Can a New Law of Physics Explain a Black Hole Paradox?

Can a New Law of Physics Explain a Black Hole Paradox?

Quanta Magazine

1 год назад

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Christopher Bachman
Christopher Bachman - 20.09.2023 14:29

They didn't believe in the darn things.
Now, they debate nonsense.
This is called science?

Tech-99 - 18.09.2023 14:50

it would be my honor of a lifetime to talk to this legend

WillBrink - 18.09.2023 00:53

I fought entropy and entropy won. True story.

Azn Stride
Azn Stride - 17.09.2023 18:56

Susskind looking like netero in the thumbnail when he defeated mereum to save humanity

Jeffrey Coe
Jeffrey Coe - 17.09.2023 14:02

How is that a BH has reached equilibrium when it is in a constant state of feeding on an infinite universe?
If you had a puddle of water that no more water was being poured onto and it spread out as far as it was going to spread, then that has reached a state of equilibrium but if you continued to add water the puddle will grow.
In my mind the fact that the BH does not grow as fast or faster than the universe itself could possibly add greater understanding to the laws of physics.
Nothing escapes a BH not even light yet here we are living breathing examples of BH escapees.

ALAN ROBISON - 17.09.2023 13:29

These are baseless speculations. They merely reflect the fundamental issue plaguing physics: the field seems to be at an impasse. Essentially, it's at its end.

Proteus Augustus
Proteus Augustus - 16.09.2023 20:11

Only mass can be created and dismantled; energy can't. Energy is transmuted but can't be destroyed. The universe(U) is an unlimited void we will never understand. The quantum field permeates all of (U). Our "big bang" is a local clock(u). Time(t) is quantum entropy. Black holes(dark stars) find themselves through millennium, accrete and reach a critical value where time and entropy are the same and invert into the void (U); starting a new clock (t). The quantum field is the matrix on which quantum equilibria occurs - action at a distance. 🎓⚗️🔬🪖⚖️:🍀✝️🇺🇲 Dark matter, like gravity, isn't a force at all. They are observed affects of spacial distortions. You can't know all the energy in the (U) and therefore the quantum constant of any bounded clock (u) is locally discernable. Hence; local spacial distortions are within our grasp but the observable "dark energy" cannot without knowing another local clock. The (U) is a perpetual mechanism.

Lamda3s - 14.09.2023 04:55

Outstanding Video

Arthur T
Arthur T - 14.09.2023 00:44

Great to have people who can think like this and for it to make sense to them. Perhaps I'll have a brain like that next time the wave function comes around :) :)

BugMateo - 12.09.2023 14:45

Good news is Lenny will make up (concoct) yet another interpretation and/or derivation to finally explain whatever he couldn't explain before... he's great

Dr. Hosamane Prabhakar
Dr. Hosamane Prabhakar - 12.09.2023 06:31

I am not a physicist but a physician . I do not fully understand a lot of complex concepts in physics but prof Suskind has been a source of inspiration to me and any time I hear his voice it is music to my ears . As somebody put it he is a very humble genius .We are so lucky we still have him around . Nobel prize or not I t think this brilliant man is a cut above his contemporaries and he is not a politician . Kudos to Prof Suskind !

Michał M
Michał M - 06.09.2023 00:37

This grandpa most probably remembers what happened during his big bang😂

Philippe Perreault
Philippe Perreault - 05.09.2023 02:44

That's a nice guess. Since we cannot get any experimental data from inside a black hole, it will remain so! You can't call it a new law without experimental evidence!

Fixing Physics
Fixing Physics - 05.09.2023 00:30

This quack "theory" shows how Physics has become a business and it's all about selling books, conferences, and paid speeches. i

TheYoh - 04.09.2023 07:40

I'v said for years, what if we're already in a black hole. slowly but in explicitly getting sucked into other black holes which creates another universe through a big bang.

Johnny Natural
Johnny Natural - 04.09.2023 03:26

So no one thinks this might be the alternate reason or explanations for datk energy? Just simply the final point of black holes complexity

Tim Hallas
Tim Hallas - 02.09.2023 04:32

energy - matter - energy - matter - energy - etc...etc...etc... A black hole eats matter, compresses it, then turns it back to energy... spewing it back into space. That much is abundantly clear.

That Other Guy
That Other Guy - 31.08.2023 01:27

I'm happy John Malkovich has taken up Physics after his acting career, dude's a legend!

Jainam Mehta
Jainam Mehta - 30.08.2023 13:38

I wonder if he might be asking his grandkids to run facebook on his mobile phone

Aldrin Miles Partosa
Aldrin Miles Partosa - 29.08.2023 17:31

We may not be the smartest thing that the Universe would ever produce nor the most logicial. And yet it is still empressive that we are able to reached this far wether or not this dicussion is correct or just horseshit.

