Stop Updating Your Linux Computer Within The GUI

Stop Updating Your Linux Computer Within The GUI


1 год назад

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@MichaelBanditt - 12.05.2023 16:39

Hey Derek,
I think it's an ArcoLinux issue. I have all the problems too (DM crashing during update, bootloader etc...). Now since the last update Firefox, Thunar, LibreOffice, Thunderbird etc... need several minutes to open up. It's so frustrating.

@2u263 - 08.10.2023 21:46

Hey DT, I don't run windows but keep getting UEFI Firmware Updating Notices from Windows in POP_OS. What's up with that? I run Linux, how do I stop windows UEFI Firmware Updates Pushes. I almost by accident ran that windows UEFI update automatic out of a dumb knee jerk reaction. I'm going to stop being lazy & stop updating from the GUI, never did while I used slackware then I got into all this new automatic linux routines🤣 made me lazy & stupid🤣🤣

@JakeTwig - 05.08.2023 14:48

This happened to me today my screen went black during an update, thankfully i was able to recover my system through tty. Not going to update anymore in GUI mode.

@robinkaku - 10.07.2023 01:42

lol, you went the hard way with the tty! just use something like screen or byobu to run those critical commands so you can deattach the sesión

@franktewierikholscher - 02.07.2023 20:01

I don't understand the problem. Having a crash duren updating the kernel always leaves just a mess. De GWM should detect the problems when booting again an either, show a message that something is wrong or correct the problem (= update again). Or isn´t it as easy as that????

@cutestar564 - 02.07.2023 03:17

Can anyone tell me if I do not update ever what happens? ever bcs my computer is very bad...old ,,when I keep updating its slows and crashes...and yes one of my laptop never booted after I updated ubuntu..since I have zero knowledge of computer...i dnt know what to do.

@notlance5795 - 24.05.2023 06:59


@johanb.7869 - 21.05.2023 22:10

Very seldom we have loss of power in the Netherlands.

@undefined_null - 21.05.2023 11:02

Awesome video.🙂
What are you using to run the vms?

@user-nj5ti7fe4f - 21.05.2023 00:58

i usally update from terminal but gonna start doing it the way you stated thanks

@Texas_Radical - 20.05.2023 14:17

Hey DT, not had any upgrade issues here lately, but i live in the same "general" area of the country and ive had some power loss issues in the middle of a 3D print. like 30+hrs in. so i feel your pain. on your question tho, im about 50/50 how i update. if im busy doing something i will GUI update, but if im not really doing anything I will sudo apt update && apt upgrade -yy in guake. just cause i have my workspace all geeked out and blinged up with all the transparency and whatnot.

@barfnelson5967 - 18.05.2023 08:40

you don't need to do that, you just need to use screen or tmux so that even if your gui eats it your screen just detaches and keeps on going until you attach it again somewhere else.

@bufordghoons9981 - 17.05.2023 16:50

I've been using Gentoo Linux for over 8 years and have never had this problem.

@cbbcbb6803 - 17.05.2023 08:38

Sometimes Ubuntu seems to break python and you can no longer do updates and upgrades.

@AndreasHohne - 17.05.2023 07:37

Upgrading from a terminal inside an window manager has been stable for me since years (debian sid, arch, fedora). why don't you just install the lts kernel, so if an upgrade fails, you can still boot that? Power outages (or sd card errors on singleboard computers) are a pain, especially on arch, but cause issues on tty/ssh aswell.

@ultradude5410 - 16.05.2023 22:51

Regarding TTY2 or TTY1 being the graphical environment:
If I recall correctly, TTY2 being the graphical environment is not an Ubuntu thing, but a GDM thing.

@marsdrums6298 - 16.05.2023 02:16

WOW! Ya know, way back when... when I was just tinkering with Linux, dual booting it with Windows, I was taught to use CTRL+ALT+F5 and then update my system. But since switching to Linux full time, coming up on 6 years now, I have never done my updates that way... EVER! I think I'm going to start doing the updates that way now. I just need to get into the habit now of dropping to a TTY before doing so. I just did an update so I don't need to do it now. Hopefully, I'll remember that in a couple of days when I do the next update again. Time to reboot since I just got a kernel update. Peace everyone!!!

@MrTomro - 16.05.2023 01:42

Stop pushing radical opinions and let people do what they prefer :)

@arnorobinwerkman - 15.05.2023 18:12

the last time and also first time i had my arch system not booting after update, was when arch had the broken grub bug, but schroot and reconfiguring grub, up again within 5 minutes.

@arnorobinwerkman - 15.05.2023 18:04

i never use pamac yaourt or trizen etc, i use only the old trusty command line

@DomaPalvolgyiFPC - 15.05.2023 11:26

I personally use offline updates. Sure it's a bit of pain to reboot if I want an update but it's the safest way I can think of doing it (and people behind Fedora avree)

@Siskiyous6 - 15.05.2023 08:25

So, no, I could not just go back to my graphical environment the way you showed it. This is typical of Linux advice, you glossed over the most important detail.

