Breastfeeding and the modern woman | Vilia Tosio | TEDxFortMcMurray

Breastfeeding and the modern woman | Vilia Tosio | TEDxFortMcMurray

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Lizeth Peña
Lizeth Peña - 05.06.2022 23:00

Bravoooooo ! Great speech, I breastfed my first born for 2 years and now I'm pregnant, praying God to allow me to breastfeed again!

Mama Leaf
Mama Leaf - 12.05.2022 10:25

I was in a breastfeeding group with other mothers for ten years. We did a poll, what is the number one thing that helped. you attain your breastfeeding goals? The overwhelming response, support. Support.

Kristina Herrejon
Kristina Herrejon - 20.07.2021 22:37

Amazing message from an extraordinary woman. May God continue to bless you and your message. I breastfed my oldest for 3 years, my current baby is 2.5 and still breastfeeding. I'm pregnant now and hope to nurse my toddler till 3 too.

Katya Pyatkova
Katya Pyatkova - 14.06.2021 14:38

Very needed conversation indeed. Especially for health professionals. My second baby had a long jaundice and our pediatrician suggested it was because of my breastmilk and asked me to express and boil my own milk. As absurd as it sounds, I did just that for two weeks. He got better, but his blood tests weren't great. She told me to stop breastfeeding numerous times in several appointments, although he gained weight well. I just couldn't believe it. Because it was my second one and I knew how important breastfeeding is, my instincts told me to continue nursing him. And it was correct! Beware, ill advice can come from doctors that may mean the best.

Alex S
Alex S - 09.03.2021 16:50

Hey now.... no one makes fun of Dolly!

Regina Mpemi
Regina Mpemi - 17.10.2020 18:51

Yes breastfeeding is the best, it is important to also tell us the ups and downs of breastfeeding particularly to the mother.

Rose M
Rose M - 27.05.2020 01:39

This sent me down a rabbit hole that is tandem nursing, and now I'm hoping for Irish twins.

Lindsey Pindsey
Lindsey Pindsey - 26.02.2020 20:00

I feel so fortunate that my OB (and the rest of the clinic and hospital staff) really pushes for breastfeeding and have so many resources available. I'm 24 weeks pregnant and I'm really hoping to breastfeed.

דנה דגי
דנה דגי - 28.01.2020 12:38

please add option to translate your video I want to translate it, it's so important!

jaclione - 07.01.2020 21:37

I can say hearing this talk is both sad and empowering for me. I have lived this I’ve been told I had low milk supply and to supplement because my baby lost weight in the first 3 days. This caused me to have an emotional breakdown and my postpartum anxiety began. I sobbed as I have my baby a bottle because I dreamed of breastfeeding him when asked what I was most looking forward to as a new mother and I said I nursing. This to me made me feel like such a failure as a mother and my deepest shame. I did not give up breastfeeding as I could not bring myself to stop I am medicated now for my anxiety and I still need to supplement despite my efforts to produce more. I will definitely be doing things differently next time. Thank you so much for this I wish I had seen it sooner.

Rosana Leon
Rosana Leon - 18.10.2019 04:30

I breastfed my twins until they were 3 years old, I remember my mom and family would look at me like I was doing something bad because they weren’t babies no more but I didn’t care it was our bond, they stopped when they started going to preschool and daycare.

anhphuong868 - 30.05.2019 08:42


Sukamto Kamto
Sukamto Kamto - 12.05.2019 06:47

There must be special place for modern woman especially who works so she can always give her baby breastfeeding

Marisa Faith
Marisa Faith - 17.02.2019 19:07

This is a bit petty but why only baby boy😒😒

Hanane Awada
Hanane Awada - 13.02.2019 23:01

Thank you

Divya Tanna
Divya Tanna - 15.12.2018 02:42

what if you don't get enough milk during the pumping session? :(

LeNaiiLash Hair & Beauty
LeNaiiLash Hair & Beauty - 02.12.2018 20:48

I loved every minute of this and feel more empowered to continue my breastfeeding journey with my little one . Thank you for your information and acknowledgement on the societal breastfeeding stigma.

Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance - 10.09.2018 05:24

God BLESS the woman, with a miracle of life, be supportive of any woman thanks for this video

Nadia M.
Nadia M. - 04.09.2018 09:59

I get the point...But what about women that don't want to breastfeed? I'm not talking about those that can't, but don't want to. They are not comfortable with the idea, it seems painful, they are shy and don't want the complication of having to hide and so on. Some women just don't want to and so formula is a solution for them. This video is great but it demonizes a bit the women that chose to not breastfeed. If they don't they are not lazy mother, bad mothers or so on...Just as abused kids had mothers who breastfed. Breastfeeding doesn't mean you're a good mother, and it's a bit sad that women that choose formula are culpabilized for their choice...

taurus says spock is a music god
taurus says spock is a music god - 02.08.2018 06:48

i don’t wanna be like a cave woman.

ankra12 - 12.03.2018 05:04

In Norway 98% breastfeed. Its almost too much focus on it that many women feel pressured into breastfeeding.

Israa Basheer
Israa Basheer - 08.01.2018 02:51

Thank you!

emmarosensings - 22.04.2017 11:29


Kellie McGinnis
Kellie McGinnis - 19.04.2017 01:41

Thank you this made me cry! its so true.

Xavi Estrella
Xavi Estrella - 03.04.2017 04:33

So powerful!
Also, much of the milk goes to feeding the microbiome. Formula doesn't. I've breastfed, proudly, in public, for four years.

Assma Masud
Assma Masud - 13.03.2017 20:47

i wish i could give this video a million likes

Christopher Knee
Christopher Knee - 04.12.2016 15:23

Good to see you again. Say hi to Mike too

Pinky McKay
Pinky McKay - 08.04.2016 14:10

What an absolutely wonderful talk!!! Pinky McKay IBCLC.

Erin Davis
Erin Davis - 28.10.2015 19:41

I think another important point is that most women that are told they can't breastfeed or don't produce enough milk really can...there is truly a very, very small portion of women who absolutely cannot physiologically breastfeed. Most who are told they can't or don't make enough are essentially made to believe their bodies are lemons.

Nan Jolly
Nan Jolly - 28.09.2015 16:29

Fabulous! Are you from South Africa?

Sun shine
Sun shine - 19.09.2015 06:39

Amazing talk. 🌸

Alfred Zerfas
Alfred Zerfas - 31.05.2015 13:31

Thanks for such an inspiring and practical talk.

Basel Days
Basel Days - 27.03.2015 15:15

Good, well informed  choices in a breastfeeding -oriented hospital is important. Making women insecure about their caregivers does not seem to be the best way to support women. There are nurses and nurses and nurses and nurses. And well informed women and not informed women. Women comfortable with breastfeeding and women with disgust about it.

D. Hebert
D. Hebert - 21.03.2015 02:23

You accurately described my similar experiences at that time when I felt I had failed. No motherly support to advise me differently, and I stopped breastfeeding after 10 days when I had to go onto antibiotics. I wish I'd known you then. Thank you for your commitment and video: now new mothers can hear your informed perspective on breastfeeding to help them make the best choice for their families. 

Diane Mellott
Diane Mellott - 20.03.2015 01:39

Congratulations Vilia!  That was powerful and passionate. 

Gina & Jason Davis
Gina & Jason Davis - 18.03.2015 22:50

What an amazing talk! So empowering and encouraging. Thanks you, Vilia, for your commitment to supporting mothers and breastfeeding!
I loved this so much!

Gretchen Andrews
Gretchen Andrews - 18.03.2015 19:42

Great talk!

rnmom331 - 18.03.2015 19:40

This just showed up in my Facebook feed when I really needed it. As an IBCLC for our hospital, I will be teaching Breastfeeding 101 to a group of new OB nurses.  Will be showing them this clip!

Lubna Rohile
Lubna Rohile - 17.03.2015 18:42

Way to go Vilia!!
