The Top 7 HORDE BASE Tips You Need - 7 Days To Die 2023

The Top 7 HORDE BASE Tips You Need - 7 Days To Die 2023


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Really Bad Gamer
Really Bad Gamer - 16.09.2023 17:18

Re: separating your hoard base from your crafting base... Glock has an expression - "I don't sh*t where I eat".... lol

Irevanix - 14.09.2023 06:47

I have a two story house with a trap-basement. The basement and bottom floor is being turned into my "horde base" and my crafting base is upstairs and secure from horde entry.

Epic_vex - 15.08.2023 21:40

Another thing I found is making five block high thingy but, you place one block to the side on the path and place a push turret into something down below or just make the thing 10 blocks high so they die to fall damage (this is supppper effective during early game and late if u have enough)

Carnage Records
Carnage Records - 10.08.2023 02:23

I can see the effectiveness of building the simple horde base but doesn't that make the game boring? Just standing in one spot repairing one block and shooting or swinging from one position sounds bland. 🤔 that's just me though.

Rainy Eevee
Rainy Eevee - 13.07.2023 09:38

I only make simple one base for both hordes and living but with a long tunnel inside mountain. When zombies comes in I have all the electric wires and turrets that i barelly even need to shoot them myself. They will just die long before they reach me.

HAG - 10.07.2023 19:24

All my horde bases have my real base underneath it with a getaway tunnel it just always works

Phobos2085 - 07.07.2023 21:19

I prefer to combine my bases. It lets me work right up to when the horde attacks and I can get setup for the next day right away without risking a traverse. That said, I place enough support to avoid collapse and I am in the process of redesigning my horde base.

David Stuck
David Stuck - 24.06.2023 05:46

My back up plan of my base is a exact copy of my base behind my current base I feel demos are pretty simple to deal with though but I normally build my main crafting base in my horde base but deeper underground

Oh Darn
Oh Darn - 23.06.2023 00:23

i build my horde base like a pyramid kinda. but no stairs. make them hop up each block and looking down on them from the top makes headshots easy.

Stump - 04.06.2023 04:39

horde bases are just gay, i just make 1 base and make that shit fort knox

Dustin Gray
Dustin Gray - 19.05.2023 01:07

loved the meat bag part ahh hk-47 best part of kotor

Stompbox99 - 18.05.2023 14:41

I've done corridor bases quite a bit and haven't had issues with them attacking the sides instead of coming to the front. I use a hatch system in mine tho which could be why as yours didn't use hatches. I always have a series of hatches so if one breaks I can fall back to another, and then usually have it open up to a big room where I can go up a ladder and have a walkway around made of bars so I can shoot down on them.

dennis holster
dennis holster - 16.05.2023 15:37

these electric fences are buggy as fuck, than u can connect either only 1 or 2 of em and the third wont connect or al 3 wont connect at al,
even rewiring from the generator works 1/3 times.

i cant even imagine how you got 6 or 9 fences up because that seems impossible

MasterPrediction - 13.05.2023 09:12

Could I put a hatch on the tower that connects to an underground base? That way you get the best of both worlds as far as doing 1 or 2 bases.

MasterPrediction - 13.05.2023 09:06

That’s no fun, I want to defend my home not some random tower

Grunkleman - 11.05.2023 00:24

Loved the correction, meat bag 😂

Polite Spider
Polite Spider - 08.05.2023 09:27

I hope this video is still looked at by you. Is kinggen still good?😊

Darkman Meister
Darkman Meister - 05.05.2023 22:18

Personally I just grab a building and upgrade it to hell and back.
Put spikes around it, place a walkway around the roof and rain hellfire while defending the roided up house.

Jeremy Tan
Jeremy Tan - 04.05.2023 05:11

Currently when it comes to demo , I jump down from my BMB and lure them out and hit the red button when a lot of other zombies are around him to kill most of the zombies.

PetrusZwxckツ - 29.04.2023 21:00

I wanna build the Base Design with the elektrik wires

Rose Richards
Rose Richards - 28.04.2023 20:51

Something tells me you might me a KoTOR fan.

