Going Full OAuth with the new Spring Authorization Server in Spring Boot 3.1! #oauth2 #oauth

Going Full OAuth with the new Spring Authorization Server in Spring Boot 3.1! #oauth2 #oauth

Coffee + Software

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@user-fq9vj8kq2q - 29.11.2023 23:39

Great video. Very informative. I am running into issues though. On form login I keep getting an error with status 999. This occurs after the post. Any advice or general direction to check? I do have it on stackoverflow which has a lot more detail (such as pom.xml and config file). Thanks and keep up the great work!!

@yebadokpogodson7163 - 23.11.2023 12:25

Hello Guys, first thank you for this great video.
I've a spring boot boot authorization server working fine locally and i can use i spa client like angular to authenticate the user using the authorization code with pkce.
However after putting my spring boot authorization server behind gravitee gateway ,when the client make a get request to gravitee it redirect it to the server and the server redirect the user to it login page.
But when the user authenticate, I have the saveRequest Null because the header change between the first gravitee call and the redirect on the server login page.

Can anyone help me please ?

@navkkrnair - 10.10.2023 08:45

By just following you, I was able to successfully complete the authorization_code workflow. The only difference is, my resource server is an mvc, not rest. Now when I try to post a form, I get "An expected CSRF token cannot be found" with status code 403. As I am using thymeleaf, csrf is already there in the form. Any suggestion?

@keithleo-smith2836 - 09.08.2023 19:21

Using Spring Security and Auth Server is there an easy way to generate an access token programatically?

@rkalyankumar - 23.07.2023 19:04

Thanks guys. This video actually cleared most of the doubts I had with the authorisation server. Awesome!

@fipabrate - 23.07.2023 16:20

Any chance to show how to secure websocket? How to use jwt with sockets?

@mainulhasan35 - 06.07.2023 09:47

Hello, how can I achieve the same thing without using RouteLocator, instead of this, I want to use reactive webclient?

@treefrog9392 - 05.07.2023 17:25

I tried doing this exact implementation, but I containerized it using docker compose, and I'm constantly getting bad client?
I wonder if there's something additional required.

@caseylam8046 - 04.07.2023 04:37

honestly watched the first 10 mins.. The pace and atmosphere are very uncomfortable

@markostrisko2370 - 29.06.2023 21:04

First of all, guys, amazing video, I enjoyed it all the way from the beginning till the end.
One question in my mind right now. How flexible is SAS for changing the view (HTML & CSS) of the Login page or Consent page as well?
I remember having so many troubles doing those things with Cognito or Keycloak, I really hope SAS gives more flexibility.
Thanks and all the best to you guys.

@divyashreeb.l4024 - 27.06.2023 20:33

Amazing content...Can we use revoke endpoint for logout? Or please suggest how to handle logout..

@RN-jo8zt - 27.06.2023 19:41

where i can get code link?

@chijiokeibekwe9710 - 21.06.2023 22:35

In an application where users of a client have unique permissions, how is this managed in spring authorization server?

@alltechtrickstips4850 - 20.06.2023 20:17

Josh acted like he doesn't knw 😂! Pretty entraining and easy grasping content! We really waited for Spring Authorization server to be in spring eco-system! Excellent content but plz upload in high resolution

@arjitmishra100 - 20.06.2023 07:15

Thanks for great overview.
I have one question, is authorization_code flow is PKCE enabled?

@alexandersmirnov4274 - 14.06.2023 00:14

just works))

@NadaP. - 13.06.2023 15:56

Thank you for the demo. It looks simple enough but I'm still confused about how to apply it to my own app. When securing a rest api that is consumed by a separate client app, can the authorization server live inside the rest api and serve the oauth endpoints on the same port as my rest api? Do I need the resource server in there as well? Would the client app use authorization_code grant type? Could you point me to some info on this? Appreciate the help!

@AstronLeandro - 08.06.2023 23:48

Tried to follow coding with you, but a POST to localhost 8080 oauth2/token using basic authorization with client and secret, give me an error "OAuth 2.0 Parameter: grant_type". As explained in github issue "spring-projects/spring-authorization-server/issues/349" Spring will not be providing support for the password grant as its deprecated in OAuth 2.1.

@subaratatubebd - 08.06.2023 21:43

I already watched out many videos like your, But I can't figure out how to register new users through the API. All are doing the same (In Memory User), a single admin user by coding and fixed. So I wanted to know how to register more than one users on Auth server through API like "api/auth/register". Hope you get my point and pls answer me.

@dheereshjoshi9517 - 30.05.2023 03:06

You guys are amazing ..

@jackfrosch - 28.05.2023 18:05

Great stuff, Josh and Steve. The worst part seems to be all the config, which is mostly a one-off.

Speaking of security... I recommend moving off LastPass because of its poor security practices. We switched from LP to 1Password and really love it. Migration is easy and it is feature rich.

@cloudsquall88 - 27.05.2023 15:18

Thank you for the presentation!
I have a (genuine) question: Why would I use Spring Authorization Server instead of, say, Keycloak?
Could you give some pros/cons?

@janyoussef4501 - 27.05.2023 01:27

Security is hard, after watching the video it hasn't gotten any easier 🤣, but if you can do all this in 1 hour, then it's certainly manageable for the rest of us 👍.
Kudos to the Spring team for this great effort 🔥.
