Salafi Belief In Istiwa EXPOSED!

Salafi Belief In Istiwa EXPOSED!

Hanafi Fiqh Channel

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@reflection5057 - 07.07.2021 14:40

Even though I don't want to criticise for the sake of criticism but their aqeeda of tafweed al ma'na is worse than ta'weel al ma'na! And wallahi they won't be consistent with their aqeeda!
If I say that we believe that Allah is sami' or baseer but we consign it's meaning to Allah azz wa jall along with its kaifiya or in laymen terms we believe Allah has an attribute named sama' but sama' does not mean 'to listen' but only Allah knows it's meaning! Wallahi they will turn back on their usool of tafweedh!
May Allah keep us firm on the understanding of the sahaba!

@shadabkouser2446 - 20.07.2021 12:30

Mic drop...

@muslimbibliophile1916 - 03.08.2021 10:07

Salafis do affirm "sitting" from certain early narrations, regarding "sitting" including Ibn Uthymeen -
"With regard to interpreting the istiwa’ of Allah, may He be exalted, over His Throne as referring to His settling on it, this is well known from the early generations, and was narrated by Ibn al-Qayyim in an-Nooniyyah and by others.

With regard to the idea of sitting, it was mentioned by some of them, but I feel uneasy about it. And Allah knows best. End quote from Majmoo‘ Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (1/196)."

They don't prefer using the word "sitting" but they also don't censure one from saying it "But if someone does use this word, which is narrated from some of the early generations, then he should not be denounced."

Above quotes are from the following Islamqa (info): fatawa number - 258981 - "Is it valid to interpret Allah’s rising over the Throne (istiwa’) as referring to sitting?"

FYI: the word "settling" also means: sit or come to rest in a comfortable position.

This primarily goes in line with what Imam Ibn Taymiyyah stipulated: that the meanings of the ambiguous attributes need to be understood in their plain-sense literal form without asking "how?" (bila Kayf). He considered consignment of these meanings (tafweed) as was done by vast majority of the Salaf to be an innovation.

Establishing the literal meaning then leads to anthropomorphism when explicating what is unknown about the "how?", e.g in Aqida Al Wasithiyya - Ibn Uthaymeen (commentary by Darussalm Pubs, you can find the pdf online) explains the "Hand of Allah" by comparing the dissimilarity of the hands between Humans, Animals, Ants, and Camel (page 136 vol. 1). He said they all have hands yet are dissimilar, which he explicates in another place, as dissimilarities in dimension - large, small, bulky, thin, and so on (page 401 vol. 1) .

It's evident from the text he means it's a "form" in the category of "hand" but it's unlike anything we have ever seen. Throughout the text 2 hands (right, which author further says is used for "grasping"), 2 eyes, face, shin, etc. are further established.

@mjrashid6070 - 14.08.2021 00:49

I don’t like the arrogance and ego in this debate style. Be more humble and people will respond. Aggressive debate is seriously off putting.

@Ghazi_write - 10.09.2021 01:23

very sad to see the fitna of salafi and hanfi in Europe after in Asia may Allah guide us and make us true muslims rather than hanafi and salafi

@gowharehmad3878 - 10.10.2021 03:50

You are claiming that salafi's believe in Juloos and Qu'ood of Allah .... But the salafi Aqeeda regarding this matter is clear that is he is above his Arsh كيف شاء ...
And salafi's dont believe in juloos and Qu'ood....
And you can not even read the text .... This is not أحمد بن داؤود , this is دؤاد (Du'Aad).

Keep your challenges aside and learn more first .....

@talhasaeed2552 - 13.10.2021 03:22

You are jahil brother.

@talhasaeed2552 - 13.10.2021 03:24

Challenge an Ishat Tauheed Deobandi scholar on the matter of Hayat Un Nabi if you have any guts and feel you have ilm. Youll regret it for sure your entire life.

@soldiermann3397 - 26.10.2021 22:37

Propaganda.... this is not the beliefs of the salafi.... and if someone has error with them that dont make all salafis upon this same error..

@Mosin1994 - 17.11.2021 05:04

Dunno what to find funny, him chatting absolute nonsense or his accent?

Guy can't even speak English properly let alone Arabic

@mahdimimbalabatua9824 - 18.11.2021 03:22

ASSALAMUALAIKOM. Can I know the name of the Alim speaker?

