Movies Of The Bizarre Incest Movies From White Fire to House of yes

Movies Of The Bizarre Incest Movies From White Fire to House of yes

Coconut Daddy

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Spartan Warrior
Spartan Warrior - 29.09.2023 20:14

Here are some hard facts on: INCEST... and incest has been going on since the beginning of time itself and to this day it still goes on in all house holds in all countries...99.9% of it is all hidden, and also kept quite keeping it a secret...

incest is in he Bible and all other religious Books, as it is very clearly stated within this Holy Book: that everyone on the planet believes in...

That God Made Adam in his own image, from the clay from the earth and breath life into him giving him domain over all the Birds of the air, all the fishes of the sea and all creatures that creepth upon the earth, he then Took a RIB from Adam and clay from the earth and created Eve for Adam s companion, Adam and Eve had a total of 10 son's and 18 daughter's...

Now no where in this BIBLE the Holy BOOK does it say that God Created all these other people upon this earth today... now does it??? so the only Logical simple truth is... that we are all part of Adam and Eve - Children's... as we are all part of their Bloodline... as this is clearly state within.. and everyone knows this simple fact... that this would be incest happening for so many people to be here today...

Take your time thinking about this!!! ??? ... before you answer this... where did everyone else come from??? if you don't believe in incest... or that it happens or still happens or the whole BIBLE is mere BULLSHIT... or you believe in the BIBLE and that this is a HOLY BOOK... which one is it??? you cannot picks parts fro m the BOOK its the whole BOOK and Nothing but the BOOK...

People Don't realise that when they get with someone, its their sister or brother, which is also your dad or mom... the stories about deformity through incest is all lies, its all really connected to chemical meds... by DR's who all work for the pharmaceutical companies... who have been ding this for years now and even to this day, they are still doing it... all the Royals and also the elites families all do keep the bloodline pure and clean...but we are all bother sisters, mom and dads... this is a fact you cannot make this stuff up, its all facts...

To this day no one can answer this...

Who are the people always trying to control another... 99.99% of the people are all all uneducated... and they all have been controlled by Religions, men and women in all government held offices as Public Servants including he local ones in the areas of a town, or city or small holdings like a village... The EU NAZI Gestapo POLICE FORCE and the NAZI Legal BAR ltd Corporate Society of all WHORES there are all WHORES... lying, cheating, betraying, kidnapping, murdering, stealing, deceitful, deceptive, in so many ways... and everyone ha been lied to, cheated, and some even murdered...

And plus every loves incest porn and Incest movies, its one of thee highest watched... on all porn networks...the next highest rating is Bi-girls and Bi-Guys... where there are two girls and one guy, or two guys and one girl... also known as threesomes, where the two girls have sex together and allow the guy to join in, and the two guys who have sex together allow the woman to join in.,.. there are many men out there like this... and also girls... and for some time now,,, there are young girls who are seeking out older men, who have a huge and vast knowledges of experiences and wisdom on sexual things... same for younger guy, the older women are seeking out younger guys... things are all changing fast... and everyone is choosing to be whom ever they wish... no matter what age, sex is sex...
