Yes I am incredibly mediocre at the game, thank you for noticing.
I don't really care how you say Chaud. Say it however you want.
Yes I'm covering all the other main Battle Network games as well.
As a quick defense for this game's filler
I always thought that whether you liked filler or not depends a lot on whether you're trying to reach a certain point, or if you just love the game from one moment to the next.
It's like cooking. If you hate cooking but love food then the process sucks. But backtracking to places you've already been is usually kinda fun for me. People who play games competitively (like fighters or speedrunners) don't need new content all the time because they love the game itself
Still, I totally understand why it's not the MOST fun in the world. And sacrificing quantity for quality is always an alright idea. It wouldn't have hurt if they took away some of the filler
Wouldn’t surprise me if Goku here started the research that eventually made the brother bands system in SF
ОтветитьWhat the hell?! The second game is more harder than the first game?! Well at least it looks more challenging.. Interesting indeed 🤔
ОтветитьActually with the "Ghost" Navi's the first encounter after the storyline battle they are one a set place. Usually on a out of the way dead end path. After that then they do randomly spawn. And sometimes right after you fought the Navi, they spawn in the next encounter, how fun....
ОтветитьClaiming battle network 2 isn't perfect? How bold, speak wisely.
Whelp, apart from some whining about 'content' and lacking fast travel, not too offensive. Remember, the game was made for kids, and you're an adult now, 'wasting time' is the purpose of the product, afterall :)
Lottie Corners
Ответитьofcourse you beat cutman easily. Rock beats scissors
ОтветитьJeez man, I forgot how hard the opening theme for MMBN 2 goes.
ОтветитьBattle Network is just the Internet of Things gone malevolent. They COULD send it wirelessly, like the fridge telling you to get [Name Redacted] Brand Milk or your Ring Doorbell sending you an 'Unknown Person' Message because a person wore a shirt with something vaguely like a face.
But they won't. They're bored and need you for stimuli. The things are all just self aware enough to be petty. Why else would you hide a probably sentient lifeform in something called a PET... society has failed and Duo was right.
Or something.
You know it just hit me but when megaman and lan are talking after lan gets shocked. He says "if i was your brother, hub..." So is megaman not considered hub normally and only in like hub style or something or he is and this is a weird translation thing again? I only ask since ive never understood why they just dont call megaman hub (aside from that being the name of the game) in the story.
ОтветитьAbout the roaming bosses, that’s not exactly true. There’s a specific area that you walk into each dungeon to fight them.
Ответитьi feel nitpicky about the handy bomb death and your complaint about it not because i feel you're mediocre (you're clearly not; i've seen people actually be bad at his game and you're doing more than fine) and more because it feels... i dunno, a little manufactured.
it feels like one of those things you bring up so people don't get on your ass for critiquing something they like later and thinking you're favouring one over the other.
I have to say,this game specifically was how I got into the Battle Network Franchise and it has been a game that has a soft spot for me among with the Megaman X Series. The next game I cannot remember if I got Blue or White but my little brother got the opposite version so I dunno which of us got the better version.
ОтветитьEven after all these years. I'm still shocked this game was released literally 3 months after 9-11 and there is a plane hijacking scenario. Then again this is Japan we are talking about here.
ОтветитьI realized that when I was nine I thought Mayl name was May. I thought for whatever reason whoever did the text in the game just f* up and put an I too close to her name. In stead of “Mayl (mail)? Any e-news bulletins?” I read it as “May I? Any e-new bulletins?”. It makes no sense in this context but some of the dialogue the “May I” actually fit the context. Thank you KNIJohn for the name pronunciation.
ОтветитьEh, Honestly regmem I think was well implemented in megaman battle network, and it wasn't bad in 2. There are lots of utility chips that you can equip as regular chips; I think where it kinda falters is that in 4 and 5 you can't use doublsoul with it which is meh. Feels like an arbitrary restriction.
Still the fact that roll 1 only requires 8 memory, and area grab and a few other utility chips can be set as regular chips in the early game means its always useful; its just dissapointing that there are a whole slew of chips you won't be able to set as regulars until the latter parts of the game.
Legends 1 and 2 hd need to happen. Legends 3 needs to be a Dark Souls 1 styled hybrid of legends and battle network (customization and extra armors).
ОтветитьSpeedy Dave sounds like a reference to Steely Dan
ОтветитьI had 3 of the 4 shortcuts unlocked when the ice first appeared for me so that chunk of the game actually wasn’t to bad for me, like an hour of back and forth instead of what could’ve been 4-5 hours easy
ОтветитьThis Ice Mystery isnt thaaat bad... Since you have so many HP memory by now, you should be able to sneakrun all net(except Undernet), I could count around 3-4 revisites into the overall net since I got the heatData already from back and forth due to the BBS missions.
I found tha hubpatch more annoying since YOU WILL BE WEAKER! WILL MAY BE POOR! AND SINCE YOU WILL NEED TO GET-IN-GET-OUT FROM THE NET MULTIPLE TIMES IT GET FRUSTRATING! I believe they made this to extend EVEN LONGER your decision about what style change you'll get... maybe they did it by purpose for you to spam Airman&Gutsman to lose the chance of habing CustomStyle looool
Still enjoy this 5 years later. Thank you
ОтветитьActually, you CAN get the fast travel throughout the regular playthrough of the game. It's just available to specific NPC after certain scenarios. The problem is the game never hints at this whatsoever. You have to actively backtrack and choose to talk to random NPCs and hopefully stumble into them. I recall one fast travel option is unlocked after Quickman's scenario at the camp site as a reward for stopping the bomber, and another in Netopia square but I forgot when.
Ответитьyou know, I actually (as a kid) didn't know there were more styles than Guts and Teamstyle, I NEVER unlocked Shield, Custom or Hubstyle. Not even once. Always Guts and Teamstyle.
ОтветитьI always assumed that the reason why Lan cares about becoming an official NetBattler is because official NetBattlers get paid. That's why Chaud is never seen going to school: he's already in his career as an official NetBattler. He makes money by deleting evil Navis.
ОтветитьLoved the getting rocked by handies part. Reminds me of highschool.
ОтветитьAfter everything i went through in Netopia, it should have gotten nuked rather than poor Yumland.
ОтветитьExcellent video, I didn't even realise an hour went by.
ОтветитьHonestly one of the best GBA game I played and beat and I literally had both white and blue and played them both
ОтветитьYou can run from any fight against viruses that you have completed a fight against before, but not navi re-fights or static encounters. You don't have to have fought the configuration of viruses before, just the individual viruses, for example, if I've only fought a fight against three Mets, and a fight against three cannodumbs, I can run from a fight against a met and a cannodumb.
ОтветитьI hear about Megaman battle network blue and white but where's black? 🤣
ОтветитьIm going to be honest. With the mind of a 12 year old and on a gameboy advance; well the game was perfect. 😅😅😅
ОтветитьLan goes to the radiation island with the one single suit
Meanwhile his friends: "I'll use the magic words, I'm rich"
This game has my favourite version of the Undernet; creepy and gothic like an underground area should be.
ОтветитьI remembered Yai because I had a crush on her when I was little. Idk why when she’s a balding midget though
ОтветитьSo I'm playing this game for the first time on the legacy collection and turns out my first style change was the same as John's lol AquaTeam right?
ОтветитьThe late stage of battle network 2 is awful. Fuck freezeman arc
Ответить2 is definitely my favorite, despite 3 being the one I enjoyed the most.
Ответить2 is so under-rated fr. for me it's up there on S tier rating with BN6.