Unions are Trending... and Ending?

Unions are Trending... and Ending?

Two Cents

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Michael Henderson
Michael Henderson - 30.09.2023 10:04

Why is the government involved in unions? Employees should have the right to organize and collectively bargain and employees should have the right to fire anyone who doesn't show up to work. It's a dispute between the company and the workers. Government should just butt out. They shouldn't pass laws that tip the scales in favor of one side. Real freedom isn't complicated.

ToyotaGuy1971 - 30.09.2023 08:20

All screen writers are sold out to the oligarchy; let their propaganda sit idle. Let their fake-strikes sit idle; theyre just trying to infiltrate and derail the Unoin Movement. All politicians are puppets; they have -0 credibility. 👎😋👎Ignore them and KEEP UNIONIZING! POWER TO THE WORKERS!

Pretty Pic
Pretty Pic - 30.09.2023 07:17

I think unions are going to come back strong. We've had DECADES to show how abusive companies can be without unions! if unions weren't a benefit to workers, companies wouldn't fight so hard against them

Andromahlius - 30.09.2023 02:03

As a pretty favored european I can tell you this: no social gains were ever acquired by asking "please" to the bourgeois class. We took them.

723lion - 29.09.2023 23:44

Unions are the reasons why America is so behind the world. Unions are cancer to USA production.

Wanwanlikeaduck - 29.09.2023 22:00

The corporations and government have unionized against the people. So they’ve done a GREAT job at convincing the people unionizing is bad, and when you have the “pro worker” party refuse to pass the pro act, raise the minimum wage, and break a rail worker strike, it is difficult to see remedy. Worker co-ops need to be the end goal. Unions are not good enough and too prone to corruption. Every worker should own part of the company they work for

Brenton C.K.
Brenton C.K. - 29.09.2023 20:21

You conveiently failed to mention the rampent corruption in unions and how tied to the mafia the unions were in the 50s and on. Unions are no beueno.

Z-Man and Baba Build
Z-Man and Baba Build - 29.09.2023 20:08

"More likely to spend our lunch breaks staring at screens rather than chatting with coworkers"... Cough, Cough. Hey! I resemble that remark!

Paris Cloud
Paris Cloud - 29.09.2023 15:53

Good riddance to unions.

I want my employment relationship to be between me and the employer.

JozeManu LOL
JozeManu LOL - 29.09.2023 11:50

Unionization is great!

Alex A
Alex A - 29.09.2023 09:20

The USA is a third-world country thanks to Republicans bending over for corporate interests. I love it how Republicans spew make America great again and point to the 40s and 50s. Yeah, workers had rights then. The middle class was strong thanks to unions. Then you got bamboozled by Regan and right wing politicians that don't care about the average joe.

Easy E Network
Easy E Network - 29.09.2023 05:29

Not at all. Unions are going strong.

Cameron F
Cameron F - 29.09.2023 05:21

Unionization is the singular most important thing which can happen in a society.

Average Joe
Average Joe - 29.09.2023 02:37

Biden needs to force these companies to unionize and raise the minimum wage to at least 35 an hour

Jason - 29.09.2023 02:33

Thank you! Great video!

Wangtorio Jackson
Wangtorio Jackson - 28.09.2023 23:17

How come this video completely glosses over the prominent history in past decades of labor unions being tied to or directly controlled by the Mafia, and the lasting bias against unions of a lot of people who still falsely believe that to be the case, even though the power and influence of the Mafia is a tiny fraction of what it used to be back in their heyday? I would think that's a rather important facet of discussing the ever-changing public sentiment and prevalence of unions in this country.

Micah Bush
Micah Bush - 28.09.2023 22:37

Part of the reason why "right to work" laws are so popular is because unions have historically supported the Democratic Party, and many conservative voters don't like the idea of their dues going to support the campaigns of candidates who hold stances they oppose. It's yet another product of America's two-party system.


Why do feel they are so underrated though their content presentation is so good?
Anyways bro good content presentation and very informative.........
Thank you..........

Shaun Hartline
Shaun Hartline - 28.09.2023 19:59

Great video as always. It is a terrible thing that we do not learn from our past. All the points you brought up about what is done to keep people from using our collective power are correct. What is unfortunate is that without the foresight to take care of people, they will eventually get pushed to extreme measures. The labor relations movements of the past have been very violent affairs. Without those in power and influence making better decisions it will probably come back to that again. Let's all pray that solutions that are good for everyone can be found.

Joel Rankin
Joel Rankin - 28.09.2023 18:16

Unions are a joke. And I say that as someone born and raised in Flint, Michigan. Negotiate your OWN salary / wage.

And what's with this guy's hair now? Is he going to transition soon?

Aaron Tindall
Aaron Tindall - 28.09.2023 03:36

Unions? No thank you.

As an economist, I oppose all forms of cartel as inefficient. I'm rather disappointed that an economics-based channel didn't go into the micro economic analysis of how unions function. They are a cartel which uses monopolistic price fixing power to decrease supply of labor to artificially increase price (wages) above the market clearing level. It's bad for society as a whole as it results in a sub-optimal output.

Sure, union members benefit. But they benefit less than the costs imposed on society. It's not just a straight wealth transfer, but a negative sum game.

Put another way, unionized employees benefit from their firm being unionized but are hurt from other firms being unionized. So, compared to no unionized shops, if everyone were unionized EVERYONE would be worse off because the costs imposed on each person in the form of increased prices would exceed the magnitude of the gain of increased wages. There's a fallacy of composition (really a zillion player version of prisoner's dilemma) to believe that everyone is better off unionized if unionizing an individual makes them better off.

