite DL, Kamala Khameleon is just as wicked n racist as Trump

@askthabiti5660 - 19.08.2020 11:24

“Am I the only Black person registered Democrat that feels very uncomfortable?” “Political Race of 2020”
I remember a few years back, Dr. Rosie Milligan stated that Black Folks are the only group that votes for a candidate first, and then complains after the person they voted for does nothing for them when they get in office. She pointed out the fact that every other group meets with the candidate prior to voting and asks what they plan to do for them in exchange for their vote. Earlier this year Dr. Umar Johnson expressed the same sentiment that we need a Black Voter’s Union that would place demands of a candidate before getting our vote. We all hear Democratic leaders chanting, “Vote Blue don’t matter who,” this kind of blind allegiance is they very reason we are not taken seriously as a people. All a candidate has to do to get our vote is to play the Saxophone or Sing an Al Green Song. Are we that simple minded?
As a democrat I am expected to give my blind vote for Joe Biden, the one who authored the crime bill of 1994, which gave birth to the 3 strikes and you’re out law, which led to the incarceration of many Black people, especially Black men. His running mate, Kamala Harris supported laws that incarcerated parents for their child’s absences from school in the Bay area, and ignored many police brutality cases that involved Black people, similar to what Jackie Lacy has done during her term. Especially the ignored case of Mitrice Richardson, the 24 year old Black woman that was oddly released from jail at 1am in the morning near Malibu with no cell phone or way to get home. Many requests were made to the then District Attorney Kamala Harris to investigate her disappearance and she did "nothing." Mitrice’s father had to hire a private investigator in order to release the footage of his daughter being released from jail, with an officer following closely behind her. Kamala Harris waited until she got her Senate seat and then passed the case on to her successor. Mitrice’s family then received a letter stating the D.A’s office found nothing that would indicate a case to launch an investigation into foul play.
Am I the only Black person that feels very uncomfortable? Uncomfortable voting for a man partially responsible for the incarceration of so many Black fathers which destroyed the stability in our households, or pledging my vote for a Black Woman who ignored the needs of Black folks, but told she deserves my vote because she is Black. I will quote the late Julia Hare,, she used to say,” we need to make sure they are Black all the way down to the bone before they represent us.”

@anthonycruz3615 - 19.08.2020 22:02

I’m not a Republican I’m a realist, and Trump got 4 more years...Democrats need to get it together

@benisturning30 - 21.08.2020 21:07

Is it perseverance or is it an illuminati plan. DL get woke. White supremacy doesn’t care about perseverance.

@kathleencarroll9298 - 26.08.2020 04:03

D.L. keep speaking TRUTH!!!! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ALL THE WAY!!!!!!

@KL-qx4ok - 28.08.2020 16:33

Okay let Michelle woukd have been Becky Obama...black people(men) have a right to be critical.. STFU we don’t have to support this arrogant egotistical woman!! I’m a black man and I said it..

@algreenwood7069 - 29.09.2020 11:32

Your comments are good, the problem is with our own people. There are some saying "she's not one of us", ready to find a way to stab each other. For those that want to be that way think about the situation another way. Biden could have towed the line and pick someone that looks like himself. If he did that the complaints would have been why he didn't pick her. Some people can't be satisfied.

@redashulk2498 - 02.11.2020 12:55

After learning about her past reveals to me that DL is a plant

There is no way you can speak highly of anybody with a history like that DL will be forever known as the person who tried to help pull the wool over our eyes and failed

@redashulk2498 - 02.11.2020 12:56

She did worst things than trump

@VicciWilliams - 14.07.2021 08:03

Wow! DL you didn't know Kamala Harris was a call girl for the Democratic party in the Bay Area, back in the day? Please, do your research, tell the truth! If your able.

@TheRealFollower - 14.11.2021 01:47

I don't like DL. I really don't. The woman who locked up a ton of blk men should not be praised. Ben Carson was seen as a traitor because of his politics even though he accomplished a medical feat no one in the world was able to do. DL is nothing more than a Democrat cheerleader and he will always be.

@EllisWright-oo2sk - 29.06.2024 03:56

Boycott his shows by not buying tickets, or by the tickets and laugh while he insults your intelligence.
