Master Rooting with Magisk: Emulator Detection Bypass Guide

Master Rooting with Magisk: Emulator Detection Bypass Guide


11 месяцев назад

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@Metafaniel - 20.08.2023 11:38

I tried this with Magisk Delta d2a66567-delta(26105) but MasgiskHide section has disappeared and the equivalent one doesn't work with this method... I had to uninstall Magisk Delta 26105 and reinstall 25210 following the tutorial procedure again.

@Metafaniel - 25.07.2023 19:53

Great video and I like the music you use I'm following your videos to be able to fix my physical device's problems to pass Safetynet, and I'm also configuring the emulator as suggested. About LDPlayer your tutorial works; about my device, if I enable "Enforce SuList" when I reboot I get a black screen with no launcher... I can still hold the power button and see the menu to power off or restart but the rest is a black screen... I hope to find a solution.
In the meantime, thanks for your videos, I'll follow the rest in the series.