Ron Sirman
Ron Sirman - 27.08.2023 14:12

You know what's inside a black hole a star so massive light can't escape. That is it no magic no universe nothing. To hot to dense

kmember1 - 21.08.2023 04:58

damn leonard wooooooooooooo :)

F3bs Collins
F3bs Collins - 20.08.2023 12:58

The only way to find out is to go into one

Ross Meldrum
Ross Meldrum - 16.08.2023 21:30

I think it's funny how even after thousands of years and countless theories none of which have definitively been proven true, the physicists still try and explain what God intuitive understands.

byron vyron vyronos
byron vyron vyronos - 16.08.2023 11:53

I think Brian Greene is more correct than Roger Penrose and about Eons ago and Gravity

byron vyron vyronos
byron vyron vyronos - 15.08.2023 22:16

I Love this to the max and understood on a large scale

FreezeFire - 15.08.2023 14:32

I do think it is natural, since unless the temperature is zero kelvin and it never is, things will still have movement relative to each other, they will still interact in ways more than exchanging momentum, maximum entropy is a noise, not a flat plane, the oscillations allow for different structures to arise and dissipate.

David Brisbane
David Brisbane - 14.08.2023 04:47

I don't think the video actually explained how the second law of complexity causes the physical volume of a blackhole to continue growing.

Queen Double, Boy
Queen Double, Boy - 13.08.2023 00:49


Dylan Michalski
Dylan Michalski - 07.08.2023 15:32

Use this as a I’m confused asf button

Yomba Boris
Yomba Boris - 06.08.2023 00:59

Kinda makes me sad thought I would be the first to make this proposal. Anyways to the next problem.

Boy Khongklai
Boy Khongklai - 30.07.2023 04:50

Leonard Susskind

O Circles
O Circles - 29.07.2023 11:28

Boltzmann to the extreme lol

Arborstone - 29.07.2023 04:54

Trying to understand pure energy. It's ok that we don't understand and we won't until we can actually study it.

Charlie Vardar
Charlie Vardar - 28.07.2023 19:05

How did you measure the thermal equilibrium for a specific black hole?
I am trying to say that no matter what kind of results you gain at the end regarding black holes, just keep up the good work on quantum complexity - it is the new materials building age... whenever this age might come in the future!

MrGarrowson - 23.07.2023 09:17

Makes sense to me. The ultimate encryption is absolute random, so its thermal equilibrium.

Richard Carbery
Richard Carbery - 23.07.2023 04:04

Quantum entanglement is the answer to why Black Holes are also Big Bangs that repeat over and over.

Vivi Sector
Vivi Sector - 21.07.2023 10:01

So, haven't they just physically described what actually happens to human beings after death? All the conceptions of Saṃsāra wheel, "life after death" etc?

wisdom true
wisdom true - 21.07.2023 00:52

Who would have thought John Malkovich's older brother was so smart?

Codilony Siempre7
Codilony Siempre7 - 20.07.2023 23:55

When the Hawing radiation is real. Mass is beeing transformed to massless energy. That means that the melting of the universe to heat has a direkt connection to the melting of black holes. The real heat death leads to a disappearing of black holes. There should be a convergation of heat and entropy death in one single moment or black holes are not the most stable structeres. Only an idea.

T Gram
T Gram - 19.07.2023 22:43

John Malkovic is looking rough

Jo Bosanza
Jo Bosanza - 19.07.2023 07:18

According to the latest fact-check data, the thermal equilibrium at the end of time is meta-stable and decomposes into a Bose-Einstein condensate. This channel must be censored to protect Science from incomplete physics.

D Dunn
D Dunn - 17.07.2023 00:32

Thinking about time and a theory if we power the clock with earth power time is running in a power form then we ground the spectrum form to power time for a tone to the power of a clock not running time just the power now we have a radio to time then we ground in a space time our body which is framed in power time tone the radio reaction from that will start the flow of time so the clock begins to tell time so is the power of time the clock or flowing power time which one tell time that's when we sync the heat pressure time to find high noon then flow time from that pressure point in space the clock telling time is the light tone to the power of time 🥺 did we start with that we clock radio power that's holding a time form image time then we ground the form of time to the image of moving time the clock moving well running time did that unlock you

Rayagoldendropofsun - 16.07.2023 21:02

Black Holes are misleading, and more liken to kindergarten fairy tales, not in line with common understanding of Factual Science.

Mathematical concept are not physics/factual science

Quantum Entanglement is nothing more than Gases Bonding together creating Entanglement/solid object's, and there's also quantum disentanglement when Atoms/Molecules are released from solids by rising temperatures.

Gravity has been Debunked !
