Three Simple, Fun and Effective Tools to Help Manage Risk | Will Gadd | TEDxYYC

Three Simple, Fun and Effective Tools to Help Manage Risk | Will Gadd | TEDxYYC

TEDx Talks

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@garethmachado1158 - 08.06.2023 15:47

Excellent thought process, a lot of ideas opened up my mind to thinking rationally in recognizing the danger but giving a lot of practical what if scenario erring on the side of safety.

@zoecampbell998 - 03.01.2023 19:12

gotoco brought me here

@stephv3958 - 07.09.2022 04:25

Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." Its actually Frank Herbert, from the book Dune.

@nahlaabdallah7396 - 27.11.2021 21:55

love this presentation , it is really palpable the energy and enthusiasm on the topic!!

@GGCanLove409 - 28.04.2021 19:46

Watching this for a Risk Management presentation for the federal government. Cool

@arlinegeorge6967 - 05.04.2021 17:22

Oh lovely how exciting n thrilling. Beautiful amazing impressive courageous soul. Accepting the risk n live your life. Very very inspiring. Thank you, bless you. All your dreams come true. Seeing reality n not shoving things under the carpet.

@prajyotchikte8655 - 30.01.2021 05:27

You are exactly on point .. knowing the 2 sides of the coin han help you decide which side you want to be

@ctobi707 - 21.11.2020 18:48

ovaltine, have you ever had this stuff? why do they call it ovaltine? they should call it roundtine. you know what i am talking about.

@dkfloza - 12.10.2020 22:46

I am watching this video while I have decided to leave 6 years of studying and working as a programmer behind to pursue an outdoor life and career in his hometown. I hope I can meet him soon.

@sachinsoni1723 - 22.09.2020 06:07

As this is there risk to business

@beremill2184 - 03.09.2020 15:13

Anyone who can climb an ice bound Niagara falls has to be worth listening too.

@balancedlifecoachingwithRARA - 16.05.2020 18:28

Awesome talk, Will. I'm using it in a class I'm teaching entitled: Navigating through the COVID-era. Thank you!

@unoduetre777000 - 20.03.2020 22:21

Didn't apply risk management to his hair or shirt. Ha!

@bonnalenyszyn7814 - 05.01.2020 01:39

Is there a captioned version of this available? The Auto-generated captions are not very usable.

@aurorasfondi5327 - 13.11.2019 19:51

Ciao a tutti gli studenti del Morgagni che hanno guardato questo video per colpa di Liam 😂❤️

@masterburper3219 - 19.09.2019 04:06

Who came here from sls

@georgememafu5184 - 06.05.2019 08:39

Can anyone please identify the song and artist that plays in the background as he is climbing Niagara...

@floridaLise - 03.04.2019 18:53

He reminds me of a one-toed sloth :)

@oussamamoussaoui3274 - 13.03.2019 04:31

Identify the risk, and be prepared for it.

@deresse25 - 12.04.2018 12:13

your life is practically educational esp what you said the positive power of negative thinking! great speech.

@Cacolocia1 - 07.03.2018 22:39

God bless 👍

@JP_AZ - 23.12.2017 04:25

Owen Wilson will be playing him in a movie next year....

@nenadsusic8276 - 13.08.2017 17:59

This is by far the most balanced, the most realistic and the most fun presentation on risk management I have seen in my nearly ten years of being a risk management professional. It is relevant to health & safety and also to corporate risk as well which is the area I practice in. Really a fantastic perspective on risk management. Thank You Will.

@telestix6606 - 27.03.2017 08:50

Well spoken

@Kensingtontv-inc - 23.02.2017 20:28

Great speech, Will.

@silverxmaple - 24.12.2016 09:22

Well done Will!

@stewartmidtoad6429 - 22.10.2016 03:53

Succinct & a polished presentation. Thanks, Will.