@obaidulhaque7687 - 18.11.2021 15:37

Stop discussing BOOK bro see chaneel “ The marvelous Quran” . Make proper argu….. “ bur learn Ibrahamic locution “ not only arabic…. quran definitely not in Quran in

@ibnmuhammad9027 - 24.11.2021 06:53

Whata the nasheed

@ahmadwarsi55 - 12.12.2021 07:19

Wallahi i laugh on deobandis, they are blind followers, they leave so many sunnah's just to give hanafiyat importance over hadith... They have so many corrupted aqeedas

@heyderhenefiazebaku3263 - 03.02.2022 08:03

جزاك الله خيرا.

@SyedAhmed-hc5vm - 03.04.2022 05:07

Salafi, mujassami wahabis have written a new book with the title of ATHBATULHADDILLAH means the Proofs of Hududullah, means the proofs that Allah is not LIMITLESS (bey had) but he has hudood AND THAT ALLAH IS MEHDOOD. The very concept that Allah is mehdood makes these wahabi, mujassami, salafi bats MURTAD....These salafi, who are trying to restrict Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala within limits, have very willingly become kafirs and gone out of the pale of Islam....salat behind them isn't valid and their masjid on Green Lane in Birmingham, UK, has the status of MASJID-AL-DHIRAR, whom Rasoolullah Sallallahu A'laihi wa Sallam had sent Sahabah to demolish and they did demolish it, only its name is left in history.
Has any one, in His makhlooq, the power to set limits to Allah?? Wallahi this is a big deviation of wahabi, salafi mujassamis......looks they take Allah as a statue or an IDOL....means salafi wahabis have become idol worshipers, and idol worshipers aren't Muslims.
It is written, under this title, BI ANNAHU QAAY'IDUN WA JAALISUN A'LA A'RSHIHI means it is because Allah is sitting on His A'rsh.....means His A'rsh is greater than Allah you buy this idiocy??
ISTAWA means loose..... like yahoods who said YADULLAHI MAGHLOOLATUN....wahabi salafi dudes think Alla, mua'adhAllah, has become week, so he is obliged to sit. Well this very a'qeedah is highly condemnable. ISTAWA doesn't mean sitting.
Know that Allah is LIMITLESS and his makhlooq has limits, so the limited creatures can't set limits to Allah...THEY AREN'T QUALIFY TO SET LIMITS TO ALLAH, HE IS ABOVE ALL LIMITS.

@amjadfarooq8063 - 06.05.2022 19:21

Study what the 4 imams said. These deobandi nuts follow the maturidi aqueedi which came centuries after.
All the 4 imams stated that Allah is above his arsh. Read their books. Deobandism is a sickness in the subcontinent

@kingman-bo5dt - 31.05.2022 09:31

Why does Mufti Tariq Masood then support Athari aqeedah, just like Ashraf Ali thanvi r.h?

@adambenn8890 - 08.08.2022 14:14

Abu Muti' Al-Balkhi reported:"I asked Imam Abu Hanifah about a person who says, 'I do not know whether my Rubb is, above the heavens or on earth?' Abu Hanifah, may Allah grant him His mercy, said: 'A person who makes such a statement becomes an apostate because Allah, the Exalted says, 'The Merciful has ascended above the 'Arsh, and the 'Arsh of Allah is above His heavens'. I further asked Abu Hanifah, 'What if such a person admits, Allah is above His 'Arsh, but exclaims, I do not know whether His 'Arsh is above the heavens or on earth'. Abu Hanifah responded: 'If he denies that the 'Arsh is above the heavens, he is an apostate."[44]

If the person apostatizes by saying that he did not know where is the 'Arsh of Allah, then by right a person who denies the Loftiness of Allah altogether is definitely worse than an apostate.

@adambenn8890 - 08.08.2022 14:15

Deodorants believe Allah is everywhere and in everything which is Hindu belief

@ObaidahNaseer - 24.08.2022 19:51

I have problems with all those talking and debating about what we have not been told to talk about. In fact it is forbidden to talk about Allah without knowledge. We believe Allah did istiwa and affirm his attributes without asking kayfiyyah.
This is the way of the prophet alyhissalam and the sahabah. So stick to their way as they did not debate/argue/discuss such issues. They heard and obeyed.
Their deen is my deen.

@syedmuhammaddanielhassnain5990 - 02.10.2022 22:00

I swear by Allah ﷻ that I saw the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and he said : ما قلته أبدا with regards to this lie of an idol lying down and putting his leg on the other. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, I never said that.

@yahya__ - 28.10.2022 05:55

You did not expose anything but yourself, the interpretation of Al-Istiwa is contained in the sound chains of narrators from the predecessors in the sense of being high, and in the sense of settled and in the sense of sat. As for you, the Jahmiyyah, there is no predecessor for you from among the Companions and the Taabi’een and their followers.

