Use Case: Holographic Assembly Guides for Avior Integrated Products

Use Case: Holographic Assembly Guides for Avior Integrated Products


3 года назад

630 Просмотров

Avior Integrated Products is a full-service manufacturer of lightweight structures and complex mechanical assemblies in the aerospace industry.

Avior was looking for a solution to accelerate the training of their specialized workers. With the DeepSight software suite, they could leverage augmented reality and the latest HoloLens smart glasses technology.

Using the DeepSight suite tools, Avior replicated the work cell used in their assembly process virtually. Digital twins of the various aircraft parts needed to be assembled by the staff were then animated to recreate each step of the assembly sequence in 3D. Using smart glasses, Avior workers can now bring the holographic sequence directly into their field of vision so that it is superimposed directly on the parts they are assembling with unparalleled accuracy.

"The heads-up-hands-free approach of DeepSight's holographic guides allows us to implement on-the-job learning and significantly reduce the time it takes to train a new employee," said Dany Dumont, vice president of operations innovation and technology at Avior. "This approach also greatly reduces the cognitive burden associated with retaining a new procedure and speeds up the time it takes to take over our assemblies," added M. Dumont.

Unlike traditional instruction manuals or videos projected on a screen, operators learning through virtual shadowing do not divert their attention from their work area, reducing the risk of errors or accidents.

Today, Avior can analyze the time spent by each worker on each step of a procedure. The accessibility of information enabled by the DeepSight software suite allows Avior to continually highlight learning opportunities for certain employees and review less efficient steps in a process.

Moving forward, Avior will remain a strategic partner for the development of new features in the DeepSight software suite.
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