Water vole - a Champion Species for the Mendip Hills National Landscape

Water vole - a Champion Species for the Mendip Hills National Landscape

Mendip Hills National Landscape

3 месяца назад

234 Просмотров

Welcome to the world of the Water Vole, one of Britain's most endearing and endangered mammals. This film takes us down onto the lower lying land and the Levels surrounding the Mendip Hills where Mike Dilger and Tim Haselden from the Mendip Hills National Landscape Team dive into the watery challenges these creatures face.

From habitat loss to predation, learn about the issues and the conservation efforts needed to ensure the survival of this charismatic species, affectionately known as 'Ratty' from 'The Wind in the Willows'.

The Champion Species are; adder, black oil beetle, Cheddar pink, greater horseshoe bat, hazel dormouse, skylark, small pearl-bordered fritillary and water vole. What makes them 'champions'? They’re all threatened and vulnerable to disappearing from our lives. They all tell us how good, or not, the areas are where they live. And, they’re all quirky, conversation-starters!

#championspecies #naturerecovery #watervole #ratty #skylark #adder #blackoilbeetle #greaterhorseshoebat #Cheddarpink #hazeldormouse #smallpearlborderedfritillary #lovethemendips #mendiphillsnl #mendiphillsnationallandscape
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