Oh-oh those babies are so cute & adorable as ever!😊
ОтветитьOh-oh that is so-so sad that beautiful baby girl went through. Her's adopted parents should never been allowed. 2 adopt her without doing a background from the state check. On her's adopted parents so 2 find out if they were a right fix 4 the child. That is so-so sad that she was abused & murdered by her's adopted parents.😒😔🙄
ОтветитьThank you for doing cases that I've never heard of before. It's awesome that you're bringing light to these cases because they don't get no where near as much attention as other's, and their story deserve to be told too. So I appreciate you for doing these. Thank you so much!! May baby Jeong In rest in heaven! She is free now, and no more pain!!
ОтветитьI was adopted by my biological mother's sister. I was always treated differently and still 50 years later I finally banished my adopted mother from my life. She devalued me every chance she got and I have finally had enough. Love is complicated and it doesn't have to be.
ОтветитьThank you Jenny! The work you do here is so important.
ОтветитьThat’s a LOT less children dying from neglect & abuse in the home than most western countries!
ОтветитьWhy on God's green earth would they adopt her if they immediately intended to abuse her. Who in their right mind couldn't actually hurt an innocent baby I stress baby like that? They should get the same treatment in jail
ОтветитьYou handle these topics very well. I have been subbed for a while and prefer your take on these, the worst of the worst cases.
ОтветитьSatanic, pure evil!! Trust they both rot in hell. RIP sweet baby girl!! 🙏
ОтветитьI can't even find the words at this time. Omg
ОтветитьWtf is wrong with people so sad rip little one
ОтветитьSweetheart audio needs to be turned up
ОтветитьJeung-In rest easy babygirl ❤😢
ОтветитьWhat monsters they where i hope they suffer as much that poor baby did. its hearthbraking to say the least i feel like crying . 😢
ОтветитьThank you this one itwas really well done. I know this story was big in her home country but not a lot of coverage here that I've seen.
If I may, I would like to suggest Delilah Pena story for a future episode. She was tortured and eventually killed by her mother Yolanda Pena. Her " mother " referred to her as "It" even when talking to police. It'd be great if more people knew her story. Thank you again.
Why do parents adopt children only to abuse them? 😢
ОтветитьThis is disgusting.. as a nurse that doctor makes me sick..they should be in trouble along with parents as well as police that did nothing.. and there must not be proper child services in Sth Korea as for example in Australia 🇦🇺 as a nurse I’m a mandatory reporter along with police, teachers, daycares etc and can be fined $25,000 if I don’t report suspected abuse to the Dept of child services but anyone can report like family, friends, even strangers who witness child abuse.
ОтветитьThis poor helpless baby. How could anyone be so cruel? She was so little. This just breaks my heart. Terrible.
ОтветитьLove this channel
ОтветитьI'm a new listener and would like to say that you were amazing telling this child's story. The emotion you had in your voice literally had me in tears.
ОтветитьMy Heart hurts for this beautiful baby whose mother gave her up so she could have a better life!! I’m always confused when evil people hurt and kill their own children but why go through all this to adopt then almost immediately make her suffer?! I guess it doesn’t matter what race, gender or country you live in MONSTERS are everywhere 🩵🥹RIP sweet girl
ОтветитьHorrific and heart breaking x
ОтветитьThis story is…I don’t even know man I swear there’s no words. My heart is broken into pieces for this beautiful precious innocent baby girl. This was a BABY! Literally bruh! Not even a toddler yet! Not even 2yrs old yet. Law enforcement, Child protective services. All of these people failed this little girl. Every time this little girl was seen by people at her school,everyone who called in to report the suspected abuse, nothing was done. Each time her foster parents made an excuse, made up a lie, saying that she fell and got hurt, another child did it to her, they took their word for it and did nothing. Even if that was the case they still should’ve been charged with neglect because clearly if those things were really happening then that means they weren’t watching her. They weren’t paying attention to her keeping an eye on her and making sure she was safe from anything, from any type of harm if that was the truth, which we all know it wasn’t. Too many times all over the world whether it’s in the USA, the UK, any other country there’s always someone from child protective services and or someone that’s in law enforcement that had the power to do something to save these children from their abusers when it was reported, and did nothing and some of them not only did nothing, but they actually threatened those that were speaking out, threatening them to charge them with some type of crime if they continued to speak out and bring the abuse to their attention, therefore protecting the abusers instead of protecting the abused, which is the most absurd the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard in my life and this is the case way too many times. Theres the saying “if you see something say something” but if someone sees something and says something and still nothing is done and that person is literally silenced, what else can you do? Everyone that’s in a position to help others, to serve and protect, are not in that position to do those things which are expected and required of them to do. Some people are in it for the money, for their own personal gain and benefit. Those are the ones that do not care. Those are the ones that even after being made aware of these things happening, STILL DO NOTHING. And that’s a BIG reason why so many children end up losing their lives, only after enduring so much pain, and suffering til they just can’t take no more. These people who are in position to make a difference, to do something to save these children but do nothing, need to be held responsible for the blood that is on their hands. There should be a law passed that charges, convicts and hands down a prison sentence to those who failed to do their job and taking these children out of these situations and placing them in a safe environment. I bet u then they will take their job more seriously. Of course it’s not ONLY their faults, but they contribute to a big part of the problem.
