British Infantry Square against Zulus - Napoleon Total War

British Infantry Square against Zulus - Napoleon Total War


1 год назад

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@vssb6186 - 02.08.2024 21:51

The friendly fire is huge on this one 🔥🔥🔥

@ArmyJames - 02.08.2024 07:05

What are the Zulus doing in Egypt?

@captainrusca - 29.07.2024 11:21

They may have lost but zulu got clapped real hard

@Vincent-dx1vx - 06.07.2024 00:10

Poor Zulus lambs to slaughter without guns,if they to had weapons different story as they had bravery unmatched they where true warriors fighting for freedom against tyranny

@jonathanchartrand3351 - 05.07.2024 07:56

They ruined it by zooming in and out, like playing an accordion. They could have made it smooth like a drone.

@tichaonaGwaze-rp9od - 30.06.2024 09:13

If the Zulus had guns was the British going to survive

@chrislindberg9821 - 28.06.2024 18:17

How about the square at Abu Klea?

@StevenHughes-hr5hp - 16.06.2024 02:45

In the age of repeating rifles, gatling guns, rockets, mortars and cannons with rifled barrels firing explosive shells what was the purpose of massing your troops in tight formations like that and wearing bright red uniforms? Did the British never fight proper armies?

@Anglo-mapping - 13.06.2024 21:59

The British may have lost but when you look at the casualties the zulus took a huge L

@DavidPrescott-jq3so - 13.06.2024 15:08

The British Square as it’s called, is an ingenious formation because it has no exposed flanks to attack . So I would say that the only hope you have of defeating such a formation, is instead of attacking all sides of it at once. Concentrate your attack against one side of the square while you hold what’s left of your army in reserve on the other side of the square. Once your concentrated attack punches a hole through the side of the square they are attacking they will force other sides of the square to try and fill in the hole. Thus weakening other sides of the square and at that time you send in your reserve forces to take advantage of the weakened sides of the square… maybe it works maybe it doesn’t …I’m just saying!!!

@LuizAntoniodeLimaBarros - 09.06.2024 18:26

Salvo engano, os mosquetoes eram de tiro único. Gostaria de saber se após os disparos os atiradores corriam para trás das filas para recarregarem suas armas.

@jandbyoung1 - 31.05.2024 03:14

What game is this?

@jandbyoung1 - 31.05.2024 03:11

Send the cavalry in

@geppetox748 - 25.05.2024 10:38

London 2026

@DingKong - 03.05.2024 13:16

"Aaallll right then!"

@johngnar5159 - 01.05.2024 23:52


@fastyaveit - 08.04.2024 23:19

Independent fire at will? "Who the f*ck is will" the Zulus look samey

@seanautilis15 - 05.04.2024 17:38

historically and humanly absurd. the zulus lost 75% of their men and were still charging. absurd

@ernieellan5694 - 05.04.2024 11:27

Yeah this is crap. The british gun had an operable range max of around 400 yards, but was deemed accurate at 200. Showing this mockup where they are firing at over 1000 yards and getting 50%+ kills is so far from reality it is ludicrous. What next that their bayonets were much better than the Zulu fighter HTH? What a bunch of drivel.

@wargames2195 - 28.03.2024 10:37

This still looks better than Warhammer to me, what magic did they use?

@TheGroundedAviator - 28.03.2024 03:38

Another victory and they'd be defeated.

@danduffy7974 - 22.03.2024 05:19

CRAP!!!! for a while I thought we were gonna win!!

@user-wl5uu4uk8i - 14.03.2024 22:47

Вот так и надо нагличан

@Red55322 - 13.03.2024 15:46

Kicsit messze vannak a zuluk !Hogy tudnák ilyen távolságban leszedni őket?Nem túl hiteles!

@sergeyrodin7824 - 08.03.2024 23:48

Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun, and they have not.

@mr.d6186 - 08.03.2024 10:24

That was fun to watch.

@Ater12501 - 06.03.2024 13:32

Зулусы (самоназвание — amaZulu) — африканский этнос численностью около 10 млн человек, обитающий в основном в провинции Квазулу-Натал в Южно-Африканской Республике.
Небольшие группы зулусов также проживают в Эсватини, Лесото, Зимбабве, Замбии и Мозамбике.
Язык зулу принадлежит к группе нгуни семьи банту.
Зулусское королевство сыграло важную роль в истории нынешней ЮАР в XIX и XX веках.
К зулусам близки такие народы, как коса, свази, матабеле и нгони.
Страна зулусов (также Зулусская империя, КваЗулу, Зулуленд) — территория союза племён зулусов, сложившаяся в первой половине XIX века в Южной Африке на побережье Индийского океана (территория современной провинции ЮАР Квазулу-Натал).
Во время своего максимального расцвета страна простиралась от реки Понголы на севере до реки Умзимкулу на юге.Правители Зулуленда: основатель Чаки (1816—1828), Дингане (1828—1840), Мпанде (1840—1856), Правление Кечвайо (1872—1879).

