History of Personal Computers Part 1

History of Personal Computers Part 1

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@brianmorris8045 - 26.01.2024 20:33

I know a 'nerd' didn't like drop down menus...he said it .."took the mystery and the secrecy out of running a computer"...my biggest and abrupt reply to him was..."Good, about time!" It was as if it was making fun of all the commands he used to type in. I just reminded him, that "we are in the 20th century, Peter", I'm glad of the drop down menus...it made my life easier. The drop downs revolutionized personal computers. It certainly put paid to the Commodore 20 I used to own. My next one was an Atari 520ST, then the 1040. Wasn't compatible with other computers, but I did use it for a lot of things like typing songs out, and sending them to my little Star dot matrix printer. Oh those were the days. Then microsoft came out with a real computer...the 3.1. Personal computers really came alive then. The rest is history.

@dhpbear2 - 21.01.2024 00:41

If you see a programmer when you arrive at work at 8 or 9, it mean they've been there from the night before!

@Bewefau - 12.01.2024 13:26

You can think the Japanese for making the resistor's smaller

@Bewefau - 12.01.2024 13:19

He didn't make personal computers >.> IBM had PC's before that fool was even doing software.

@EannaButler - 02.01.2024 04:52

Apple 2c sexiest computer ever....
Apple //c FTW!

@bobklahn42 - 26.12.2023 12:18

I'm looking for the Radio Shack TRS-80. When it came to home computers it was much better than the bigger, more complex ones.

@joshjones3408 - 24.12.2023 22:18

I thought i heard him say a teacher a Catholic school...two seconds later we sher are dope we sher are bed ..... I love it simply 👍👍👍👍👍

@mstewart248 - 23.12.2023 22:50

I couldn’t quite see because of the old video quality, was that guy growing mushrooms in the office?

@Wsmith247 - 23.12.2023 19:27

Bad info start's right at the beginning, Gates and Allen didn't invent shit, especially the computer.

@xxxfreshman - 19.12.2023 00:12

Its interesting how winners writes the History new, the Apple II was entering the Market on June 1977, but the Commodore PET was entering the Market on January 1977 on the Winter show CES. Hmm ok the first complete PC was not the Apple II it was the Commodore PET. damn

@MakeMeThinkAgain - 17.12.2023 09:09

And the people in this film couldn't have imagined how the market has evolved since then.

@DerekWilsonProgrammer - 28.11.2023 08:44

I wonder what Edwin Chen is doing now.

@cezartorescu - 26.10.2023 11:00

You gotta be an idiot to think these two invented the pc :))

@DavidGPeters - 26.10.2023 01:17

How the heck did they made run BASIC on that switchboard?

@daltrooliveira7987 - 21.10.2023 23:10

Great old documentary but is a pity that is very racist(white younger boys...) and machist(so many biased citations against woman in tech that is hard to pick one as example...) .

@David-bg9od - 10.09.2023 07:39

Graham Spencer sure is a Goofy looking dude

@Leocomander - 30.08.2023 04:08

Let’s see Paul Allen’s business card.

@cobolsaurus - 25.08.2023 23:46

Is this from 1996?

@borisos9832 - 26.05.2023 02:36

Such a cool case for clickbait. But let's watch the video. Oh wow, this docu is 20+ years old,!

@nobodysbusiness7290 - 11.05.2023 07:24

Just more assholes that contributed to computers

@Allin7days - 08.04.2023 23:24

IBM's open architecture,
MS's SW licensing, and
a bunch of loose-cannon nerds changed the world...

@310McQueen - 05.04.2023 08:46

In the late 1970's nerds invented spreadsheets just to improve things.
Forty years later I used them at work in order to improve things.
Still today most don't even know how useful the most modern versions of these things can be with careful effort in programming.

One of my favorites was programming a calculator in a spreadsheet that would calculate the position of the cutterheads on a machine by using critical part and cutterhead dimensions. I could even calculate what would need to be changed between one part and the setup of any other part. This decreased the setup time for these machines.

I created another one that could count not just available staff, but their training and skills as well, on a daily basis. In addition, I could schedule a work cell, and the spreadsheet I made could check if a crew member were trained at that position, if they were scheduled to be available that day, or if I had inadvertently scheduled them somewhere else at the same time. Then I made it so that the layout or contents of the department could easily be changed in the future by the manager without them knowing a single formula, and it would still work like it always had.

