How Do You Balance Your Hormones? What Is Normal?

How Do You Balance Your Hormones? What Is Normal?

Natalie Crawford, MD

1 год назад

126,303 Просмотров

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@dreamgirl-rx2hx - 25.01.2024 08:59

Does harmonal imbalance cause vagina atrophy?

@susanallen8214 - 24.01.2024 22:24

What would you do in a case of a 44 yr old having severe cramping, sharp shooting pains. Has history of endometriosis, ovarian cysts age 14-20, (laproscopy surgeries to laser out and drain 4-5 times) IUD given to help with pain at age 42, with no heavy bleeding or long bleeding. 1.5 yrs into IUD experiencing menstrual cramping, sharp shooting pains again, and long bleeding 14 days for 2 consecutive months. Last 2 Ultrasounds in 2 years shows adenomyosis, fibroid tumor. Most recent shows good placement of IUD but still showing fibroid and adenomyosis and now increased size to "enlarged uterus." Patient wants the IUD removed and is asking about BHRT to balance hormones. How would you approach this case with the info given?

@MichelleBlackChannel - 22.01.2024 03:58

great video!

@chocolategirl333 - 21.01.2024 11:31

I just want to know how to fix period insomnia. I have a pretty consistent sleep schedule, but it always gets rocky around the time of my period and that’s how I know it’s around the corner.

@daisyshepherd7488 - 17.01.2024 09:54

Can you do any work to balance your hormones while on birth control with the goal of getting off of it? Or do you have to wait to "balance" until you get off the pill? Thank you so much for your video!!

@AmyEloiseKelly - 17.01.2024 02:20

Hi, thanks for this video. All the info on the internet is so confusing and in the UK our GPs have no real specific knowledge in any of this stuff.
I was just wondering- my wife has PCOS- she has the excess hair, weight she cant shift, flaky scalp, red cheeks etc...but she does have periods, sometimes she will skip one or it will be a few months without one, but recently they have been regular. We are trying to figure out how she can lower testosterone levels but information everywhere is vague or confusing

@hdadge - 11.01.2024 13:07

Hi Natalie, question what if I have come off HRT after 4 years - how do I try and balance as I have no period - please help xx

@gloriaramirez494 - 08.01.2024 01:30

Can we induce a missing period? I was has a period every 28 days that lasted 3 days. But I was making as little to much thyroid hormones. My doc said she didnt think I was hitting menopause cause I am 42. I want one more to complete my family. Is it hopeless? Tell me I can induce my cycle?

@cherishpearlhatay6399 - 06.01.2024 15:04

Hello Doc i had Lyndavel injection and i am having constant everyday bleeding

@papricamayahuel7263 - 31.12.2023 12:21

Hey. I know it's difficult to advise but I've been wondering. I taken a birth control pill with a dramatic results, and think it made my body a mess. My first menstuation as a little girl lasted literally tree months, and had to be stopped with a hormonal pill [been given one pill and the period stopped] but my periods rarely ever been regular ever since. about 4 and 2 years ago I tried the pill, given progesteron only I had non stop mensturation and bleeding and bleeding in between, I could tell I had periods lasting 2 weeks+ and bleeding in between it wasn't just bleeding. I got scared and stopped the pill, 2 years ago I tried again with mixed pill and it didn't give me a bad menstruation, but I felt weird, I was single so I stopped taking it, as i was bothered about taking it on time every day, as my sleep cycle was all over the place due night shifts. After I stopped taking it maybe a year after, I started experiencing what I believe would be very high testosterone and menopausal like symptoms, my hair turned grey, I've been quite stressed, my weight doesn't fluctuate, but my body would smell kind of "manly like", I would feel unfresh, and tired, even if I bathe twice a day, and change my clothes, my hair would turn very greasy, and my body would smell different. It's all so annoying, but even if i complained to my doctor about the pill they never sent me for a hormonal check or told me what was going on. I blood tested if I had heamophilia to explain the heavy bleedings but came out negative, now i started struggling with acne although I'm not at the age when i should have acne and never had issues with it before. I'm not at a typical menopausal age, I'm younger than that about 15 years. Is there any way I can fix my hormones with diet and lifestyle?

@RoyalHabitude - 30.12.2023 21:10

Sooooo I found myself here because I wondered if I was "estrogen dominant" I'm not trying to get pregnant I don't want kids but I do want to "level out" I just ovulated yesterday (I know because I pass a thick clear slime directly "opposite" from my cycle🩸. I don't have pcos (I don't think) I don't grow "extra" hair my cycle is regular and always on time, however, no matter where in my cycle I'm tired an fatigue, moody, things that shouldn't bother me do. I also have these little bright red (no bigger then the end of a fine tip pen) on my chest. Somewhere I saw that as a sign of "over production of estrogen". Is it just normal I'm always tired? And moody and these red spots etc.. I also get hot flashes here n there, been night sweating, bouts of insomnia as well. I'm only 31 I used to be on birth control but I haven't used any BC for at least 5 yrs.. Do I need longer to allow my body to balance out or... I also work out regularly at least 3x a week. I eat healthy as well lots of fruit and veggies an protein. It's hard to lose weight as well. All of my "symptoms" have been going on for likeeeee at least a year, recently I started eating once a day to try and "fast" this weight off. No matter what I do, I'm always tired, I get fatigue cleaning the house for 20 mins or standing "too long" am I really just like in a waking clinical depression or something??? Do I need to get a grounding blanket and do a heavy metal cleanse or something.. 😩 I just wanna feel normal and not wanna sleep all day every day

@maverickf13 - 23.12.2023 22:03

Thank you for knowing what you're talking about and helping us!