I don't expect every union member to have an economics degree to understand this. But I can suggest that a economics educational channel should.

Cameron Bateman
Cameron Bateman - 27.09.2023 23:59

You all didn’t talk to any labor people for this, did you?

Probably at least 50% of what is said in here is in inaccurate. Like, REALLY inaccurate.

Source: undergrad and grad degree in labor studies + 20 years in the labor movement.

Winter 1944
Winter 1944 - 27.09.2023 23:25

Unions did it themselves with all the lobbying. The teachers are the worst. Dictating policy openly.

Kevin Sheppard
Kevin Sheppard - 27.09.2023 22:54

America sounds like an effed up place to work

Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson - 27.09.2023 18:34

Many lost industrial jobs are due to robots in factories reducing the number of workers so it isn't just moving over seas.

J. Olivier
J. Olivier - 27.09.2023 18:06

So the dude is Trans now?

7freddie7 - 27.09.2023 17:07


Your Average Passer-By
Your Average Passer-By - 27.09.2023 17:03

Anti-union weirdos in advocating for less pay and rights in the comments are odd

James Andreasen
James Andreasen - 27.09.2023 16:37

Cut your hair.

lberhold - 27.09.2023 16:30

Unions can provide value, but they usually are a blight for the employees and the corporation. If in a union, you cannot negotiate your wages, your union does, you pay another tax (union dues), and your relationship to management is highly restricted. Of course, they cost a company more as well because a union is like hiring 2 employees (cost) and getting 1.

Amir - 27.09.2023 16:26

Internet reminding me again that Ronald Reagan ruined everything and that US is a third world country. Can't believe at the highest point only 33% of workers where unionized lmao

Jeremy Effinger
Jeremy Effinger - 27.09.2023 16:00

bring back burning down your bosses house.

Jim C
Jim C - 27.09.2023 15:47

putting the blame for wealth inequality on lack of unions is like putting the blame for climate change on plastic straws

Robert Carlson
Robert Carlson - 27.09.2023 15:41

So we are just guna presuppose unions are good? Thia channel usually holds an impartial view....

Rhaythe - 27.09.2023 15:19

Granted, this is a very narrow perspective, but I've never met a government employee in a union that wasn't incredibly lazy.

Fabi an
Fabi an - 27.09.2023 15:13

Unions are crap in Europe too. Often they only act for their own interests, and those of a small group of workers. In Switzerland I must be member of certain unions, while getting little to no benefit, and surely not as much as I must pay for them.

Nick - 27.09.2023 14:52

A bit unrelated, but my buddy and I were discussing Putnam's book a little bit and about how the pendulum might be swinging back the other direction for community engagement. For example, there's a huge rise in running and walking clubs across the US.

With growing concerns of fake news and AI, its going to become harder and harder for us to differentiate real from fake. People might start to bail on their outrage-centered news feeds to turn to more local issues, especially those who wish to have an impact.

Rodolfo Palma
Rodolfo Palma - 27.09.2023 14:49

As a former professional labor union organizer and a current small business owner I’m so happy you covered this.
More workers with benefits and income due to local economic democracy via union organizing helps everyone; not just the worker, but the entire community.

Damie - 27.09.2023 14:07


skeebybop - 27.09.2023 13:55

Concomitant - a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something

Mario - 27.09.2023 13:27

Please american workers, participate actively to defend your rights!

Michael Herring
Michael Herring - 27.09.2023 12:59

I'm kind of ignorant on the subject but this seems a bit one sided

Security Office
Security Office - 27.09.2023 12:18

If it were not for Unions then the average working man/woman in this country would be slaving away for a Dollar a day and a bowl of rice. The only reason non-union companies give decent wages and benefits is that they are scared that the Unions might go to their work place also.

spkrlre - 27.09.2023 09:51

Ludlow massacre. Look it up.

tomas bressan
tomas bressan - 27.09.2023 09:29

Unions in Argentina are not a problem... jajjajajajajaajjajajajajajajajajajajajajaajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajaj
I think you couldn't have chosen a worse example

Dayle Diamond
Dayle Diamond - 27.09.2023 06:39

Make friends with your coworkers! If you're cold or cutthroat, you'll never be able to rely on others. For pay equity, for labor protections, it's just you versus management.
Reach out to others long before you need them to reach out to you. Expect that they've been isolated and have been primed to be distrustful, and don't take rejection personally. Just win over whoever you can, and look for opportunities to be kind across departments and social strata. Some of the biggest wins in union organizing was when management tried to bully a popular employee.

Donkeyearsa - 27.09.2023 06:37

Hell would freeze over before I would ever join any union!!!!

There is an extremely good reason people want nothing to do with unions.

I have delt with union shops and absolutely nothing ever gets done and people who really need to be fired can't be fired. It's an extremely toxic invirment to have to deal with.

Are you agenst people who are high on drugs operating dangerous equipment well unions are not. Unions have prevented people who have again and again been caught high on drugs from being fired.

Do you want your coworkers to actually do their jobs and not to dump their work on you. Sorry but no mater how lazy your coworkers are they will never be fired. People that actually do their jobs are safe from being fired because a company would be really stupid to fire a constructive employee. Unions only protect people that really need to be fired.

Do you want to be forced to give money to a political compain that you are totally agenst. Well to bad the Unions will force you to hand over your money and give it to who ever the Unions want to have it and not who you may want to have it.