Abu Yunus Sulaim b. Jubair, client of Abu Hurairah, said :

I heard Abu Hurairah recite this verse : “Allah doth command you to render back your trusts to those to whom they are due” up to “For Allah is he who heareth and seeth all things”. He said : I saw the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) putting his thumb on his ear and finger on his eye.
Abu Hurairah said : I saw the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) reciting this verse and putting his fingers. Ibn Yunus said that al-Muqri said. “Allah hears and sees” means that Allah has the power of hearing and seeing.

Abu Dawud said: This is a refutation of the Jahmiyyah.

Oops! Turns out that the Prophet, peace be upon him, was a mujasim and mushabih, which is anthropomorphism!🤣

@uthaymeen7858 - 27.11.2022 18:16

Salafi scholar's felt uneasy in using the word "sitting"
This video is a lie about salafi scholar's

@MS-Hussain - 28.11.2022 11:22

Keep exposing them. They r deviants.
May Allah guide them.

@TheEmperorsBlade - 03.12.2022 01:42

Since when ashari and maturidi ahli sunnah? When u used philosophy as ur creed method. No salaf used ilm kalam.

@AgMak - 08.12.2022 20:01

you might be the dumbest person I've seen here

@Sheen023 - 22.01.2023 16:20


@slysly1778 - 08.02.2023 10:36

🌺الصلوۃ و السلام علیک
یا سیدی یا رحمت للعالمین ﷺ💚
🌺وعلی آلک واصحابک
یا سیدی یا خاتم الانبیاء و المرسلین ﷺ💚

@slysly1778 - 08.02.2023 10:36


@diaryofhafsa9404 - 27.03.2023 14:42

Ar rahmanu alal arshistawa ....

@Zahraayat - 20.04.2023 02:09


@johnbills3757 - 20.04.2023 08:47

You will never find anyone who says salaf saying setting it's a'la above and you will not find anything other unless it is daief

@moradelmachach9285 - 23.04.2023 09:56


@Usernobody. - 23.04.2023 10:04

Good job from a maturidi in turkiye

@abuhassen - 25.04.2023 00:15

What no istawa doesn't mean sitting.
We say we believe in istawa and you sau Allah is everywhere which means you deny Allah is everywhere. We say Allah is above his arsh. Not sitting

@dariusneidhart1068 - 27.04.2023 23:04

Some of the best human minds are found in the Indian subcontinent. No doubt the muslim scholars from Indian subcontinent are way ahead of the Arab muslim scholars in their research and scholarly work on Islam.

@Anon-uv9mj - 20.08.2023 08:43

(Found on a website)
Did ibn al-‘Uthathaymeen not say:
“As for the interpretation of the istiwaa’ of Allaah on His Throne by Him being established on it, then this is famous from the Salaf; Ibn al-Qayyim reported it in his poem known as An-Nooniyyah, and he reported it elsewhere; as regards sitting, then some of them mentioned it, but I am not content with it.”

@503amirulhakim5 - 23.09.2023 16:06

Commenting for the algorithm, may Allah guide the so called Salafi and may they will TRULY follow the Prophet and the Companions

Ответить - 10.11.2023 12:11

@SpencerLowe-kg4rg - 03.01.2024 02:22

Lying down and placing one leg over the other. That's a sign of weakness.

@theindubitable - 16.03.2024 04:59

Staqfirullah. How can we even allude to a limited. How can we even talk about it.

@jamielsaddiq9692 - 01.04.2024 21:15

Stop calling them salafi's!!!! They are Wahhabi's!!! They have nothing to do with the pious Salaf!!!

@abuzakariyyasailani5733 - 03.04.2024 12:10

Maulana please so not call them Salafi. They are Pseudo Salafi. The true Salafi are those who in fiqh are on the 4 Madhahib and in Aqeeda on Ashaari / Matrudi. Respectfully I request edit if possible all your videos

@mdkhan3928 - 08.07.2024 15:49

🤦🏿‍♂️He is blagging here IMO when he says (they are saying)... (9.21) Allah has a limit (as per meaning in English)...I mean just because they quote an authentic hadith which states a description of Allah, doesn't mean he has a limit (as per English language). You are saying this & NOT them.🤷🏿‍♂️

@mdkhan3928 - 08.07.2024 15:53

...if anyone is limiting Allah then make takfeer on them & stop firing blanks bro.🤷🏿‍♂️