@hellopeople1824 - 21.12.2023 00:14

I started drinking spearmint tea that everyone talks about right now. But I an having right now back pain and experienced weird heart rates. I don't know about nettle tea, since I have it in its natural form. Is it safer? Can it help me balance my hormones and remove my facial hair?

@jax-sx9pk - 18.12.2023 09:39

I am really appreciative of all of the info you are putting out into the world for us, thank you! I am 48, peri-m, have adenomyosis, and have been taking unopposed 300mg Prometrium daily for two years, and have a 3year old Nexplanon implant. I just had my bloodwork done and my estrogen is 4008 pmol/L which I understand is very high. My gp said it is likely high because of the progesterone I am taking. But, I haven't heard you or any other expert, say that the body will make more estrogen in response to taking progesterone. What I have heard is that estrogen can become dominant when unopposed by progesterone - so I found this video super helpful in understanding what that means. I also understand there are risks associated with high estrogen. So, is it something I should dig into further, or is it just the stage of life where estrogen can really be all over the place, including very high? Cheers!

@AnicaBallinger2179 - 18.12.2023 08:41

So does high day 3 estradiol of 110 mean I have PCOS? I am not overweight, and I have regular cycles so this information was pretty concerning

@Edith864 - 17.12.2023 18:20

Pls do a video about PMDD and Sleep Issues + Jittery/anxiety and how to find relief 🙏

@ro0121 - 14.12.2023 23:19

Watching this bc right when I turned 22, I started getting irregular cycles and late periods 😭

@shivanisangal5521 - 14.12.2023 16:16

A million thanks for the video.

@kylieangers2021 - 11.12.2023 23:46

Why do our hormones have to be so difficult and only give us a week or 2 of normalcy a month 😂

@user-wy3ee8kd5t - 11.12.2023 11:15

Cold feet tingling that comes go lightheadedness before and after period 😢
Although my period are regular,

@shivanisangal5521 - 09.12.2023 18:53

Thank you for all this information.b❤❤

@delicious7549 - 28.11.2023 08:00

I have a problem of hormones imbalance..I want to be pregnant fast what can I do?? Dr

@polika-ix8uh - 25.11.2023 15:20

It took me 3 years suffering from body hairs and especially on my face, had to shave to work every 2 days to not look awful till i got a recommendation of Dr isibor herbal cleanser to stop hair growth in women which i tried and the result was the best tha

@MohsinKhan-wn9bt - 25.11.2023 15:20

Theres a solution through herbs and cleanser that helps stop facial hair growth and treatment takes 21 days @Doctorisibor visit channel and thank God you gave it a try.

@NikkiChristmas - 25.11.2023 07:47

I wish hormone specialist would make more videos concerning mental health issues caused by hormonal issues. Most of these videos I see are centered about helping women get pregnant.

@maritshirin88 - 13.11.2023 22:33

Thank for this elaborate and clearly formulated video! I kinda lost my 'ovulation high' a year ago, since I have such a mittelschmertz during ovulation! I can immediately feel 'yup, this month egg is coming from the right ovary' No bench-presses for me during ovulation 😅

@aheartbeatific - 13.11.2023 09:38

Gotta chime in and say — you just blew my mind in the explanations. Like I’ve never heard anyone explain this this way and I’ve read/watched/heard so much over 20 years since my diagnosis of Pcos’

@alyssaseamons - 09.11.2023 01:50

When is it best to test testosterone during your cycle?

@lizalenaour8672 - 08.11.2023 23:37

Hi ! Thanks for your educational videos ! What about hormonal acne, could you make a video to explain it ?

@drc4168 - 05.11.2023 16:46

Absolutely amazing and cystal clear explanation ❤

@RobMonty248 - 29.10.2023 17:39

Look into medications that cause nutritional deficiencies. Because its alarming. Most of them cause more problems that they are treating, as in, blood pressure meds seem to drain all the minerals naturally needed to sustain normal levels. Many charts online. So, meds are never the answer, but meds may prolong your life (and suffering). Good luck.

@bremarie3442 - 25.10.2023 21:12

So if you have the "sleepy ovary" where your estrogen is low and the ovaries are bored, will clomid & letrozole still be the reccomendation?

@ConOp-Experiment. - 25.10.2023 01:02

You didn't mention TSH...

@danijeanes5078 - 21.10.2023 02:39

Thank for this video.

It covers alot of PCOS. But there are millions of women who just have horrible horrible symtoms. Debilitating. Every month. Who are testing normal.

