70+ GameCube Exclusive Essentials

70+ GameCube Exclusive Essentials

Good Vibes Gaming

1 год назад

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@ViewtifulSam - 03.02.2024 05:27

What a tour de force! The script is great. You managed to cram very good commentary about each game into few sentences. Bravo!

@lunathemadman - 26.01.2024 18:19

Ah. I would've added Gotcha Force to the list

@WW_Collector_ - 14.01.2024 15:02

You forgot about beach spikers

@Rubberman202 - 12.01.2024 19:57

GameCube is now a nostalgic system in and of itself, and what's more, there are a LOT of games that can be (relatively) easily ported from it, at least compared to certain games on the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, and Wii U. Really, the GameCube, while not the most financially successful gaming console for Nintendo, had some of the most varied, unique, and memorable games of any Nintendo system, both from third parties, and also themselves. Heck, the fact that there are apparently over 70 "essential" games for that system should tell you something about the quality of that system's library!

@GalaxyJakeYT - 09.01.2024 03:22

Baten Kaitos rereleased now

@jrpggamer93 - 03.01.2024 04:45

Dude path of radiance is one of my all time holy grails . One day I'll get it an play it

@goodknight3072 - 18.12.2023 03:10

I think Yu-Gi-Oh: The Falsebound Kingdom is a game worth mentioning. Even though there were other games that explored ideas that didn't exactly play like standard Yu-Gi-Oh like Duelist of Roses and the Capsule game which is a reference to the original anime (Season 0), Falsebound Kingdom really stood out as probably the wackiest. Featuring 3v3 monster combat and real time strategy management.

@TheScrubmuffin69 - 12.10.2023 08:39

Kirby air ride is the best!

@kykyjelly1423 - 20.09.2023 17:01

Forgot the exclusive wwe games

@Htbaa - 20.09.2023 10:06

This video didn’t age well as some of these titles are now actually on Switch or on the way :-).

But what a great console the GameCube is!

@majorgear1021 - 14.09.2023 05:06


@Gaspe19 - 30.08.2023 20:48

I'd add Odama, Gotcha Force, Phantasy Star Online, Ikaruga, and Go Go Hypergrind

@jamesd235 - 17.08.2023 15:02

So just homebrew the Wii u? Then you get your virtual consoles GameCube included. I play on mine often haha GB GBC GBA as well.

@TiroDvD - 04.08.2023 04:51

Amazing Island, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Gotcha Force.

@bobalinx8762 - 31.07.2023 01:48

What about Amazing Island?

@scalpeldude - 16.07.2023 23:42

lol 656

@PaleOtaku - 30.06.2023 08:07

you missef gogo hypergrind published by atlus (I believe)

@dustheg - 11.06.2023 05:49

What about gotcha force. Has it been rereleased?

@Klevermoregames - 04.06.2023 16:12

Thank you for this video.

@keepitkush5208 - 25.04.2023 22:15

Gamecube + 4$ Picoboot 👍

@noahallyn2234 - 14.04.2023 23:23

Love the video -- but you definitely spoiled the ending of Killer 7. Would likely have been better to say "the player takes control of 7 different assassins." What you said is correct, but ... big reveal.

@jiraiya0698 - 14.04.2023 21:13

Thanks for letting me know about the Pacman Versus port. I always wanted to play it.

@Jumphurd6145 - 29.03.2023 10:26

Thank you!! Very helpful!!!!

@MightnightSamuraiSake - 23.03.2023 22:53

I actually loved starfox adventures it's my comfort game from back when I was a kid

@Chuff_Butts - 01.03.2023 06:20

I would love to get a game like 1000 year door but paying 130 bucks is just ridiculous. I guess I’ll just have to look at garage sales and thrift stores.

Also you should have added Simpsons hit and run: Certified classic

@leozar69 - 17.02.2023 05:22

Chibi Robo. 10/10 I still play it to this day. I love my Steam Deck ♥ I even have a Chibi Robo mini game box key chain from aliexpress 👑
Geist. I highly recommend it ♥ It's a very unique and memorable game 💭 Also 10/10 from me.
Zelda 4 Swords is good. 9.7/10 I even have the manga 😄 Really good
Ocarina of Time on the GameCube is my favourite version. (even though I only played the N64 ver.) Because in the GC ver, they changed the shield to a represent the game more, instead of a symbol that represents a nation flag. I just prefer to be immersed in a game, rather than be reminded of the real world. Like some games with adds...
Paper Mario Year Door. I never had that experience.. But i saw Game Grumps play it, and it really grew on me. (my 1st was Super Paper Mario) I will play Year Door soon.😄 Same with Pikmin 1 and 2 😋
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. The chao garden. ♥😎👑
Star Fox Adventure was harshly underrated. I loved every moment. The whole game was just a really good time, and it's memorable.

@thewasserrecord4513 - 14.02.2023 11:32

Recently got a gamecube again since last having one in 2004. Out of this list I have Zelda Master Quest, Animal Crossing, and Mario Golf. Can't wait to get some games I never played like Luigi Mansion, Pikmin and Wario World.

@hoagieimpact9189 - 04.02.2023 09:02

How could you forget the best Gamecube pinball game Odama?
You controlled Feudal Japan troops with microphone voice commands to take over enemy bases (the mic and a clip to hold it onto the Gamecube Controller were included with the big boxed game just like Mario Party 6 and 7). You moved the cannonball with the stick, and you hit the pinball flippers with L and R. Also you could use items with the digital pad and change the camera with the C-stick. That game was one of the craziest genre mixes I ever played.

