Yoga Tutorial: Foot to Hand Distance in Downdog | Beginner-Friendly | Bad Yogi

Yoga Tutorial: Foot to Hand Distance in Downdog | Beginner-Friendly | Bad Yogi

Bad Yogi Yoga

2 года назад

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@AlisonQ1 - 27.04.2022 20:42

I have been wondering about that little shuffle for years! I was worried I was wrong because I never noticed anyone else do the shuffle!!! Thank you so much for this video 🙏💛

@CallaLily40 - 28.04.2022 03:44

Very helpful

@kathleenmccann3961 - 05.05.2022 20:04

Thank you, there is alot to what you said about anticipation of a move and mindset, if you feel that adjustments are "failures" it steals the joy from your practice and will eventually make it easier to just not get on your mat! Nice, I always enjoy your videos
