THE SON | Official Trailer (2022)

THE SON | Official Trailer (2022)

Sony Pictures Classics

1 год назад

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Kery zen
Kery zen - 20.10.2023 01:27

I tried to kill me 2 times in the pass and the second time was almost successful they make rcp and forced me to come back… I am better now still the thoughts are in my mind but I tried to think in my family suffering. My mom make me watch this movie with all the family and I will always remember when the scene when the father broke in tears, my mom say in this scene “please don’t turn me into him” si cried a lot and I am more conscious with my medication and extra help when my dark mind is winning

David 2000
David 2000 - 15.10.2023 04:43

No matter what movie Hugh Jackman stars, whether it’s good or bad, his acting just never gets old

DD - 14.10.2023 15:12

Not many movies stick with me emotionally the way this one did. It took almost a week for me to get it out of my mind. It is not an easy movie to embrace and has an even harder ending which will make most people cry, I think.
The acting is amazing and the story captures the reality of how depression can be so invisible to those around a person, as is with a lot of mental illness. In this case, it spirals out of control when an only child tries to deal with his father's decision to divorce his mom so dad can marry a woman he began an affair with at work. Suicide is a very sad reality. Depression leaves one with a continuous feeling hopelessness, crippling emotional pain and sometimes a numbness to feeling anything other than an stress/pressure and even physical pain. I dealt with depression in my early adult years, mainly because I made some bad relationship choices that lead to my enduring emotional and physical abuse. Any kind of trama in life can have a major impact on one's emotional/mental health. Everyone can find help but some unfortunately give up. For me, I honestly started praying for help, even though I had not been to church in years, or thought much about God during that time. Things changed drastically when I asked God to move this person out of my life and 2 months later he left me for another and quit stalking me. He wished me well, leaving on peaceful terms. A real miracle! It took a number of years to recover and I tried to medicate the pain with alcohol and pot in my 20's. Finally, before reaching 30, I turned to God again asking to help me find true peace. I quit pot and drinking, except for mild to moderate beer or wine occasionally. I never had an addiction fortunately.
He lead me on a amazing journey that changed my life. Also, praying, for me, helps me stop depression, connecting me to grace and strength to hope for God's best for my life. I wake up with a hope and desire to live this amazing life. And even when my husband in my first marriage left me for another woman, God gave me such amazing strength and the love of many people flowing through my life that I didn't get bound up in depression. I also, prayed endlessly, during those times, which was my nuclear weapons against all the pain and suffering I experienced. And finally, a wonderful person came into my life 6 years later, who has given me more love because he also loves God, and comes from a loving family of amazing people. We are going on 11 years of marriage now.
I pray for those who suffer with mental struggles, because there are many hard things to go through in life. But, if we don't give up, there's way more beauty, joy and love if we follow and pursue it. Love never fails. But, I most importantly discovered that even if people let you down, God is always there to help you, so you are never alone. I was able to live my life as a whole, happy, single person before I got married again. I give God the glory for that breakthrough, but changed my life. Still going strong and beat cancer, at 60!!!

ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΑ ΚΟΤΣΑ - 09.10.2023 12:50

Excellent acting by all ! Jackman with his commanding voice gives color to all emotions.
Tragic for a child to feel hindrance or unwanted. Same thoughts to me as a child of such a family. Fortunately faith in Christ prevented me from such a sad end. What's done is done. Life itself is a constant opportunity for the best, while the violent end destroys everything. Congratulations to the creators!