@nbrown5907 - 02.04.2023 22:27

Sad to look back and see the great wonderful advancements and what it is coming to. That which was meant to set us free is being subverted to trap and people like Paul Allen and Bill Gates get the money trap. Look at Gates now actually responsible for who knows how many deaths.

@Sonictrainkid - 26.03.2023 20:56

Computer are cool :)

@Jesse_Johnson - 19.03.2023 20:00

2023. As a touring musician who is stepping into programming. I appreciate the Gibson Les Paul (the guitar behind Woz) so purposefully set in frame. 🍻 💻

@robertromero8692 - 15.03.2023 03:50

I bought a TRS80 in '77, and upgraded to an Apple II in '79. It was the last Apple product I ever bought. It followed the design philosophy of Wozniak, meaning it was greatly customizable. Subsequent Apple products followed the Jobs philosophy, meaning the design was DICTATED, with NO opportunity for customization. I've always hated that attitude. It's no wonder that Apple has a small market share.

@kdleslie1973 - 13.03.2023 23:57

Interesting how women couldn't possibly be nerds. Actually I thought a good portion of the early computer industry did have females and it dropped off substantially after that.

@jeramiebradford1 - 13.03.2023 23:24

Wow the past is so cool not smh

@JanRademan - 05.03.2023 15:02

Good thing nothing happened in the PC industry after 1996.

@MC-mh2ju - 27.02.2023 09:12

I had to watch this in college, in my computer science class.

@qcislander - 24.02.2023 06:04

"The very uselessness of the Altair is what drove the hobbyists together."

Yep. I was a new student at a DeVry school in Toronto in 1982, and one guy who'd homebrewed an Altair -based system that could run CP/M had brought it into the school to do some work he couldn't do at home... and I was there the day he managed to prove his idea that an Altair with 32K of RAM could manage time-sharing by running two completely separate CP/M operating systems - each with its own memory and I/O space - with timing allocated by a simple timing device.

For a newbie, it was pretty heady stuff.

@cobra3289 - 23.02.2023 19:38

Hard to think about Gary Kildalls wife who waisted the deal with IBM. Gary Kildall could have been Bill Gates.

@x_lonewolf_x - 23.02.2023 15:12

aaaaaahhhh , the good old days ; my father got me hooked on those ; his first computer was a ( ??? ) , i have no idea but it had to be housed in a 3 story building and he used metal pins to actually program it ; he was SO glad when they went to punch cards ; for myself my first one was an 8088 programming machine language and basic ; frig binary programming 😵‍💫😵 ; then i went to the TRS80 model 3 and started learning cobol and fortran ; then progressed from there --- good times 😁

@blackhawk7r221 - 19.02.2023 07:55


@24-Card - 19.02.2023 02:14

Demand is never created, but rather is facilitated over time.

@christopherpaul1012 - 17.02.2023 14:35

Very interesting but you missed Allan Turing

@aeronwolfe7072 - 13.02.2023 12:52

MICROSHIT didn't "INVENT" ANYTHING... they stole it.

@MrWaterbugdesign - 11.02.2023 05:43

I'm 66. It was the most fun I've ever had. A moment in time that will probably never happen again. The only regret is I was so young I didn't know it was special. I thought most people did what loved and worked with very bright and creative people. If I had a time machine I'd go back...over and over.

@Brian-vs9sd - 10.02.2023 10:36

Wait. What. Who invented the personal computer?

@MrSmackdab - 10.02.2023 06:55

they did NOT "invent" the personal computer

@shibolinemress8913 - 08.02.2023 09:53

Maybe that lady in the park was just tired of the misogyny. Ada Lovelace and generations of her spiritual descendants are too often forgotten. I'd love to see a video on the history of women in computing, including the lady "computers" who were hired to do calculations and examine data before electronic computers became widespread. Also the ladies who "wove" the rope memory for the computers used in the Apollo program.

@raderator - 24.01.2023 09:37

Now Gates is a climate cult nut that wants people to eat bugs.

@zakofrx - 24.01.2023 05:45

5 minutes in the the Reporter who made this would be fired from his job and never work again if made now..
Funny how truthful things tend to get you destroyed these days..

@richie9a - 22.01.2023 08:29

Let’s see Paul Allen’s personal computer…

@garyproffitt5941 - 21.01.2023 12:19

Your the best of the bunch with the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates & Steve Wozniak , our Hero's and I love coco cola and pizza with Science class with the American freedom ✔

@davidhuber63 - 02.01.2023 12:31

You are a fool
