The Yukon harder than Imandra? -- Snowrunner

The Yukon harder than Imandra? -- Snowrunner

Mr. G

3 года назад

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JOSEPH TAYLOR - 09.08.2023 01:56

Yukon is a nasty gloomy collaboration of all the maps previous to it inmy mind lol and man is it merciless. The mud, deep water, ice, snow, rocks and gloomy dark areas its tough figuring out what teuck for where?

Aphelion - 10.10.2021 11:23

There are some fucked up tasks in the Yukon like that cargo in the river retrieval mission, but Imandra is garbage because of all the rocks. Imandra has slapped every truck I have, including all the so called super OP ones.

Rage Mom0k
Rage Mom0k - 01.05.2021 18:56

lol, im glad im not the only one that thinks yukon is hard

Ray Morin
Ray Morin - 07.02.2021 16:48

Think its time for you to move on from snowrunner your making this game way harder then it is

Amanda Good
Amanda Good - 19.01.2021 19:19

Just Gonna Say There Were Many Easier Places To Get Metal, There Were 2 Warehouses With Metal By The Garage Aswell As 2 Broken Buildings With 2 Metal Each

1455xl - 27.11.2020 13:47

i don't know if the game is "hard" but it mentally hard because it is so freaking boring, they make spinning your tires the pinnacle of excitement in this game and while that is cool it is like 90% of all you do in this game just spinning your wheels until you eventually end up where you're trying to go.

KnIFebOMb - 25.11.2020 01:41

Your right about parts of this map resembling north Idaho! I live in Coeur d`lane! This map may be harder but thanks to the variation in terrains I don't find it as I infuriating as imandra. I do find it kind of strange that I'm driving around stealing materials from construction sites though lol . Like someone put this stuff here because they're building a house and I just roll up and take it ?!?! Lol

Justin Lynch
Justin Lynch - 23.11.2020 09:21

Yukon has a few troublesome spots but it's nowhere near as hard as Imandra.

EdgeRunner Cold
EdgeRunner Cold - 22.11.2020 03:58

You are a terrible driver and somehow even worse at planning. Still love you though.

Zamal - 21.11.2020 21:40

Haha this was entertaining, do more od thise type videos its pretty enjoyable tbf

Ronald Smallwood
Ronald Smallwood - 21.11.2020 02:17

Well Mr. G, I got SnowRunner and it is a bust for me. It isn't real enough and too real at the same time. First my background: I was a truck driver in my misspent youth: 1st fire truck driver for the Oregon State Dept of Forestry, then fuel truck driver for Dad delivering to gas stations and construction sites, weekend driving a 16 wheeler between Eugene, Oregon & southern California for 2 years while in college. Second, my best friend & my pickup (red 1948 Ford) spent our free time back roading/off roading from LA to Spokane. Lastly, no longer young, I taught & did lay church work in northern BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba often on gravel or dirt roads with lots of mud, snow, ice, and river fording. To make it real enough I would need a steering wheel with physical feedback, 3 pedals on the floor and a gear shift in my hand; and I can't afford that (and don't have the room). To make it less real would call for no shifting. All steering and shifting through mouse and keyboard just doesn't cut it. I was hoping to hop into a pickup and tool through the trees like Dave & I did as teenagers. I do like the "idea" of SnowRunner and it seems very well designed. The problem is my baggage. Oh well! Back to CrossOut. No chance of reality raising its ugly head. And this video looks too much like real work! ;-) See you on the flip side.

Riot Riverman
Riot Riverman - 21.11.2020 01:02


The gaming Snail
The gaming Snail - 20.11.2020 22:04

There is also the warehouse with infinite metal that's close to the garage

Thin crust Pizza sucks
Thin crust Pizza sucks - 20.11.2020 22:02

Crossout blows now...