Cristian Lopez
Cristian Lopez - 07.10.2023 04:07

I cried 😢When He talked to his Son at the end
And He was thinking about his Son
He was not there anymore😢😢

Terrilee hodroj
Terrilee hodroj - 06.10.2023 00:17

nope not for me trauma triggered

Isabela Silva
Isabela Silva - 02.10.2023 20:59

Arrasou ameii muito bom

irvhanaZ - 02.10.2023 20:52

Arrasou, amei o filme

Thais Cristina Moreira dos reis
Thais Cristina Moreira dos reis - 02.10.2023 14:59

Será surpreendente

jesica romero
jesica romero - 27.09.2023 01:42

Dónde la puedo ver ?

osaMST - 20.09.2023 04:33


F.P - 11.09.2023 12:53


MissySweetHeartCheddargetter /THE ABC GRADUATE
MissySweetHeartCheddargetter /THE ABC GRADUATE - 09.09.2023 21:17

My son tonygreg 🥰🥰

M How
M How - 08.09.2023 02:29

This was a masterpiece. Not all kids are as sensitive as the boy in this movie , but the ones that are , need special treatment and attention. It’s almost like living with a disabled child. They require all your energy and more.

Alex Godman
Alex Godman - 04.09.2023 20:18

Zen should've switched roles with Noah in The Tutor. They could've pulled off the roles way better.

Htaimaimun Baskunchi
Htaimaimun Baskunchi - 03.09.2023 13:31

I have watched yesterday , got a headache- listening the bible and following all G-d s commandants could have prevented many bad and unpleasant situation regarding the children in families and their future , if parents could have managed to control their ego and temptations and follow the G-d

Nayeli Jaime
Nayeli Jaime - 24.08.2023 05:08

My comfort movie

LadyTeePrinceLover - 23.08.2023 06:49

Spoiler Alert: This film gave me such horrible anxiety! 😰 Gives off the same vibe as "We Need to Talk About Kevin", which also freaked me out! 🤯 I kept worrying about the newborn being in danger the whole entire time! The son was so blatantly manipulative, & the parents were completely blind. I kept wishing they would listen 2 the doctor & NOT sign him out so soon! When Hugh didn't hide the gun after the son found it, I already knew the ending....🫢

Liz Brown
Liz Brown - 22.08.2023 04:56

So sad he was a great dad some times words won’t help the boy was really sick mentally..u can give them everything but it will never work they don’t even know where the pain is coming from

Pinky Schultz
Pinky Schultz - 19.08.2023 03:04

This film is so utterly fucking heart breaking, I cannot describe it.

Happy Destinations
Happy Destinations - 18.08.2023 23:33

This movie was so beautiful and sad at the same time

Makta972 - 08.08.2023 17:28

looks so boring. I'm pretty sure he wants to become a woman...

Maximilian Schulz
Maximilian Schulz - 02.08.2023 01:49

When I saw Anthony Hopkins I hoped it would be related to The Father but after finally watching it now I realise they are not related

LadyNYC211 - 01.08.2023 05:30

Heartbreaking 😢

Drumbot - 31.07.2023 11:22

This is the one of the hardest movie I have ever watch Although definitely recommended

Sarah Von Bergen
Sarah Von Bergen - 28.07.2023 05:53

Supurbly done. So moving. And it made me feel like I've made the right choice, keeping my family together with God's help. 🙏

Diane Pines
Diane Pines - 25.07.2023 05:47

Such a painful and sad movie. The acting was spectacular. We humans all need to learn how to communicate better with each other and commit to prioritizing our children!

ovtheabyss84 - 18.07.2023 03:21

The complete lack of mental illness awareness displayed by these parents is making me so angry.

Amaia Thompson
Amaia Thompson - 14.07.2023 07:06

Spoiler: the new wife really knows how to piss someone off.

J K - 12.07.2023 23:26

The "godless" age we live in gives the youth so little hope for themselves or their future lives. Not that broken homes are new, but that the world we all occupied had more to offer those who lacked at home.

I pray that I can infuse my son's lives with purpose and hope and that they find a meaningful relationship with Christ and can rest in his joyful salvation.

Melissa Bonilla
Melissa Bonilla - 11.07.2023 03:56

Very moving movie. I wish we got to see how Nicholas’s mother dealt with everything after his death.