ОтветитьYour captions are PERFECT!
ОтветитьPoor sweet little girl 😢
Ответить"I didn't stomp on the toddler, I just punched her." It's grotesque.
ОтветитьI just stated listening to this one and listened fully to another of your videos. I like your no-nonsense, no-frills presentation of detailed facts about each case.
ОтветитьKoreans are evil whether they are North or South. Japanese are also Evil but they failed to invade all of Korea during WW2. And so they got all these ghosts and demons roaming Asia as far south as Malaysia and Indonesia.
ОтветитьYou took the words right out of my mouth. I too was thinking that they adopted this precious little girl just to do those horrific things to her. I would've of loved to of adopted her. She would've been a princess. My daughter, her husband, and my granddaughters would've welcomed her with open arms. She would've been read to, sang to, taken to culture events, and if a place did want children, I wouldn't go. She would of always been with me. I would've stocked up on her favorite foods in case she didn't like what I had given her to eat, and drink. She would've slept with me until she was past 2 years old, because I'm so scared of SIDS. She would've had such a wonderful life with someone like me. She would've known nothing, but love. My ex would've even helped me with her if I needed it. CPS and the police, plus a quack doctor even let her down. I would've fed her whenever she was hungry, no matter what time it was. If she cried, she would've learned that I would come running to see what she needed. If the daycare said something was wrong, I would be sitting in the doctor's office. Even my Fur Babies would've played with her. RIP Little Angel. You'll now know peace. I'm so sorry that those monsters didn't get what they deserved, and I'm so sorry that I didn't know about you too. You're safe now, and no one will ever hurt you again.
ОтветитьMy God, how sad. What a beautiful baby girl she was. Such a terrible loss. I love your channel.
ОтветитьWould anyone know what happened to Jung In's complexion?
ОтветитьPoor little girl, totally evil pair.
ОтветитьIt’s pronounced “Soul “ - not “See-ol.”
ОтветитьI saw this when it happened - By having two children they were allowed a larger house so that is the reason. Poor little baby
ОтветитьYou have to be a horrible person to even abuse anyone like this. But to do it to a defenseless toddler who can’t even speak or defend themselves renders you even less of a human. It’s cases like this where i became embarrassed for the things other so-called humans have done.
Ответитьthe foster care/adoptee cases boil my effing blood!!! why take in these babies just to TORTURE THEM that gorgeous little angel baby did not deserve ANY OF IT I will never understand God, please have mercy on these little souls lost😢 my heart just keeps breaking. Jen, I do pray u take time for ur self and ur mental health covering these cases. all my love❤
Ответитьtheir biological daughter must have been traumatized witnessing the abuse they did to that little baby.
ОтветитьPoor baby girl. Brooke my heart. One of thousand victims every year. Rip ❤🙏
Ответить😊 good morning my dear's my 👍🤘beautiful lady ❤
ОтветитьThis is the most disgusting I've read. This beautiful child of God is now with Jesus, safe, loved, fed. Nobody will ever hurt her again. These people will spend eternity in hell where they belong. They didn't fool me her husband is just as guilty as she is. This was not merely abuse it was torture and murder.
ОтветитьI like how you tell the victims' stories. I feel so sad for her. The adopted parents were awful.
ОтветитьPoor little one. Why didn't they take her back to the home if they felt that way about her?
I hope the changes in abuse investigation occur immediately so no other child has to suffer this way.
They didn't "unalive" her. They MURDERED her!
Why even adopt a chold?? Makes No sense. RIP Sweet baby, you are free from the monsters that plagued your existance!