How Leo DiCaprio cheated the bar exam| Final Scene | Catch Me If You Can | CLIP

How Leo DiCaprio cheated the bar exam| Final Scene | Catch Me If You Can | CLIP

Boxoffice Movie Scenes

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Boxoffice Movie Scenes
Boxoffice Movie Scenes - 28.11.2022 17:10

Hi everyone! What grade (out of 10) would you give this video?

Wassim Mohamed
Wassim Mohamed - 02.10.2023 11:08

You still can't fool him with those videos to let him think that he's practicing fraud ...
You want to Play on the psychological behavior over and over and over but you don't change or be more creative in making it in various Ways and that what makes it boring.

Nolan Weston
Nolan Weston - 26.09.2023 23:23

Great movie

WendelltheSongwriter - 25.09.2023 17:43

So now we know that this is entirely made up, like the Bible right?

Bobby Liang
Bobby Liang - 21.09.2023 08:03

I cheated on many exams in high school and college. I'll tell you the secret but, please, don't tell anyone: I read and memorized all the relevant facts on the subject that the exam tested me on. all the answers to their questions were embedded in my brain. hahaha. completely fooled them!

missellyssa - 18.09.2023 21:09

This is one of my favorite movies. I once told a friend that, "I liked movies where people were pretending to be different people." He smirked. Then, he said, "Isn’t that ALL movies?" Uh...I see what you did there...

Chad Bednarczyk
Chad Bednarczyk - 13.09.2023 03:12

Dude is smart, most insanely good con artists are. Good thing he went legit and started fighting the bad guys instead of being one of them.

Wi.蘇打 - 12.09.2023 05:35

He wanted to be care even those ppl was police.

Daniel Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez - 04.09.2023 07:41


JazzCarDashCam - 30.08.2023 15:33

I really don't think Hanks and DiCaprio were a good fit together in this film.

w00master - 30.08.2023 05:21

Fun movie and enjoyed Frank’s book - but nearly all of it is not true and fake.

doglover - 07.08.2023 04:26

I didn't cheat I studied ❤

hanni's cookie
hanni's cookie - 05.08.2023 11:47


Carlos Soso
Carlos Soso - 01.08.2023 15:55

One of my all time favorite movies.

Thibaud - 01.08.2023 10:59

The title of this video is slanderous. Mr. DiCaprio, despite all his flaws, has never cheated the bar exam. In reality, only the character he portrayed in the motion picture "Catch me if you can" cheated the bar exam.

Mr. DiCaprio also never died on The Titanic.

Sam - 28.07.2023 17:44

amazing actors who defined the term "acting"

SNL Total Relaxation
SNL Total Relaxation - 28.07.2023 06:44

He did,t chaet, he passed the examen... So for title 0/10, for video 10/10.

Comrade Carl
Comrade Carl - 16.07.2023 05:59

Leo cheated on the bar?!?!?

Your friend overseas
Your friend overseas - 14.07.2023 14:48

And he gets to be a lawyer? WHAT A SICK JOKE. I should have stopped him when I had the chance. And you? You have to stop him.

william sewell
william sewell - 11.07.2023 22:36

Bet that pisses off law students

David Cooke
David Cooke - 05.07.2023 03:00

So was Abignale telling Hanks that he stole the bar exam out of someone's mailbox, washed off their name and put his own? I'm not good at subtext.

Toxic - 30.06.2023 22:38

The great thing is, if he didnt turn to crime, he could have been amazing at whatever he wanted

Nick _
Nick _ - 06.06.2023 19:17

Can’t tell if that’s Leo or James Marsden in the thumbnail

roger ramjet
roger ramjet - 06.06.2023 10:39

$16.000 $16.00000000000 what's the difference its just made up money, get a mortgage and be in debt to the banks for 75 years in the illusion you've brought your hose lets hope you dont get shorted

Enkii Muto
Enkii Muto - 03.06.2023 05:27

DiCaprio cheater on the bar exam? Such an amazing method actor.

Rishabh Sharma
Rishabh Sharma - 31.05.2023 01:23

What kind of an idiot thinks a 4 year old child is still 4 years old, 11 years later? And why would a 4 year old not be able to participate in a skiing trip?

JadedLionTamer - 29.05.2023 00:48

Chuck: You passed the bar?