@mellowgeekstudio - 14.05.2023 21:22

Easier, more efficient and convenient to use tmux or screen every time you open a terminal.

@bazoo513 - 14.05.2023 20:32

And if you run a local X display server and log into a server you are upgrading, use ssh instead.

@DominikZogg - 14.05.2023 17:20

I had gnome session (waylanys) a crash on a upgrade (on multiple devices same update) so i had to find out the last packages that get updated and reinstalled them all to be sure:
rpm -qa --last | head -n 50 can be helpful for those using rpm packages

@tsulkalu4589 - 14.05.2023 17:06

TTy updating will not help you with power outages.

@ozzycavalera3603 - 14.05.2023 15:39

U must go back to Arch Linux ;-)))

@ChadTechhut - 14.05.2023 11:21

power fails are the exact reason i have a UPS installed on all my machines.

@itsfish8672 - 14.05.2023 06:44

DT maybe its time to try nix.

@dand337 - 14.05.2023 01:41

This is a bad advice. GUI updates are not bad by definition, what you're describing is a poor implementation. In deepin for example not only the actual update is separated and detached from UI, but before every update, there's a backup made, so you can restore your system if something goes wrong. Not to mention that some OSes execute their own commands and GUI is a preferred and most reliable way for normal users.

@davidbailey9464 - 14.05.2023 00:50

Thank you for being a linux user. I have gone back and forth on Windows and Macs. Buy sell over and over. Something easier, cheaper, windows and linux. I've used fedora, ubuntu, linux mint, zorin and more. Linux I can alternate the look by myself.

@kender1412 - 13.05.2023 23:00

I've NEVER had this happen. I've been using Linux since the 90's. Updates never take that long, not like Windoze, so I let everything update before I play with anything. I also have UPS and keep my laptops charged. If l am working on something, I do my updates beforehand or after I'm finished with it. That's one of the many wonderful things about Linux. You choose when, if ever, you update.

@Chrisg457 - 13.05.2023 22:35

I use Void so there is no GUI to update with.

@zparihar - 13.05.2023 21:13

Advice: Auto btrfs snap or auto ZFS snap. Rollbacks are super simple.

Also, Debian-based systems and redhat-based systems handle updates much better in terms of doing updates in the proper order.

@jsizemo - 13.05.2023 20:09

If your graphic environmental is crashing that frequently, or you’re not certain you can update without it crashing, then you’re just using the wrong desktop or window manager. But moreover, if this is still an issue in 2023, then Linux on the desktop itself is still an abysmal failure!

@keylowmike85 - 13.05.2023 19:11

I see your point, dt. I personally haven't had this issue during my Red Hat days or since last year, but that doesn't mean that it will never happen to me either. I typically like to update at least once a week, so I'll have to add a step in my repetition. Thanks for the video!

@bobbyp6592 - 13.05.2023 16:17

Hey DT. If you don't already have one, I'd highly recommend getting one of those UPS battery backups for your PC. Should give you about 15-20 minutes to finish updates if your power goes out during a critical moment. Mine was like $300 and saved my butt during a BIOS update not too long ago...

@distant6606 - 13.05.2023 15:49

just use a UPS. not only does it not shut off your system and the update continues normally. but you also dont risk damaging your hardware!

@appuchia - 13.05.2023 13:56

Why not '& disown'?

@laurentiucalonfir - 13.05.2023 13:17

I use archlinux with cinnamon. I had some issues with the nvidia driver dkms update, but the downgrade solved my problems right away. I always update from my terminal, not tty.

@LenQuerido - 13.05.2023 12:52

We have had this problem on work twice with Windows 10. Not yet with Linux pc's/laptops. I use Linux since Knoppix and Ubuntu 10. I used also OS2/Warp instead of Windows.

@OcteractSG - 13.05.2023 12:04

BTRFS could help here. In addition to making recovery easier, all filesystem writes are atomic. No files will be partially written. Of course, a package upgrade that requires multiple filesystem interactions will not necessarily be safe, but at least there would not be compounded errors from both the filesystem and the upgrade.

@sotecluxan4221 - 13.05.2023 11:45


@penguin2137 - 13.05.2023 10:53

i never had any issues on DE crashing during the update, maybe because Xfce - my DE of choice - is extremely stable and i found it most reliable during my one-year journey with Linux

@dolbrechts1980 - 13.05.2023 09:20

is gui not running in the background like this?

@oalfodr - 13.05.2023 09:04

I do not think dwm ever crashed for me. I will keep trusting it. Since I am on arch, I do not need to use grub. But failed systemd might break the boot process too.

@alexeiz - 13.05.2023 07:37

That's the reason Fedora has offline updates.
