Germany: The discreet lives of the super rich | DW Documentary

Germany: The discreet lives of the super rich | DW Documentary

DW Documentary

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Case - 25.09.2023 23:18

Lol “there’s 20 million Germans with assets between 100k and 1m, we’re all getting richer not just the rich!” This guy is completely disconnected from the average person when your wealth is multiplied measuring in billions your compound interested is clearly multiplied x1000s

V Loveless
V Loveless - 25.09.2023 15:54

The only people I begrudge wealth for is Entertainers and criminals.

PerpendicularMouse - 25.09.2023 13:24

I just started watching so I can't really say much BUT, having billions, even huge amounts of millions of euros can't be achieved ethically, no way in hell. You would have to underpay your workers, wage theft, or something else to get that much money and also not give back to the community enough to hold on to that much wealth when one person doesn't need those sums to live well while so many are in poverty.
Don't wan't to be in public eye because you COULD be seen negative?? How many years have people been chanting "eat the rich". SO the reason they stay hidden is bc they can't handle the idea that the unethical wealth they have would make them seem bad?. I'm editing this comment as I watch.
No I don't gaf how many jobs rossman created, I care to know does the company pay above minimum wage (which probs even in germany isn't enough to live well, it is the bare fucking minimum). How good is his employees buying power. How close are they able to live to the workplace, their health, and benefits? Rich company with poor employees isn't a good look.

Ahmad Tariq
Ahmad Tariq - 24.09.2023 18:34

what do you expect?😂😂😂 Like they are dancing around on gold ponies, all rich are like that. The only reason why Muricans are too loud are cause their billionaires are either too political or celebrity trash. Also, believe me if you think they are living same life as normy you are nut job, they are just not loud or they are just loud in their circles.

Breen Whitman
Breen Whitman - 23.09.2023 08:48

2023, since this was made, Covid, Climate, the UN's Agenda 2030, travel emissions are a thing, and aiming for meatless.
Of course, we also now see thats for the common workers. It wont apply to these people.
They will still have their Fillet Steak, fly wherever, and will be free from restrictions.

Renould Pierre
Renould Pierre - 22.09.2023 14:56

That’s a Great Documentary, with Great Data, on Studying the World’s Wealthiest Clients and, Friends of Families, Great work very much in impressive work, May God Bless them and, Assist them with Protecting the World more.,👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏⭐️👍🌟💎👑💯

Race-shel Casaquite
Race-shel Casaquite - 22.09.2023 07:02

i never seen any young man or women🥴🤔🤣🤣🤣

frozenboot68 - 20.09.2023 05:22

so why is the cameraman showing all the women? is this about the arm candy or the wealthy men?

Kyle Phillips
Kyle Phillips - 20.09.2023 01:01


Howard & Jessica
Howard & Jessica - 19.09.2023 11:38

I love that the rich spend the large amounts of money they do on manufactured products. Money doesn’t buy happiness and they have to keep spending and checking their stock pile. Perfect.

silver & noise
silver & noise - 19.09.2023 08:44

Eat the rich.

Afrinaut - 19.09.2023 03:15

Why they want to hide: because billionaires & millionaires shouldn’t exist. They don’t “deserve” that, that it a myth.

Damion Pseudonym
Damion Pseudonym - 18.09.2023 21:47

Oh look. Super-rich people justifying their richness at the expense of everyone else.

I Am Ofwona
I Am Ofwona - 18.09.2023 11:31

I find the discretion truly wealthy people have very sexy. Ostentation is actually a turn off.

Javier cuevas sanchez
Javier cuevas sanchez - 16.09.2023 22:36

this companies are over valued for couple stores worth billions, thats the case u.s.a should have more trillions thn

jnslml 14
jnslml 14 - 16.09.2023 16:14

The destiny of rich and poor is the same.

Paul Zeng
Paul Zeng - 16.09.2023 05:13

Wowwww what does it take to get on the list? To become a nazi! Wowwwwww

Och Nöö
Och Nöö - 15.09.2023 11:54

alle enteignen. kein mensch der welt sollte so viel geld horten.

Julius X5
Julius X5 - 13.09.2023 03:17

The Germans are the smartest at doing this

Massimo Giordano
Massimo Giordano - 10.09.2023 13:00

L exposition De la richiese c est. Vulgair ….german riche aristocrat

Olivia Krause
Olivia Krause - 08.09.2023 20:10

"What they contribute to the country"... Yeah, what? Not like rich people work any harder than the working class.

Ally & The Arts
Ally & The Arts - 07.09.2023 20:40

I wouldn't flaunt my money
I'd invest and place money in other things like real estate, stocks, I'd purchase homes/apartment buildings/land. Start a few keep money flowing.
And quite frankly I don't even spend much....I just have small things I have to pay back but overall I only purchase things I actually need. And I don't take unnecessary loans. Never did.

fifa craft
fifa craft - 07.09.2023 00:55

How many connections these people must have had to a certain political party in the past

Blue Dice
Blue Dice - 04.09.2023 18:32

Ask those ultra rich in the shadows, who their ancestors were. SS, NSDAP, GESTAPO, WAR CRIMINALS

crash bandicoot
crash bandicoot - 04.09.2023 17:27

Rich people are a part of a nice famsy party that you will never be invited to nomader how hard you work or how well conected you may be its exclusive for a reson.

jasm - 03.09.2023 13:22

The problem with German billionaires is that they won’t admit when they did something wrong or supported the wrong person like it is common in this circles. They will clinch onto their decisions no matter what, even bend the law. (Und alles unter dem Teppich kehren) Instead to try to correct it and support the right person (was irrigerweise einem „Scheitern” in ihren Augen gleich käme). Dieses Verhalten zieht sich dann traurigerweise dominomässig durch alle Instanzen und Institutionen runter bis zum kleinsten Beamten. They are not so flexibel in their mind and heart. (Never ever heard: „sorry, my mistake, I will make up for it“). The real reason for staying under the radar is so that no one can expose their faults? which then of course robs them off the opportunity to grow menschlich.