José Islanio
José Islanio - 19.05.2023 06:45

You passed the bar? What a sick joke!

dave haworth
dave haworth - 16.05.2023 23:09

Abagnale admitted on his website that some facts had been overdramatized or exaggerated, though he was not specific about what was exaggerated or omitted about his life. In 2020, journalist Alan C. Logan provided evidence he claims proves the majority of Abagnale's story was invented or at best exaggerated. The public records obtained by Logan have since been independently verified by journalist Javier Leiva. In 2023, author and journalist Abby Ellin provided further evidence to challenge Abagnale's claims

Zarkow - 15.05.2023 13:17

Leo did not do anything, he is an actor.

Moto Geee
Moto Geee - 11.05.2023 03:02

An all this time I thought passing the bar exsame was by not drinking a drink at a bar.

Julia Connell
Julia Connell - 10.05.2023 13:07

Frank - so sorry, I could not let this just pass (ha!) - "How Leo DiCaprio cheated the bar exam". The ACTOR Leonardo DiCaprio, playing the *character of Frank Abagnale Jr., (the real Frank Abagnale Jr., and the fictional Frank- ie this movie is fictional, however based on the life of a real person. just emphasizing - the actor Leo, did not "cheat" the bar exam (has DiCaprio ever studied law? - do not know, not relevant - but claiming, as your title does, that he "cheated" on the bar exam - well more ridiculous law suits have came as a result of less....)

John ofMalta
John ofMalta - 08.05.2023 19:16

Or you can totally make all it up and thrive on the lies about the lies you told up until very recently. Raise your hand if you’re a dummy who fell for it like me. JoM

Bill - 08.05.2023 16:52

"I didn't cheat, I used ChatGPT"

Matthew Kuchinski
Matthew Kuchinski - 07.05.2023 16:09

I do love how Frank Abagnale would take down another big con-artist who ripped off from soldiers and other victims.

Michael Hammond
Michael Hammond - 06.05.2023 15:36

He got Mike Ross to do it for him

Terry Voll
Terry Voll - 06.05.2023 00:12

What’s the name of the movie?

Stogie Stog
Stogie Stog - 05.05.2023 20:25

Cool movie. Turns out the real guy made the whole thing up and was a low life loser who got caught the first time he tried to steal a check.

Romil Jain
Romil Jain - 05.05.2023 17:09

He used chat gpt to pass the exam

Darinel Mata
Darinel Mata - 05.05.2023 08:10

Wow!! That last line... that was so clear!! Subtext! He study how to pass and he did!! Great!!

Meerkat ADV
Meerkat ADV - 05.05.2023 00:45

Too bad he made the whole thing up.

Ameen Saif
Ameen Saif - 03.05.2023 14:15

How do we know the conman didn't con us into thinking he's a better conman?

E Anderson
E Anderson - 02.05.2023 19:27

I could never get into this movie despite its two great actors. Sure, most of his crimes were victimless, other than the banks, but I always felt bad for all those girls who he lured into his faux stewardess scam. I mean, they didn’t actually have jobs did they? Whatever happened to them after the dust settled and they realized they were not in fact shiny new Pan Am hostesses, but were jobless and had been used by a con artist? How could someone lead people on like that with no remorse at all? And even if that particular scam never happened in real life, the movie depicts it as one of the main protagonist's exploits so I’m still not inclined to cheer on a criminal with no heart. Furthermore, even though most of his crimes were simple check fraud, the real Frank Abignale he did steal from regular people too, at least from what I’ve read. So sure the movie was entertaining as hell and had fantastic acting and really let Leonardo DiCaprio shine, but the actual man seems like a scumbag. The real man seems like he may have been a psychopath who, instead of being hated, is celebrated as some Robin Hood genius. I guess that’s a sign of our times.

TheDaftPowerRanger - 01.05.2023 21:36

They could of legit made a sequel of them working together and I would of watched it

Del Pullen
Del Pullen - 29.04.2023 23:53

Leo didn't pass the bar exam, his character did in the movie. In real life Frank Abignale didn't pass the bar exam either, he just claimed he did in his book.

Fandom - 28.04.2023 21:51

Which movie is this

J. Perry
J. Perry - 28.04.2023 04:31

Loved hanks until his activities on pedo island were revealed. So very sad!

Susan B
Susan B - 27.04.2023 16:18

Imagine if frank had been foreign. Never would have flew if you’ll pardon the pun
