Harvard Sleep Doctor goes over Loop Gain in OSCAR

Harvard Sleep Doctor goes over Loop Gain in OSCAR

CPAP friend

3 дня назад

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@Hingle_McCringleberry_Yo - 15.03.2025 06:04

My brother had this and really needs an ASV, like I have and his doctor said he's under 5 events so the insurance won't approve and I argued that he has central apnea and long periods of not breathing and his Oscar and SleepHQ data shows that every night and he argued that Insurance Companies don't go by Oscar and SleepHQ, it's what comes up in the sleep study. He either doesn't get or doesn't care...

@KatPhx - 15.03.2025 07:05

"Patients are looking at Oscar more than physicians." Truth! My ENT turned me away saying my AHI looked good, apneas were controlled with cpap so there was nothing he could do about any of the rest of my disordered breathing (although it's clearly happening in my throat) even if he did an endoscopy and discovered things were collapsing. And he said that Oscar isn't medically approved so... I've seen people tell this same story over and over, time and again

@user-bk7gh4kl3v - 16.03.2025 11:15

For a "supine monster" who may have an issue with their lower jaw falling back and/or epiglottis collapse, I wonder if MMA and/or epiglottis surgery would be very helpful. Dr. Thomas should partner with a sleep apnea surgeon. Indeed, what is really needed in the field is more multidisciplinary centers (MDCs) where a patient can be seen by a team of specialists, carefully coordinating with each other, including a sleep medicine pulmonologist (like Dr. Thomas), a sleep medicine neurologist (like Dr. Rama), a sleep medicine orthodontist (like Dr. Newaz), and a sleep medicine surgeon (like Dr. Li). Usually, a patients needs to seek out each type of expert separately. In the USA, I think the only thing close to such a MDC is the Breathe Institute. In a recent video, Dr. Veer indicated he wanted to set up such a MDC in the UK.

@xxxbackerboard - 17.03.2025 02:23

another great video!, but: i see the fuzzies. i have the fuzzies. i missed the dr saying how to troubleshoot the fuzzies.

@dinobambino21 - 18.03.2025 09:09

What dose of acetazolamide does he use for patients?
