Crocoblock Jet Engine 2.2 - Front End Forms & User Profiles

Crocoblock Jet Engine 2.2 - Front End Forms & User Profiles


4 года назад

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Mushtaq Technology com
Mushtaq Technology com - 19.06.2023 05:56

Awesome as always ❤

Robbie - 29.03.2023 11:27

Hi. Are there any way to transplante posts from frontend? Thanks

Manhal - 28.01.2023 10:28

Hi , do i need elementor pro to make this happend?

Respek belajar
Respek belajar - 11.01.2023 20:10

Hey, how to put those post to appear on homepage ?

Respek belajar
Respek belajar - 11.01.2023 20:08


Digital Shaquib
Digital Shaquib - 26.12.2022 22:02


checkbox field doesnt work on custom post submission from checkbox meta field


Hola Paul, tu video me ayudo mucho, gracias. =D

Testimony Center Azra ID
Testimony Center Azra ID - 25.07.2022 12:25

how about file media likes .WAv,.Mpeg i can;t to save as by audiofile in User Dashboard just save as Webpage File?

Paul Hipperson
Paul Hipperson - 23.07.2022 19:06

Excellent tutorial. Many thanks!

Dominic Jackson
Dominic Jackson - 18.07.2022 13:29

Hi is there an updated video, we've got Jet 3.0 now so likely half of this has changed?

Pablo Iba
Pablo Iba - 31.05.2022 02:26

I'm dying to get users to pay for each post individually.
for example: 1 post / 1 payment. and also the post shuld´ve an expiration date.
in this way one can create packages so that the user can post for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months.
and also, set it up for making the sistem send an email a month before the expiration date, talling users that the post is about to end.
If you make a tutorial explaining this, I'll name my son after you. ;-)

Eduardo Baruffi
Eduardo Baruffi - 14.05.2022 15:24

Hello, I'm from Brazil, could you help me with a doubt? I'm not able to enable the Allow creating new user by existing in creating the form jetengine.

I need to create a form to insert a user even logged in. thank you very much
My name is Eduardo

Digital makers
Digital makers - 18.04.2022 21:41

Is it possible to pull information from a form to classic accordion?

Monique Tran
Monique Tran - 05.04.2022 23:08

Hello Paul great video, how to create an intranet ?

Акбар Хабибов
Акбар Хабибов - 11.03.2022 20:00

OH. Thanks that lives people like you and help us to make something good!

Mario Gaupmann
Mario Gaupmann - 11.03.2022 13:16

Hmmm... Every time I fill out the form, the account page clears. What am I doing wrong?

ali hmd
ali hmd - 10.03.2022 23:16

The new Entries are not showing in the account page even thought I did everything you told me

BFNPass - 03.03.2022 13:56

This is a good tutorial, can we Creatie a whole front end user dashboard with property statistics like views, and other stats. Ability to update the user avator and cover

Best4Him - 29.01.2022 15:00

Custom content type doesn't work with this tutorial the settings in the form are different to cpt

Andreas Drewling
Andreas Drewling - 16.01.2022 00:56

Hi, the glossaries are great! I have huge lists for select-fields but unfortunately it is not possible to select more than one item in the user-Frontend-form. To use alternatively the checkbox with I.e. 100 entries is not practicable. This issue is a no-go. Is there a possibility to combine it with gravity forms? there you can choose multiple entries. That would be perfect!

Online Local Marketing
Online Local Marketing - 12.01.2022 14:32

Is it possible to use one form to 1) create a new user and 2) create an entry in a CPT or CCT at the same time?

Cristian Loaiza Florez
Cristian Loaiza Florez - 26.12.2021 19:59

Hi, thanks for all your videos. How could I use that pre-set form value function to update a custom content type from the front-end create a list item, but the dynamic link does not work, it leaves me on the same page and does not take me to the update form that already It is added to the builder profile and has a template assigned.

Muad MZ
Muad MZ - 09.11.2021 17:56

Hi Paul, did you by chance do a fully featured tutorial on this as you mentioned in the last part of this video?

Muad MZ
Muad MZ - 09.11.2021 17:38

For the form submit type, what is the difference between Reload and Ajax? :)

Kamalson Dasari
Kamalson Dasari - 03.11.2021 17:48

Hi Paul, I have created a form that shows a validation error I tried everything but I couldn't fix that and got frustrated with it, if have time can you help me out where I am doing wrong? I will share the exported form. Thanks :)

Hugo Arturo Santiago Jimenez
Hugo Arturo Santiago Jimenez - 25.10.2021 23:59

hola buen día espero puedan ayudarme, existe alguna manera de hacer una pagina frontal en donde solo el administrador pueda ver los perfiles de los usuarios que estén por debajo de el es decir editores, suscriptores..

Best MLM DXN - 14.10.2021 10:32

Dear Sir,

Can we create any type of forms , ( Example : Contact Forms, User Login and Sign Up form , Booking form etc ) using just Crocoblock Jet Forms and Elementor ? Not using Elementor Pro.

Creating each field in Jet form and using it with Elementor. I don't want to use Gutenberg and Elementor Pro.

Applying this in Hello theme.

Please guide.

With warm regards,

Vivek Kumar ( Bihar , India )

Rodney Livanze
Rodney Livanze - 09.10.2021 14:30

Hi Paul, really amazing video. Is there a way of creating a video on how to make a login and registration form to this dashboard?