Super PantMan
Super PantMan - 28.04.2023 13:30

My pro tip would be to use dart traps early. They’re not as OP as the electric fence but the ammo is very cheap, much cheaper than crafting 7.62 or 9mm. If you struggle with where to put them to be effective you can always make them point up under a zombie choke point shooting z’s up the ass.

Robert Kerr
Robert Kerr - 17.04.2023 21:55

I usually build a walled courtyard with a tower to fight the horde, and my crafting base underground, beneath the tower. I usually build over an ore deposit and carve my crafting base out of the mine.
I'll put 2 obvious paths up to the tower for the zombies to follow, and load the courtyard with traps. The traps keep the horde busy, and its just a matter or taking down the few that get through, and the vultures. Basic traps and iron arrows are all that are needed for the first few horde nights..

My favourite zombie trap:
Dig holes 2 blocks down on the paths leading to your base. Put campfires in the bottom of the holes. Put trap blocks covering the holes. Zombie falls in, lights on fire, and struggles. One zombie on fire in a hole slows down others, and lights them on fire. Its good fun.

enkephalin07 - 16.04.2023 23:08

In the past my only backup defense has been to get to a ride and run. This doesn't get you any exp, but it's cheap even after summing the fuel and medicine. Now my base has 2 defensive lines. The one at top of Higashi, where I live, is perfected and stability has been fortified enough that there's green up to the helipad and a few more walls knocked out won't undermine it. I made a second line in the lobby so that I could jump down into the action, run around punching heads off, and leap to a covered trap-and-turret covered position when things get too hot or demos appear. In the unlikely event that it fails, I still have a comfortable position at top. In the less likely event of catastrophic failure, that would be gone, too.

Ernest Cote
Ernest Cote - 15.04.2023 20:28

Normally I'll start a game by taking the first quest to a stone, brick, metal POI and once I clear it, it becomes my living/work space. I'm a klepto and like to keep everything I pick up so early storage is a key. I assume by day 7 I'll have quested a suitable horde base. I like the old style firehouse and I put off building my own unique horde base for later game, usually necessitated by the lack of sleeping bag/land claim block to only two sites and eventually one needs to move to other cities. I agree with raised height defense, spikes for buzzards and keeping pathing simple. My most difficult challenge is the demo man, I just can't seem to kill them quickly enough. I'll have 2-3 M60s by horde 6 and one gets AP ammo and it's a toss up to boom or not. Even contact grenades with explosive candy requires two to kill.

Darren J
Darren J - 12.04.2023 21:27


Rovix - 12.04.2023 16:20

Zombies ALWAYS collapse my base but I started to notice a big difference between the videos I see and my bases. I usually place the bottom filled with spikes to avoid them doing damage to my pillars but I get the feeling it rather provokes them. Can someone help me with this perhaps?

Hieu N
Hieu N - 08.04.2023 13:38

do you have tutorial video for the base on the thumbnail? looks awesome!

Andy Woodger
Andy Woodger - 07.04.2023 13:50

Great videos @IzPrebuilt straight to the point, no nonsense, I just want to know the best way so I can crack on with my own game!! I'll be back!

Samuel Long
Samuel Long - 07.04.2023 11:42

I've tested by building my base up and place spikes around those foundation pillars just in case then I connect my front door where the zombies would go to with a 5x5 long bridges where you make a tunnel ....the center block of the bridge just place on top then place blade traps vertically and place electrical fence on the when horde night those zombies needed to go through the bridge so it get shock and chop by blade traps at the same time....I try it by setting max zombie spawn,everyday horde night and 20 mins day cycle(to repair the traps and blocks

Another build is 11x11 block base and 4 blocks wide for the moat/trench around the base placing spikes on all 3 sides and choose one for entry....then entrance is 10 blocks high with a pole as a bridge which is 10 blocks long....there's stairs for the zombie to climb....I use hatch as my door to block zombies from getting to me....then you can place robotic sledge at the side of the pole if there zombies able to walk towards you the robotic sledge would knock them down...and your moat must have stairs to let them get back the works but havent tried end game horde night

Hateious - 31.03.2023 01:04

Back in the day i used just prefer cave bases as there easier to design and well fortified. That was untill one day I heard zeds underground with me lol.