Roberts Vimba
Roberts Vimba - 02.09.2023 20:14

I don’t consider myself a socialist but… eat the rich.
Almost no one who is that rich got to where they are without doing something illegal or unethical.

Vmo O10
Vmo O10 - 02.09.2023 12:39

Otto stock 4 years later

Whoever The Person
Whoever The Person - 02.09.2023 10:32

This makes me so deeply angry, because while 9-30 million die each year owing to malnutrition or hunger, most of these children, the money of one billionnair could have fed these millions for generations: DO THE FUCKING MATH. if we executed one billionnair every few years and took their money we could solve hunger forever. And in my country (UK - another shithole like Germany & the rest of Europe, and America, Australia, South Africa, the evil spawn of this country), a third live pay check to pay check. If I were super rich and as greedy and selfish as ALL of them then I'd become either a drug addict, a sex addict or a suicide victim because I couldn't live with myself. That is the actual truth. If I had a billion I would set up recovery centres for misunderstood and judged people like addicts, the homeless, the abandoned: I would invest in finding solutions to global problems like hunger and ecoside. It is beyond appalling that we will have to spend trillions to correct the mistakes of us fat greedy white pigs that are destroying the Earth and claiming the lives of millions when just a tiny fraction of that could have solved global hunger many decades ago. FUCKING LOOK AT US. We don't deserve to live. We deserve to fry like bacon in order to feed the world.

Maont - 01.09.2023 16:37


Justin Griffin
Justin Griffin - 01.09.2023 04:22

Forbes magazine is a Rothschild publication, they keep tabs on the wealthy but they never include themselves on the Rich
list, they own the syndicated press Reuters also, they control things....a book by Gary Allen online for free im pdf is called the Rockefeller file....its startling how the real powers hide their wealth and how its used....communism was promoted by them...
The people in this documentary are hard working backbone of any economy....

Salmanov Gadzhimurad
Salmanov Gadzhimurad - 31.08.2023 18:30

Что мне смотреть если дотврйгы только плохое было

Czarinederella - 31.08.2023 09:51

I'm a poor asian living in a rich neighborhood in Germany. People's past time here are horseback riding, golf and especially sailing. I don't know either of them so I consider myself very very poor hahaha!!

I work with the 4th generation German boss. As a foreigner I feel scared at first, but Germans are really humble. You wouldn't see a German boss bossing around like in Asia. He's also doing the work just like the rest of us employees.

Rich people here dress ordinarily and you can just talk to them about the weather without being intimidated. While me being poor likes to dress with LV, Chanel, Fendi, etc. 😂

dareal415er - 31.08.2023 06:55

To whom much is given, much is expected. If you're born rich that is your karma. Live a life of gratitude and serve the less fortunate within reason.

Vic Wiseman
Vic Wiseman - 31.08.2023 04:44

I cringed when they read out the name and company’s value of one of them. I would never want my name read out like that. Whats the point?!

Elena Trofimova
Elena Trofimova - 30.08.2023 21:49

Unbelievable how many comments are in the favor and support to insanely rich people, and they see that deadly desigual wealth is normal nowadays…. Sorry Marx, so sad to see so many stupid ppl around after 150 years of your manifest and capital book.

LernKunst - 30.08.2023 16:06

I don't completely get why do this people need an image video if they are so nice, like they are trying to present here? I mean, if it would be like this, we would know, wouldn't we? 😂

hule - 30.08.2023 12:14

One of the greatest value of being rich is that you can choose the people around you. As your parents could if they were rich too. So you get better advice than the rest might get. And keep the most comfortable company for being comfortable yourself. Why spoil that by going public (and have your head chopped off if worst comes to worse). A lot of life energy gets lost by dealing, not been able to avoid the wrong kind.

Dan Artene
Dan Artene - 29.08.2023 17:19

old money = nazi money
None of them (old money) wants to be transparent about the linkage with nazi party back in the 40's.

Leto Atreides
Leto Atreides - 29.08.2023 11:14

The fact he invests in Gazprom reversed all the some what positive impressions i got from the Rossmann dude. He should be ashamed

Anders wo
Anders wo - 28.08.2023 22:22

thats not true ... germany has not so much Millionärs.... sorry... you totally wrong...

Jari Norvanto
Jari Norvanto - 27.08.2023 21:21

Und now... Ze Grreat Reset?

Havoc - 27.08.2023 18:36

India is worse

Booms Riddico
Booms Riddico - 27.08.2023 13:03

always amazes me that people are in any way interested in a list of the super rich!? why would you be interested in this group of people. If you want to be one of them then following their wealth is not going to get you closer to their riches

Matt Apple
Matt Apple - 27.08.2023 09:40

Germans always think that they got to justify their wealth, that´s so pathetic and hypocrisy.

Ian Britten
Ian Britten - 26.08.2023 21:11

Wo ist Gazprom den jetzt 💀