Verne Fits
Verne Fits - 05.07.2023 17:36

great movie. i almost had a laugh when Peter tell Nicholas that it will not work on him his menacing look. Yeah looking menacingly to Wolverine is not good idea

Verne Fits
Verne Fits - 05.07.2023 17:31

I cried with this movie. I had once an episode of depression. I remember myself wandering in the city just walking and seating in park benches not wanting to go to work or talk to people. it was a dark period.

Waalex11 - 02.07.2023 10:54

The boy is an awful character. He even hinders Hugh's good acting at times.
Mediocre writing and exaggerated actions also.

Worse is how exaggerated, vague and overly simplified it is. Bad movie.
On idea it's decent but it is very poorly delivered.

Resurrect - 26.06.2023 23:56

Wow. So much relatability in this film. I was left speechless and sobbing, such a great movie!

Amanda Bunga
Amanda Bunga - 24.06.2023 19:47

ooh seems like a good film. great cast too

Victoria the sunflower
Victoria the sunflower - 21.06.2023 07:52

This was a good movie I had to hold back my tears 🥺🥹 SPOILER what I didn't like was when the parents bought him back home they were so chill I would of be looking at everything he does like 👀👀👀 what you doing and second when they had to choose for him to stay or leave I was like keep him in so he can get more help if you let him out he has more things to kill himself with he is more free then in the hospital

Revenge Gekkou
Revenge Gekkou - 20.06.2023 23:01

How many of these comments are bots ☠️👽🤖 cause this movie was hella boring

JayEmVeeKay - 19.06.2023 05:42

This movie broke my heart and made me cry. As hurt as i felt for the kid and i have been that angers me greatly to leave your loved ones in so much pain and regret.

m g
m g - 18.06.2023 01:08

I have just finished watching it. SPOILERS. It made me tear up. As a girl with 19 years old, who suffers from anorexia, depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts, you can't imagine how much this movie has helped me. Thanks God I have help from professionals. The scene when the boy refuses to be in the hospital was so personal to me. I also didn't wanted to be interned in the hospital I am, and refused to go and told my parents that I was okay, but thanks god my parents did it.

Now I still suffer with those thoughts and anorexia and all that stuff I named, but I have help, and this movie made me realize that if I ever did what I thought to do, maybe I would have limited myself from being extraordinary (as the last scene where the dad is imagining his son never attempted suicide and he got to be a writer as he had always wished). It's so emotional. I recommend y'all watching it.

Sierra Cordero
Sierra Cordero - 12.06.2023 06:10

My mom commited suicide in from of me when I was 12. She overdosed on pills and made me watch, took my phone so I couldn’t call for help. She died that night and we went into foster care my brother and I.

anythinggoodproducts - 10.06.2023 16:31

THIS movie taught me that LOVE IS SO harmful when making the right decision...

david davidss
david davidss - 10.06.2023 15:58

Great movie

Jason Taylor
Jason Taylor - 09.06.2023 18:31

Sad but it was the father big mistake... marrying a person is not all about husband and wife. Also your kids too..

Shasha Vengesayi
Shasha Vengesayi - 09.06.2023 08:21

I just watched this movie on the plane. So depressing(no pun intended), but it tells a much needed story that many need to see and hear. Phenomenal acting from the cast. My eyes watery at the end, wow.

Daetyme - 08.06.2023 00:47

I deleted some things I said, but now I see I should have left it here, but most people just aren't ready to hear it.

Daetyme - 07.06.2023 22:52

a lot of young people go through their 'angst years', and a lot pour that angst into writing, painting; something that helps them, and could be the start of a fulfilling career; don't be too much in your head, do something productive.

Pahola F Terreros Orbe
Pahola F Terreros Orbe - 07.06.2023 16:41

Great actors! ❤

soilofk - 07.06.2023 04:52

OMG! What a powerful movie! Great acting too.