Hateious - 31.03.2023 01:01

I just cant make things too simple in any building game I struggle as I like efficiency and looks lol.

Ole Roy
Ole Roy - 28.03.2023 05:25

I enjoy connecting horde bases and houses till I have a compound

Static Hammer
Static Hammer - 24.03.2023 15:17

I tend to have my horde base integrated into my main base, but much like how you recommend having the horde base up off the ground, I put the main base another level up above the horde base, which is one level up from the ground, separated by a fortified choke point and then a ladder 2 blocks off the ground. That way, if I were to get overrun somehow and die, I respawn in a room they cant reach so they kind of stop pathing and hit stuff, and then I would go down to the fortified choke point between the two sections to finish off the rest. my horde base design is effective enough though that that has never happened to me.

Cagorathe - 21.03.2023 22:21

Something not addressed in this video is using zombie pathing to protect support parts of the base, If you add a 2-3 deep trench around the entire base leading to the stairs up you do not have to worry about them attacking under you.

Crab Clown Jimmy
Crab Clown Jimmy - 18.03.2023 22:51

I'm glad I'll be spared after the AI rises ha ha

Robert Grove
Robert Grove - 18.03.2023 21:15

zombies don't path over the door for me, was there an update? i have been in creative mode for hours trying every orientation and all different powered doors.

Vinyá - 16.03.2023 06:30

You dont even like the game anymore. I read the forums. Why you keep making videos and pretend to like it then?

Fat_Strelok - 14.03.2023 04:05

I'm a pretty simple and unimaginative guy, i have my crafting stuff in front of a trader (no roof either) and i just hijack a poi as a (temporary) horde base. I usually just run and gun inside that base too.

No issues for now

Sumonelse - 13.03.2023 16:40

I'd like to point out that vultures will suicide on simple wooden spikes to great effect. If you just cover the roof over top of your fighting position you can safely ignore the squawks on horde night. Repairs are simple when needed but you may go through a few hordes without worrying about repairing at all.
Auto turrets make a good solution as well; even a single turret can make short work of flock but a bit overkill until later in the game.

MetalRockGaming - 13.03.2023 12:46

video is a bit dark can not see it too well even on pc

KillMeOrUDie - 13.03.2023 03:46

No I definitely keep my crafting area inside my horde base. The heat you create will bring screamers and you will get wandering hordes so it just makes sense to have your crafting area as part of your mob grinder

Lloyd B
Lloyd B - 10.03.2023 21:20

Is that any way to make floor and we cam put like storage into them and not floating avove the floor ?

Urbs Nova
Urbs Nova - 10.03.2023 13:32

That was very helpfull. I saw you at the "one night with guns nerds and Steel" and i Like your Videos.

Antonio Andre
Antonio Andre - 09.03.2023 23:18

GrindHardSquad voice, Yeeks

The Legend of Fatum
The Legend of Fatum - 09.03.2023 03:18

is there anyway to prevent digging? Really want to build our base as a bunker but I know they'll dig. Was thinking if we fight near the entrance they'd only go for the entrance but not sure. Planning on starting our build this weekend.

idea is to build a kill tower/pit in the entrance of the bucket.

shadowace - 09.03.2023 02:43

At the risk not being spared during the robot uprising...I believe Mr. Robot made a mistake...he said the zombies can path on the doors even when they are closed if in the wrong orientation. I think he meant open. As them pathing on the doors when they are closed is the point.

TragerM - 09.03.2023 02:34

I tried building a base where it guided them to the front and essentially did a meat grinder with iron spikes and all that? And I wondered why I didn't see any of them there and then surprise surprise... They started coming up from behind as they broke through a side wall because there was no damage to them there to be had. Go figure.... So yeah, off the top of your head probably not the best advice to give... doh...
