Dark Souls 2: Ranking Bosses Strength Based on Lore

Dark Souls 2: Ranking Bosses Strength Based on Lore

The Bestiary

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@BestiaryYT - 14.10.2023 13:01

Some great points on Vendrick's placement here as per the gameplay mechanic of having to gather souls to even damage him, we are required to bear Giant's Souls to harm him - but my counter-point would be that even if you cannot harm him without access to these souls, the fight itself is nothing more than a very very beefy soul-less meatshield. I can't get over the hump of him having discarded his soul prior to his permanent self-imposed exile, but what do you guys think? where would you have him?

@Asterion_Mol0c - 15.01.2024 20:07

The throne was taken from the giants, but you have been mistaken drangleic castle does not sit upon the kiln of the first flame

@Gaiffari - 06.01.2024 08:10

i would have put vendrick much higher. he is already beafy and strong when we fight him and thats an armorless, mindless corpse fighting us out of reflex. the prime vendrick with his full strenght, intelligence, armor and everything would have been different. he was the main leader against the giants, made up the whole plan on how the bearer of the curse could get stronger and find everything he needs while making the same journey impossible for nashandra shows his immense intelligence. then the beefyness by his pure skin. with armor and a shield he would be nearly indestrucable. he had 2 weapons that are both op as fuck. the only way he was eventually beaten was by getting into his heart with emotion and so on. he also had both raime and velsdadt serve him which makes me belive he was stronger than both of them. so all these attributes combined: intelligence, vigor and weapons and just a theory but i would guess he was skilled too. also he had some experience. I would say he was the strongest human character in the whole series. now by the human part i mean no magic or some random op abilities which means i dont count gwyn, gael, pontiff and others. pure strenght and intelligence he was easily the strongest in my own theory. that might not be what most people think but thats what i think and i dont think ill change my mind cause I like the theory :DDDD

@Stoicbirch - 06.01.2024 06:23

On the topic of the rotten, the original SOTFS description of its' soul quite explicitly said that it was the same king who owned the sunken crown. It even gave the king a name, "Gryth". Even though it was cut prior to release, cut content is often used to see the original intentions behind a character - even if those ideas do not survive until release.

@enigma1552 - 04.01.2024 18:52

This game needs remake in future.

@TrendingFrog - 02.01.2024 10:11

I forgot how many bosses there where in this game oh my god, an some are so lame i genuinely forgot Prawling Magus and Congregation where a thing that existed 😭

@payaisola4917 - 31.12.2023 22:38

Banger vid. maybe i gotta play more ds2?

@LosoaII - 30.12.2023 17:45

I love the hard hit in watching the video I got seeing Vendrick so early only for me to stop the video, have all of DS2's lore come back to me in an instant, and wonder:

"Where's the Ivory king?"

@OriginalMB - 29.12.2023 04:13

I don’t know if you read these comments but if you could do a maybe top 5 of the trilogy I’d love to see how the ds2 bosses stack up against the rest of the series. Great video thanks for making it

@pearcehubbart3767 - 28.12.2023 22:35

Old ivory king is balls deep in tha chad shit.

@SunlightAldo - 28.12.2023 21:33

tbh ive had this video recommended to me a couple times but i just stumbled into the reel talking about it so i decided to come check it out

@kongabe2278 - 28.12.2023 17:11

The smelter demon knocked the iron king into the lava just like how we can get knocked into the void by lesser enemies sometimes

@hopediedlast7230 - 28.12.2023 01:17

You need to work on where you put the emphasis when you say a sentence. You are all over the place.

It makes it annoying to hear you speak.

@gyroscopicjester5454 - 27.12.2023 05:31

The Looking Glass Knight has my favorite design of the entire series

@forrestdeslippe7633 - 26.12.2023 12:47

I always assumed the deamon of song was released into the area by nashandra to clear the way of milfanito so she could pass. They definitley didnt forget the song, they stop singing it when you walk into their huts.

@Nate69lazer - 26.12.2023 10:05

andia is the only being that is actually truly immortal in this series

@86fifty - 26.12.2023 06:53

Would you please make a note in the Description that your video clips all come from VaatiVidya's 9 year old "Dark Souls 2 Lore" videos for these bosses? No shame in using someone else's footage if you've written and recorded a script that is wholly your own, but it IS the right thing to do to name and link clearly. Good citation habits help everyone.

Even better than just a description name and link, would be to add text with medium-opacity in one corner the screen saying [source: "video title" by VaatiVidya] whenever clips you didn't make yourself are on screen. Yes, it's extra effort, but without proper credit... well... HBomberGuy made a whole video about THAT controversy recently... Best to stay on the right side of that debacle, yeah?

@86fifty - 26.12.2023 05:03

Question about Aava and the Lud & Zalen fights - you say there are 7 pets? I don't remember any mention of another four, what's the source on that? Maybe it's in an item description that I missed?

@cheekloins4126 - 24.12.2023 06:10

I’d like to call myself a Souls veteran. Dark Souls 2 was something else. Very different from the other two, a lot of the differences were bad ones.
But the DLC is really where it shines. The time I spent with the Ivory King for the very first time still sits with me.
The Fume Knight is absolutely iconic.
And Sinh is in my top 3 hardest fights in all of Souls.

@danksmeme698 - 24.12.2023 01:57

Ivory King: I can fix her

Ivory Gigachad: Actually Fixes Her

@Aaronreacher - 23.12.2023 11:07

The only thing i dont agree with is Aldia being so low. His fight was more of a test than anything else but he clearly managed to surpass being like the serpets in knowledge and his power must also be insane but he has no reason to use it other than guiding the bearer of the curse to fulfill his wishes instead of a obscure prophecy. Tha's what i like about Aldia, we always have people telling us that is our fate to link the flame or embrace the dark because is "our duty" or "our fate" and the undead protagonist has no wishes of gis own is just used as a tool instead. Aldia tells you can ignore both the light and dark and instead do what you wanted to do when you first arrive to Dranleic wich is curing yourself from the curse.