They are desperate, and there are no doctors who understand, literally they will run tests and say it's all normal or only offer birth control. Or run no test. Nutritionists will off vitex and progesterone cream and discuss none of the side effects.

50 kinds of vitamins and it doesn't help.

Where are we suppose to get help. How are we able to know what to do. Even specialist endocrinologist will test and say its all normal. As if they cannot be bothered to investigate fully.

When you eat well, sleep regularly, minimise stress, meditate do everything you have been advised and it just gets worse and harder.
Or you follow hormone balancing advice and take the supplements and creams and it just gets harder .

Insomnia, faintness, aches and pains, headache, anxiety and panic, sadness, pain.

And no help. What are we meant to do? I watch every video on hormone balancing and all advice is different. There is absolutely no sifting through this to know what helps.

It the most scary situation.

@sunmoon9527 - 18.10.2023 07:56

Is there any way I could book an appointment with you?

@estelaacosta8498 - 17.10.2023 20:23

Wait, ok i have pcos. I've been taking progesterone & my period is now regular. So if I followed correctly just because it's now regular that doesn’t mean I'm ovulating. Is that correct?

@iamellamella - 11.10.2023 01:56

Hi Doctor, I've been having some cycle changes and so went to my PCP. She suggested a hormone panel and it was done randomly on that day... I questioned her at the time because I'd watched your video and knew you had recommended the tests be done in the early follicular phase, but she said it would give us a baseline... I second guessed myself and just I went ahead with it. I watched your video again today and knew I was right! Does this mean my results are invalid/unreliable? Would you recommend I get them redone in the time frames you suggested? Thank you for your videos, they help me understand so much about my body.

@musyokaann - 10.10.2023 19:11

Hello my periods are crazy sometimes irregular or regular have being experiencing this for long time some few months i started spotting and i dont loss weight i was told by a doctor i have pcos please advice me what to do

@johnmartha8851 - 02.10.2023 14:37

Hello good morning doctor I have hormonal imbalanceshow I need help

@k9nkyurio - 17.09.2023 14:16

What happens to hormones when you get a mirena?

@Maggie-tz8rx - 17.09.2023 13:44

Thanks for the video, can you explain how can you balance your hormones when you postmenopausal? Is there anything we can do to help with weight loss? Thank you.

@tttony9426 - 04.09.2023 02:19

hello Doc my 45 year old wife has had very heavy & long periods for over 2 years her OBGYN,said nothing is wrong but then she developed a hug syst on 1 overy they did surgery and put her on depo shot it helped at first but the depo made her very lathargic and her joints hurt her,she stopped the depo shot only 4 months ago now she has breast cancer,the doctor wants to completly remove her left breast,i keep asking the doctor about balancing her hormones but she says thats not the problem,how do i contact you for a consultation,my wife has gone thru too much pain already thank you

@kerrischroeder6530 - 30.08.2023 05:42

Does a short cycle, say 23-24 days usually mean hormones are off? Is it not good ?

@de-annmaughn9915 - 29.08.2023 01:33

I was recently diagnosed with PCOS due to insulin resistance. I was on nexplanon BC for 10 years and now I’m in my 30s I’ve been off BC now 2 years and since I got off I’ve only had 5 periods and 1 was forced by taking prevera for 10 days as my obgyn instructed then my period came.. then I tried to take it the next month again and my period never came after the 10 days like it was supposed to… I’m now on Myo D-Chiro Inositol and I’m on the end of my first bottle of it and still no period since the pervera which is going on 4 months now. Still trying to get my period to come any suggestions

@sanamoyeshnazarova4527 - 22.08.2023 13:08

My Progesteron is low should and have no my minustrtion should I take Progesteron Tablett?

@florita7999 - 10.08.2023 03:02

I have a question for you. I don't believe that I have pcos but my period is irregular. However, I am noticing that my period is becoming more regular. What are my chances of getting pregnant naturally at 44 yrs of age?

@mamabutterfly9778 - 08.08.2023 23:50

I just started to get spotting for the first time ever I got diagnosed a couple months ago with pcos. I get some many bad symptoms that comes along with late periods and spotting.. like upset tummy, headaches, nausea. I feel overwhelmed quite frankly.

@nikogaffga6087 - 04.08.2023 06:33

Thank You Dr. Crawford!!! I love your content!! Can you do a video to answer the question “Can I make my period come early (or late)?” I hear it often and don’t see the exact answer I’m looking for

@WMGEC - 03.08.2023 21:31

Ok, so I did not hear how does one actually balance hormones. Can you do another video as a follow up that talks more specifically about therapies, timing, types of products to stay away from, nutrition for balancing hormones, etc. ???

@Moonvayda18 - 01.08.2023 15:44

This was very informative. I do have a question for you Natalie. I have never been to a doctor. Besides the ER
TMI but, I have been having a greenish grayish almost blue fluid coming out of my nipple. I don’t know what doctor I would go to for this. I am 27 years old. I’m thinking I could have fibrosis (just from the self diagnosis I did online 😅). Which lead me to think maybe I have a hormone imbalance.
I have a prefect cycle. I track it on the glow app. Anyways would I go to a OGBYN for this concern. Anything will help thank you. 😊