@RH-sb5co - 06.03.2024 09:26

Soundtrack from movie "Zulu".

@macaylkunkle3069 - 01.03.2024 05:42

Obviously guns win

@JD0124 - 01.03.2024 02:43

How they formed squares is fascinating.

The Brits put up a good fight for a while... but way too many Zulus. "Thousands of 'em!"

@phillis2422 - 23.02.2024 00:48

Historically inaccurate. Must be American

@nickjennings8757 - 21.02.2024 17:41

This is about as realistic as the film Napoleon. British fighting the Zulus right beside the pyramids. Was surprised not to see Bonaparte waving from the top of one of them. 😂😂😂

@adventureswithsmiles6315 - 20.02.2024 03:33

bummer game froze at the end of the battle, Zulu's just standing there frozen, bugs bugs

@adventureswithsmiles6315 - 20.02.2024 03:29

I always ask when I see battles like this why didn't they build bows, they knew they were going to face guns.

@damienmayne7205 - 19.02.2024 23:18

Try the Darth mod on this, as the AI is far smarter, more tactical.

@dasneonlicht - 19.02.2024 09:44

"I regret to report a very disastrous engagement..."

@gregorausman5115 - 19.02.2024 00:53

I didn't know that the Zulus were so shiny.

@scudfarcus4343 - 18.02.2024 20:16

Seems like using the cavalry in some manner would have been a better idea than just having them standing there getting in the way.

@oriel229 - 18.02.2024 18:03

Crap. The Zulu necer broke a Britiah sqare. At Isandlwanag they didn't form square. Pulleine, a useless commandrr, had rthem too far out in straight lines, with some of the ammo supply 900 yards plus from the formations.

@joshwatson9725 - 16.02.2024 06:49

the distance on those rifles was like 4.6 miles. amazing for the time

- 16.02.2024 05:13

British infantry squares were more than two ranks deep. Normally at least four. All the Zulus had to do in this scenario, however, was to surround the British and wait, since the British square has no food or water that I can see.

@marianovaliente2103 - 15.02.2024 22:08

Usar a los lanceros coño!!! Para que quereis a la caballeria??? Y donde coño esta la artilleria?? Y las ametralladoras??? Ya habia en esa epoca.despues pasa lo que pasa..con solo 3 o 4 ametralladoras los hubierais barrido a todos apoyados por la artillería ignorantes.con los rifles Martini-Henry de un solo disparo y recarga de nuevo aunque sea rapida su recarga no es suficiente.y con las bayonetas tampoco.muy poca caballeria y muy mal empleada.haber abierto el cuadro y que los lanceros los atacaran de flanco embistiendolos y ensartandolos con sus lanzas y sables.despues podian haberlos mantenido a distancia con sus carabinas para caballeria Martini- Henry y ayudar a la infanteria.y si hubiera habido artillería crear una barrera de fuego y posiblente ya ni se hubieran acercado.

@johanschreuder5847 - 15.02.2024 19:28

Zulu's in the desert. That's a new one. The terrain play a major part in both the Zulu and Boer wars. It put British at a disadvantage. Mostly

@garethcollocott6310 - 14.02.2024 17:27

I dont think that the martini henry had such a long range. Perhaps I am misjudging.
Awesome video!

@TheSetadoon - 13.02.2024 08:09


@warrenholmes3311 - 13.02.2024 07:09

...About 250 people who ALL look alike? :)

@caractacusbrittania7442 - 13.02.2024 01:01

Only once in history was a British square
The battle of
Tel el kebir, in the Sudan.
The square was reformed, and the intruders dealt with by the bayonet.

@jimbob765-21 - 12.02.2024 05:26

how to lose against a horde of mace and axe wielders. put men in box formation so half are doing jackshit until the enemy are coming in

@No2traitor - 12.02.2024 01:31

I’m drained watching this.

@fontenoyjoe - 11.02.2024 23:09

Who left the damned ammo wagon outside of the square??!!