Esam Zenhom
Esam Zenhom - 23.09.2021 15:14

hi paul ... i love you man <3
i saw a loooot of your videos .. and now i started changing my career to a WP Site developer --> all because of you ---> thank you a lot

Luqman fikry
Luqman fikry - 14.09.2021 07:38

Is there a way to make one of those select field value as default? Instead of add place holder?

Renato Dantas
Renato Dantas - 08.09.2021 05:48

Hi, How to Update CCT via Front-end Form? The message "You trying to update not existing item" appears

Tzameret Ayala
Tzameret Ayala - 29.08.2021 21:36

Hi Paul Thank you! I want to creat a job listing for the employer side and the job searcher side. how do I make a form to the job searcher with the CV file, so they can send their cv when seeing the right position. I realy appreciate giving me the process bullets SO I will know it is possible to make it with jet engine?

Clinihard - 09.08.2021 06:38

Tank you! Congrats!

clavis sam
clavis sam - 29.07.2021 22:57

Perfect explanation. I would like to know if there is a way to assign a number of ads that a user can publish.
or a way to make repost, that is to say an exact replica of the post that can make a user for exemple. more than just a plugin jetengine plugin!

Tephlon Dandada
Tephlon Dandada - 19.07.2021 14:07

Can you do a tutorial of a membership website using crocoblock?

Aniket Borhade
Aniket Borhade - 14.07.2021 14:38

It is just not possible for me to figure out these things if your videos would not been there.

Jeremy Murphy
Jeremy Murphy - 26.06.2021 15:06

You state that you will go into the TEMPLATE MODE and setting in a later video......Where can I find that/those videos? THX

MichaelaKubas - 15.06.2021 16:25

Hi Paul, thanks for tutorial :) Can you please show how can create map listing of users show in map? Thanks for your videos.

Jay's Acrylics
Jay's Acrylics - 12.06.2021 15:13

Hey Paul, is there a way to set a custom field for the front-end form to set a date where the post will automatically expire after say an event has happened?

Adhere Web
Adhere Web - 31.05.2021 03:23

Hey Paul, Awesome... You are just incredible....
I have a question if you can help me...

Is it possible to feed taxonomies with front end form?
Like you add new tags and categories from the back end post.

Im a bit lost about it, tried myself and could not find a manner...
Thank you, I will keep watching your fantastic content. Cheers...

Abdul kalam
Abdul kalam - 09.05.2021 16:02

Hello sir, After adding the dynamic link in the listing grid. When I click to edit, It is not redirecting to the profile page. Could you please help me?
I am looking forward for a positive response from your side.

Muhammad Noman
Muhammad Noman - 28.04.2021 21:17

Hi, Can we set up a "CHANGE PASSWORD FORM" with jet-engine?

Sophie Mulders
Sophie Mulders - 15.04.2021 11:43

can you use this for a user profile/acount when they have a subscription on your site? and what about when you have woocommerce? can you make a account page with different sections? so you only need 1 page?

Rudolf Verhoeven
Rudolf Verhoeven - 13.03.2021 13:09

Hi Paul, can Crocoblock integrate with ListingPro? For example to use the
JetElements pricing plan to replace the standard ListingPro pricing
plan, or the JetEngine Form Builder to replace the ListingPro Submit listing form? Thanks

Fabio Carone
Fabio Carone - 01.03.2021 02:28

in this video, user create content for all and display as listing... but does exsist a way to create post content for specific user or usermeta ?? for ex. the admin create a content for a specific user.... how to do it?

D Ray
D Ray - 24.02.2021 04:57

Hi Paul, I have watched your video tutorials a number of times and am learning a lot, not to mention they have been really informative. Can you do a Jetengine/Elementor Pro tutorial on building a more profile-based dynamic website, people register and set up their own profiles e.g. (Dating, Friend Finder, Casual Dating) etc. I have subscribed to your channel and look forward to more tutorials. Many Thanks.

Baby Big Brain
Baby Big Brain - 21.02.2021 11:49

Hi Paul, Awesome video. Are you able to link taxonomies together? Example: Make & model of cars? From a select drop down, can you make it so if Audi is selected, then only Audi models are then available in the next select drop down menu. Any chance of showing this functionality? Cheers, Big Fan!

Ceurwyn Humphreys
Ceurwyn Humphreys - 15.02.2021 22:40

Hey Paul, Great Tutorial. Is there a way to limit each user with a maximum number of posts?
I'm thinking along the lines of a directory website where each user has their one "property" and can only edit and create that "property".
Looking forward to hearing from you,
C - North Wales

Etima239 - 15.02.2021 14:53

Paul, this is a great video as ever, thank you so much for your work. I have one little issue - I'm sure I've heard you mention it somewhere but I can't find it for the life of me! I have a checkbox section on my property post type where the user can choose the features for a property - things like Private Pool, TV & DVD, Air Conditioning and so on. On the back end we can add new items to this list, so if the property has a new feature we haven't used before we can Add Custom Value. However, on my front end form, I get the existing check box items but no option to add a custom value. Can I do this and if so how? I think I've checked all the right items on the checkbox row set up on the post type but I the add custom item is not showing on my form.
