Password Storage Tier List: encryption, hashing, salting, bcrypt, and beyond

Password Storage Tier List: encryption, hashing, salting, bcrypt, and beyond

Studying With Alex

2 года назад

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Layarion - 03.10.2023 02:29

S tier is trash, if google decides they don't like who you voted for, they remove your account. no good having a password on there then.

Ashley Newson
Ashley Newson - 02.10.2023 23:41

Really makes you appreciate public-key cryptography. Alas, the average human is not very good with this concept, and struggles to even use passwords correctly. :(

Karl Kastor
Karl Kastor - 02.10.2023 21:19

Another way to not need a password is a private key (either a file on you disk or a ubikey). Especially for ssh the recommendation is to not use a password, but just a private key

Blazing Blast
Blazing Blast - 02.10.2023 19:36

Another way to stop dictionary attacks is to not allow users to pick their shitty passwords, but just give them a randomly generated string that they should remember/store

Adam Múdry
Adam Múdry - 02.10.2023 18:41

I would say two-factor authentication (2FA) is S tier?

Lucas Wolford
Lucas Wolford - 02.10.2023 16:31

What music is this? I really like it!

Octia - 02.10.2023 14:41

The "S tier" is terrible. I would never use a website where I HAVE to use google/fb to log in.

Stuart Johnson
Stuart Johnson - 02.10.2023 13:23

What about using a private key / public key algorithm where the public key is computed from the private key, and the private key is the result of a slow salted hash. This would have the benefit that even at login, the password and private key wouldn't even have to leave the user's device.

The Rhythmn Of Thought
The Rhythmn Of Thought - 02.10.2023 12:22

Is there a reason you didn't mention peppering?

That's quite an important technique, as it renders dictionary attacks completely useless, even with really bad passwords.

DieHardMan 300
DieHardMan 300 - 02.10.2023 12:17

S Tier can be most vulnerability when user use there nickname+birthday as 8 digits password for Google Account and no 2-factor auth. Also you have to pay for using there API.

Danielo515 - 02.10.2023 10:22

Very good, short and informative video

MrRedstonefreedom - 02.10.2023 09:00

heh, correct horse battery staple. Nice reference

Can't Stand'ya
Can't Stand'ya - 01.10.2023 22:59

Trusting google & Facebook is the end solutions... oh, ok... Oo

Ragland Asir
Ragland Asir - 01.10.2023 21:32

For S tier, there's also WebAuthn

D. Bagg
D. Bagg - 01.10.2023 05:45

Problem with S tier is possibly losing access to the third party account. Big Tech Company might do something stupid like Nymwars again. Compartmentalization is nice; I'd rather have to respond to the occasional website breach than risk everything. Though, that depends on using a password manager right...

Zaro2008 - 30.09.2023 23:44

I was on board until you recommended login with Google or Facebook

12 - 30.09.2023 23:04

absolutely unclear what's the difference between Dictionary attack and Rainbow table?

Yoav Mor
Yoav Mor - 30.09.2023 21:53

What stops hackers from just grabbing the entire raw table, and decrypting it on their end in their leisure?

Jonathan Crowder
Jonathan Crowder - 30.09.2023 20:26

SRP aka secure remote password is an option if you want oauth level security without oauth providers.

KazeReload - 30.09.2023 14:04

Really amazing video! It's so clear that everyone could understand it, but still gives the intendend information. Congratulations! New susbscriber gained ;)

web_dev - 29.09.2023 00:52

Legit question nobody asks. What do you do when an authenticator gets decomissioned and the user set no fallback password no nothing :D or what if it goes under some attack or is otherwise temporarily inaccessible. Is it supposed to be of no concern to small operations? Maybe but unfortunately I have my standards... Though I love paswordless world, there is nothing like exchange of the public key

Dobes Vandermeer
Dobes Vandermeer - 27.09.2023 17:58

What about secure remote password (SRP)? I think that's the real S tier.

Vincent Jenks
Vincent Jenks - 27.09.2023 14:27

Lololol! Amazing. This is my life right now. It's not even an exaggeration.

TheDutchisGaming - 26.09.2023 17:17

Another S tier would be cryptographic signing using key pairs.

Creativity Refresher
Creativity Refresher - 26.09.2023 15:04

One more architectural way to store credentials (not necessarily passwords) is to store them in a separate database which is only accessible by other systems, so there are no credentials for the database to speak of. This requires a third "party" in communication between systems, which manages accounts and credentials and rotates them (generates new credentials) periodically, called Identity Authentication Service (IAS). This is widely used in cloud systems (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, etc).