Also, my favourite basketball game came out shortly after the launch. Nintendo's NBA Courtside 2002 was the third and final game in the exclusive NBA Courtside series after two great N64 prequels.

I would also add the Phantasy Star Online games to the list. Episode I&II were exclusive remakes with many extras.

@Jetluffyq8 - 27.01.2023 10:19

You did miss the WWE games. They are some of the better wrestling games. I am still surprised that you mentioned the 4 Naruto fighting games, I remember spending a lot of time playing the 2nd one and the 4th one.

@mrbubbles6468 - 17.11.2022 02:36

'Sagi was framed for assassination'

Dude wasn't framed. He was just late.

@rapidriver - 14.11.2022 13:43

omg i looooove kururin squash, everybody play it right now

@maquiavelmg - 10.11.2022 22:32

I believe Odama could also be mentioned

@psycomutt - 07.11.2022 12:04

Killer 7 wasn't exclusive. PS2 Also saw the release

@whitemew - 03.11.2022 21:03

Did you know, the Wii U already could play most GC games already? basically making this video useless it was never about hardware power...never has been

@monkeyhotdog - 02.11.2022 01:47

Ultimate Muscle was missed along with several other JP only exclusives..

@georglehner407 - 31.10.2022 17:23

Back when I was 13, I saved up all my pocket money so I could buy a Gamecube. It was the first console I had ever bought myself and I only ever owned a Gameboy Color before it. My very first Games were the Windwaker, Melee, Luigis Mansion and Mario Kart Double Dash, and a friend of mine had Metroid Prime and F-Zero GX.
My old Gamecube and Wii still exist in my parents attic, but I live in a different country now and I wouldn't even be able to play them since we don't have a compatible TV anymore. The Steam Deck now is incredibly tempting, as it can emulate all of the games of my childhood, and Nintendo doesn't seem to care to make those games available anytime soon.

@gfjmember - 29.10.2022 02:20

No mention of Captain Rainbow? I know it was JP exclusive, but there are those who fondly remember it

@666jamie666 - 28.10.2022 11:10

Great video 👍

@davejay6855 - 27.10.2022 17:04

Adding a character or slight amount of content to a multiplatform game does NOT make it an "exclusive", simply the same game with a few extra assets tagged on as a bonus. The amount of multiplatform games on here is asinine.

Off to find a proper list. No wonder this one was so large.

@bradleysabre2298 - 27.10.2022 11:29

baten kaitos, my sweet sweet child. the number one reason i keep my gcn on hand.

@kasperkap - 26.10.2022 00:01

Take a shot every time he says "lauded" and die of alcohol poisoning...

@enriquepinero707 - 25.10.2022 23:24

The biggest flaw about NSO; is the idea that they convince themselves (or anyone else) that having their retro game selections for rent on NSO indefinitely; is the solution for not having customers buy the same games over again with each console generation; when they could work towards simply making everything backwards compatible on all future next gen (Switch) consoles. This service really makes no sense; when you realized that the games are digitally downloaded to the Switch and programed to run off the hardware with a DRM check in; which means they are running natively and would still have to be reworked, in order to play on future hardware; if they fail to make the next Switch backwards compatible. I wouldn't mind the ability to try out these retro games on NSO with the subscription; provided that they did not try to prevent us the option of selecting which of these all time classics; we would like to keep. If they want; they could offer the different subscription tiers; to provided dedicated servers for each tier's retro console offerings; while also allowing you to buy what you want to keep; should you decide not to renew the subscription.

@PixelShade - 25.10.2022 21:26

I kind of hate what Nintendo did with Star Fox Adventures... I would have loved to seen "Dinosaur Planet" with Krystal as the main character, just as Rare intended. I always felt Fox to be out of place, and the whole "damsel in distress" felt old even back then.

@JeanBaptistePollien - 25.10.2022 15:34

Talking about exclusives and essentials and not mentionning Beach Spikers?

@fuglytard1293 - 24.10.2022 18:33

there a lot in here that aren't exclusive

@1423big - 24.10.2022 14:55

With tales of symphonia, the GameCube is the best version because it is the only one that runs at 60fps correctly without breaking the animation. 🤣

@aballofgrime7273 - 23.10.2022 22:47

Geist was good, but not as unique or creative as you think. The game Avenging Spirits had already done pretty much the same thing.
Also, Killer7 is not a GC exclusive. It's on PS2.

@corey2232 - 23.10.2022 20:21

Baten Kaitos was one of the biggest surprises of the GC era for me.

I never liked games that had a card aspect to them, but this one was much different. Cards were placeholders for spells/summons & never really got to the point it felt like a burden to collect/build decks like other games. It was just an awesome RPG that happened to use cards.

Also, if you're going to pick one, pick the original Baten Kaitos. The combat is more in depth & a lot more interesting than the streamlined, basic version offered in Origins. I'd say they're both worth checking out, but Origins always felt like a watered down entry compared to the first game.

@Ctrain-ue5bk - 22.10.2022 14:43

What about the WWE games?
Day of Reckoning 1&2. Solid titles with a continuous storyline
