Do I Need to Retake Cs to Get Into Medical School? | Ask Dr. Gray: Premed Q&A Ep. 116

Do I Need to Retake Cs to Get Into Medical School? | Ask Dr. Gray: Premed Q&A Ep. 116

Medical School HQ

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V C - 10.10.2022 03:21

I’m doing dual enrollment in my senior year, it’s a 7 week class which I historically do bad in (condensed classes) and my estimation of the grade I will get is a C. The class is intro to biology. I have all A’s at my highschool but science has never been my strong suit. The exams are the toughest part all the studying and the way I am I can only retain so much information before it gets mixed together. I really would love to be a PA or a surgeon, but I don’t want to waste time being in a major I will not succeed in. When do I know when I should switch?

Blackmed - 27.05.2022 00:07

Can I join your podcast? I need help

Fernando Zacahua
Fernando Zacahua - 03.11.2021 07:57

Hello! I am a Freshman at a university and I have been struggling with Gen Chem 103. This is my first semester and I failed my first exam and did not do so good on my second. I really want to go to medical school. Do you suggest I drop the class? or push through? In terms of grades, is it bad if someone has a D or lower in their first semesters of college?

World+Savior - 21.07.2021 07:16

She's not much of a talker

Wu Eskew
Wu Eskew - 01.07.2021 19:53

Nice job!

Chemically Imbalanced
Chemically Imbalanced - 23.06.2021 03:28

Can someone explain to me how retake classes for md schools work do they average them out?

Brian F
Brian F - 14.05.2021 23:04

7 Cs have kind of deterred me from med school lol.

Elizabeth Cordill
Elizabeth Cordill - 05.05.2021 08:23

this is so helpful thank you ❤️

Devante Kerr
Devante Kerr - 01.04.2021 17:33

This episode had to be me I was answering the questions with her😂

Chris Pedro
Chris Pedro - 14.02.2021 10:18

I have two Cs and about to get my bachelors. Do I stand a chance

Venjaminne Fua
Venjaminne Fua - 16.01.2021 08:19

Should I be worried I have 3 C’s so far in undergrad 2 in English 101/103 and 1 in public speaking 101 ( first semester of undergrad) but after that in all my med school pre req classes I’ve had Nothing but A’s and B’s and Ive had a very consistent upward trend in my gpa and I’m in my second year of undergrad

HeyHannah - 15.01.2021 09:16

Is the advice in this video good to take if you have these same stats but no clinical experience?

HeyHannah - 15.01.2021 09:13

When she said 3.5 gpa I believe she meant overall gpa lol. Her science gpa is prob a 2.6 or something

HeyHannah - 15.01.2021 09:12

I’m in a similar boat to this girl. Got Cs in intro Bio 1 and 2 and no credited chem 2, but have done well in upper division science classes and retook gen chem 2 and got an A. My gpa is around 3.5 right now but I think I will take a 2 yr post bacc and volunteer, get clinical experience, and do research and apply next year. Hopefully that will help me get in to med school the first time I apply, rather than praying right now and having to reapply. I hope that works.

Part-Time Medic
Part-Time Medic - 15.01.2021 08:11

Hey Dr. Gray, I have quite a unique situation and I was hoping you would have some answers. I have applied in last years admission cycle with a 3.7 and a 515 MCAT. I had volunteering, plenty of leadership as well as research, but, I only received 1 interview out of 24 schools I applied to. I was waitlisted until the day classes began and then rejected. I've asked for feedback from every school and they have either not responded, or have told me that it was just a numbers game.

Fast forward to this year, I have added 3 publications, and 4 presentations, I have personally worked full time in a level 1 trauma center through the pandemic, I have worked with Global Health on the Phase 3 trial of the MODERNA Vaccine from beginning to end (very involved role), and have still only received 1 interview (the same university as last year). I have applied both MD and DO.

to answer some common questions other people have asked:
1. I have no criminal record or academic misconduct
2. I have had my essays proof read by multiple people, and have even written personal statements for other people who have gotten into medical school (ironically)
3. I have a strong upward trend with 3.9+ for my Junior and Senior year
4. I have only taken the MCAT one time
5. All of the AdComs I've spoken to confirmed that I have no Red Flags on my application

CoMo plays Destiny
CoMo plays Destiny - 15.01.2021 02:54

Hey, I’m a senior who just got a C in physics 2..also, a few Bs. Have overall 3.55-3.7. Bad trend but decent gpa. What should be my mindset? @dr.gray

Michael Huang
Michael Huang - 15.01.2021 02:36

Are C- considered a C or do I need to retake them?

Andres - 14.01.2021 22:19

If I got a c in Orgo 1 and 2 should I retake it? Also got a c + in bio chem so I feel like I need to fix my foundation

peter - 14.01.2021 22:17

I believe she got more Cs. Lol
