Dr. Manhattan- All Powers from Watchmen

Dr. Manhattan- All Powers from Watchmen

All Powers Explained

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domo - 02.11.2023 00:05

Mf is on a whole another level

Raihan Muhammad
Raihan Muhammad - 01.11.2023 16:31

Izin save🙏

dill bill
dill bill - 28.10.2023 21:26

If hes that overpowered its not fun I guess thats why i never understood supermans hype I know everytime kryptonite is gonna be involved

Mario Falmus
Mario Falmus - 24.10.2023 16:11

The irony of limitlessness is that it is.

S and B
S and B - 23.10.2023 17:23

His powers are he can do everything..

Dylan Pabon
Dylan Pabon - 10.10.2023 02:39

I wish he killed the Villain of the movie but he did not ! However i wanna see him in the big screen

Scan - 12.09.2023 21:22

His 'kryptonite' I guess is nihilism.

Just an extraordinary character.

Gafra Avril T
Gafra Avril T - 29.08.2023 04:36

Death Battle:Jean Grey,Wanda Maximoff and Ororo Munroe vs Dr Manhattan

Jonathan Wood
Jonathan Wood - 16.08.2023 02:18

So he transports here to a planet without atmosphere and “forgot” that she needed air to breathe? Are we to believe he just hadn’t thought of that?

Sir SyncAlot
Sir SyncAlot - 11.08.2023 22:15

Honestly the only thing great Zach Snyder made

Yeasir Hasan
Yeasir Hasan - 03.08.2023 19:10

If it is so then no superhero can defeat him

african channel
african channel - 29.07.2023 12:29

is this a movie? if it is name?

WYC - 19.07.2023 09:32

What's the difference between him and god?

The FoxWolf
The FoxWolf - 12.07.2023 08:29

He doesn’t really have superpowers, he just IS the laws of physics

MGEE91 - 11.07.2023 21:12

Would even this guy give any kind of fight for lucifer or michael?

UP Titan cameraman
UP Titan cameraman - 06.06.2023 08:36

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown physically. Low 1-C with powers

Name: Doctor Jonathan Osterman, Doctor Manhattan

Origin: Watchmen (DC Comics)

Gender: Male

Classification: Former nuclear physicist, Former member of the Crimebusters.

Age: 30 by the time of his accident.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3; Jon has no need for food, sleep or oxygen), Immortality (Types 1 and 3; Jon no longer ages and can regenerate from any injury), Nigh-Omniscience, Cosmic Awareness (Jon possesses an understanding of the workings of the universe on a cosmic scale), Flight, Reality Warping (Is far superior to Mister Mxyzptlk's powers), Existence Erasure (Ended everything, which Manhattan foresaw that he would do), Precognition (Jon is able to look into the future, having seen a month, year, century and millennium into it), Matter Manipulation (Macro-Quantum level), Deconstruction (This is Jon's main method of attacking), Causality Manipulation (Returned the Metaverse to how it was before his interference and removed 10 years from the universes' timeline, creating the New 52), Time Travel (Travelled back in time and saved Jor-El right before Krypton's destruction), Acausality (Types 1 and 3; Experiences first-hand the reboots in DC Continuity and yet he remains unaffected, and additionally, Jon exists in every timeline simultaneously), Duplication (Can duplicate himself via bio-fission), Dimensional Travel (Travelled from his universe to Earth Prime), Elemental Manipulation (Created a ring of blue fire, produced an oxygen field for Laurie, created water, and commonly produces electricity with his actions), Enhanced Senses (Can read atoms, sense tachyons, knew Adrian didn't have cancer with a glance and heard a heartbeat from Marionette's womb), Transmutation (Blake claimed he could have turned the gun into steam, the bullets into mercury, or the bottle into snowflakes), Alternate Future Display (Viewed a timeline where Jon was never vaporized and had a long happy life with Janey Slater), Size Manipulation (Can control his size), Telekinesis (Can disassemble objects with his thoughts and levitated his fortress), Intangibility, Surface Scaling and Water Walking (Walks on water and walls and phases through them), possibly Creation (Jon states he might create human life), Forcefield Creation (Created a forcefield to shield Laurie), Attack Reflection (Made the Shazam family's lightning backfire on them), Regeneration (High; regenerated from nothing in a matter of moments.[1]), Light Manipulation and Illusion Creation (By shifting the light color frequency around him, he can make himself look different to others), Life Manipulation and Plant Manipulation (Made plants grow), Power Bestowal (Transferred his powers to Clark Dreiberg and imbued the Mobius Chair with a portion of his powers), Telepathy (Showed Firestorm this in his head), Teleportation and BFR (Sent an entire crowd away and sent protestors home), Spatial Manipulation (Jon's teleportation works by moving space), Information Analysis (Instantly analyzed and learned magic after being attacked with it), Magic (Used magic against the JLA), Absorption (Absorbed energy from a Green Lantern ring and absorbed magical attacks from the Justice League Dark), Energy Manipulation (Wally West stated that Jon was full of Connective Energy, which is essentially a form of positive cosmic energy, opposite in nature to the negative Crisis energy wielded by beings like Perpetua)

Attack Potency: Unknown physically (His physical form is weak, however, due to lack of physical feats, we don't know how weak he is). Low Complex Multiverse level with powers (The Justice League with his powers stalemated Perpetua in a clash which burned out the Sun with Lex Luthor saying Wonder Woman would have won if she hadn't hesitated)[2][3][4]

Speed: At least Massively FTL+, possibly Immeasurable (Several JLA members, including Barry Allen, were unable to react in time to his attacks)

Lifting Strength: At least Stellar, possibly Immeasurable (Physically restrained members of the JLA including Hal Jordan)

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Solar System level (A serious Guy Gardner (Green Lantern) managed to break his neck and kill him. However, moments later, he returned from death and tanked attacks from multiple Green Lanterns, Supergirl, Big Barda, and more[1])

Stamina: Unlimited, Jon does not require rest.

Range: Low Complex Multiverse level

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient (Jon perceives time in a non-linear fashion, meaning that he sees the past, present, and future simultaneously. Likewise, he can grant others with this "atemporal" vision. While originally limited to only his perception of time, Jon later learned to view the timelines of others, as well as possible timelines that never happened. He was able to see the entire timeline of the metaverse when reconstructing the changes he made to it. Processes information far faster than any ordinary human and is able to perceive events so infinitesimal that they practically don't exist)

Weaknesses: He is apathetic towards human life; however, he changes after Superman inspires him in Doomsday Clock. Tachyons are capable of blocking his precognition

Ronan Dynan
Ronan Dynan - 28.05.2023 23:07

Is the whole point of him not that he's limitlessly powerful?

Vishu Chaudhary
Vishu Chaudhary - 25.05.2023 20:48

Ghost rider.. Look. Into my eyes😁

Slion Slion
Slion Slion - 25.05.2023 17:55

Why so naked?!!??!!

Nasir Ahamed
Nasir Ahamed - 18.05.2023 18:34

I didn't understand any of his power.can someone explain it to me