@sneakyb4st3rd12 - 21.12.2023 23:54

So why do people not tie the thematic link between darklurker and artorias

@itachileesan - 19.12.2023 06:06

ivory king is such a freaking chad. every time i hear his story, im just more in awe. And alsanna being the aspect of manus's fear, just being so in awe that she forgets her fear and follows and defends fearlessly. I wish they would remaster this game and update a more advanced moveset. would love to have a fight against him like you do gael or nameless.

@darkorbit902 - 18.12.2023 20:51

“His clothes tanked the heat” nigga fuck is we even talking bout at this point bruh

@davi21575 - 17.12.2023 03:07

I love the part that aldia says:I am the dark souls II,the scholar of the first sin

Me at the living room:😢

@daphnedherbert - 14.12.2023 11:52

comment for alp

@falsebeliever8079 - 12.12.2023 16:03

Great video, and the Ivory king is absolutely Nr1! I would place Vendrick and Aldia higher though, Vendrik for raw strenght I would put him on par with the guardian dragon and Aldia as Nr 2. Aldia is akin to a primordial force.

@thomasspinola7417 - 10.12.2023 04:56

Great script and video bro, thanks!

@edykun601 - 10.12.2023 04:08

Hello, Beastiary I love the lore intense-focused driven content you have created. I love this dark souls 2 video how you created a list based on LORE and not about Aoe and etc etc, I really cannot wait to see dark souls 3 boss lore driven strength

@humblesample2796 - 09.12.2023 17:33

This is really neat. Thank you!

@_divvie - 05.12.2023 10:51

very nice vid :D
but psst, Ivory King Cosplaysouls is best when you take his sword into your left hand

@swordguy1243 - 05.12.2023 02:58

Velstadt is my Paladin bro I bow in prayer everytime I fight him . May God be with you brother

@skidmark2704 - 03.12.2023 06:50

As a video of just whos the strongest boss, you paint a very beautiful picture. Of course the strength is lore based so the beauty of the writing is necessary. Still tho you say words pretty.

@Synchro-tq1mo - 02.12.2023 01:20

The ancient dragon should b higher , aint no way the likes of velsdat are stronger

@pestlince13 - 01.12.2023 17:42

I like to think that the enemies in shrine are trying to scare away potential victims of d.o.s

@darthtom100 - 01.12.2023 12:12

It takes skill to make the skeleton lords sound cool.

@Kante2wo - 30.11.2023 03:27

Great narrative and insight!You really show the depth of the DS2 story!

@gelinhodoagreste - 28.11.2023 05:25

video tão impressionante que tenho que comentar em português
simplesmente INCRIVEL

@plugmontana2746 - 27.11.2023 18:45

Magnificent video.

@eno6712 - 23.11.2023 11:21

Cant wait for DS3 and Bloodborne tbh .
Still havent gotten around to Eldem ring as i had burnt myself out on souls likes even behond FromSofts OGs.

@Mr.nesser - 22.11.2023 01:41

The Burnt Ivory Chad
Sitting atop this list as he did the old chaos.

What a brilliant character

@Crackheadcentral2188 - 21.11.2023 22:23

Bro this is awesome, something nice to listen to while playing some DS3, can’t wait for you to do that game or bloodborne, if you do them, of course

@user-yz8js2gl3s - 21.11.2023 22:22

С удовольствием смотрю ваши ролики

@lanxcapo7496 - 18.11.2023 14:35

i have to respect the ability to give a few minutes of interesting commentary on a fight not even the devs seem to have put that much effort into given that it's just a group of random npcs with not even a boss name

@moehawk5337 - 18.11.2023 06:06

The last giant should be before vendrick. The last giant lost to him. And both of them tattered by time. Vebdrick would still be above him.

@jamesmangiameli8337 - 18.11.2023 03:31

This is amazing! Such a great, reasonably-defended list. As on the previous video, I have only minor disagreements.
Mainly, I'd probably bump aldia up several spots and possibly lower Nashandra. My arguments for Aldia: He's a powerful mage and/or scientist. A combination of Gwyndolin and Seath the Scaleless. He's had time to make lots of stuff, and has created incredibly powerful beings. He's also rendered himself immortal, or at least amortal (if that's even a word). Death doesn't have any fear for him. He experiments with what dying feels like, as a curiosity more as anything else, when he fights the player. And I'm under the impression that he's not actually dead when you kill him. He also seems to maintain his own free will. I was going to say 'sanity', but he seemed a bit of a mad scientist vibe.
He also seems less worried about the Watcher & Defender. I got the impression he could enter the throne room at any time. Unlike Nashandra, who specifically needed the PC to do her dirty work and take out the Watcher and Defender for her--she wasn't willing to brave them herself.

Allone, I'd have nudged a few spots higher on the list, as kind of a 'mini-Ornstein', so to speak. He has his free will, sanity, and human form, entirely uncorrupted.

I really don't have too much else to pick on. I do love that Nashandra is lower than the Watcher & Defender on your list, for the reason I pointed out above--she was unwilling to challenge the Watcher and Defender herself.

Surprised to see the Smelter Demon ranked so highly, but your reasoning is sound.

Great list!

@artursantos6619 - 17.11.2023 10:01

Ranking DS3 is going to be incredibly difficult.. good luck!!

@____5646 - 15.11.2023 01:53

why does this shit got 9 likes this videos badass