Tau - 24.09.2023 15:07

I hate S tier honestly.

On Security: That means that your users will have one point of failure: Google, Facebook, etc. Not great. If their Google Account is hacked the hacker has their complete online identity with this method.

On Usability: You force your users to have one of these services and also tell these services that they use your service. Not great for user privacy.

My favorite solution to this problem: Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Use off-the-shelf password solutions for the environment you work in. There are many great and widely tested libraries that you can use.

Evan Hatch
Evan Hatch - 24.09.2023 08:05

So good. Great job

G R.
G R. - 23.09.2023 02:11

this is probably the first time I've understood what salting actually does, bravo

Ozzyfromspace - 21.09.2023 11:49

Congrats, this is an S tier video!

Lance Marchetti
Lance Marchetti - 20.09.2023 18:15

I'm working on an idea.
Your comments/input would be appreciated.

Basically, even if a password is breached it will still result in garbled or zero-byte files when used , unless the manipulated byte order is restored. For this, a BOMKey (Byte Order Manipulation Key) needs to be provided for the password to trigger the release of the files in their correct binary order, otherwise they simply remain in their corrupted state.

Because the BOM is not set to any algorithmic pattern, it remains random and therefore nearly impossible to guess.

I have tested this by attacking a simple 2-character password-protected zip archive with Hashcat and John the Ripper.
The password is easily discovered, but extracts garbled files due to the missing Byte Order Key.

Or Orsatti
Or Orsatti - 20.09.2023 10:27

How bout srp?

Christopher - 17.09.2023 00:34

Another point: Don't store the authentication data in the same database as the application data. That way if you have an SQL injection vulnerability in the application code, the attacker still can't read the authentication data (because the SQL doesn't run on that database).

Christopher - 17.09.2023 00:08

Using third-party login however has privacy issues. As user, I avoid that option wherever possible.

Abdurahman Mohamed
Abdurahman Mohamed - 16.09.2023 21:54

I think you were write about the “Don’t store passwords”, but you went about it the wrong way. The right way would be something like using the SRP (Secure Remote Password) algorithm, which doesn’t store the password or it’s hash, rather than making your application a hostage to these companies

q - 11.09.2023 23:54

insanely good content, keep it up! very very very underrated

Rohit Garg
Rohit Garg - 05.09.2023 14:48

best video for understanding how hashing works !!

cheng joseph
cheng joseph - 18.08.2023 04:22

very Informative and simple to understand.

mohamed hassan
mohamed hassan - 20.07.2023 15:51

Excellent video with a simple explanation, the simple example you talked about Hashing is AMAZING - the brown color - it's just a smooth, attention-grabbing and not boring at all video, keep up with your good stuff

\n - 20.07.2023 15:36

this video was very helpful! I wanted to try making a hashing algorithm for something, but I didn't know how to make it until now. thanks!

edit: I was sucessfully able to make a slow hashing algorithm that takes like 3 seconds to complete on my slow laptop.

Rajesh Sharma
Rajesh Sharma - 19.07.2023 19:08

but during login how we know the salt because it already saved on server.

Glasia van Duivels 🌳
Glasia van Duivels 🌳 - 12.07.2023 12:45

Maybe S tier is 2FA: PW + finger print / TAN generator / SMS / ...

sasi dhar Naidu
sasi dhar Naidu - 09.07.2023 21:30

What about sha512? Is it not sufficient to secure the passwords?

matheus - 29.06.2023 18:05

Great video!

NoiseHERO - 22.05.2023 06:46

S Tier, make other people store passwords so you don't have to B)

Ketki Patil
Ketki Patil - 16.05.2023 09:55

Crystal clear and to the point explaination in a minimal time.Great work!

Robbie Torkelsonn
Robbie Torkelsonn - 28.04.2023 12:53

len(password) < len(hash), otherwise ...

pidgeon hole principle: if there are more pidgeons then holes, then at least one hole must have more then one pidgeon in it.

Doest that mean that longer passwords are less secure?

Andrei Siuniakou
Andrei Siuniakou - 21.03.2023 01:12

Awesome work, thanks for that clarifications! It's insanely easy to understand using this video. Will suggest everyone who needs to understand how it works.

Marc De Gagné
Marc De Gagné - 17.03.2023 14:54

Thanks! Well explained differences.
