Marlin Firmware Config - Core XY - SKGO - Chris's Basement

Marlin Firmware Config - Core XY - SKGO - Chris's Basement

Chris Riley

4 года назад

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@Ithacska - 24.12.2023 08:47

Hey man, i recently purchased a Tronxy D01 as a beginer printer, i installed the marlin 1.3.2 because that what they sent from tronxy aftersales, however i have this weird thing that only 1/4 of the printing area is used considering the left lower corner as center and 110 mm on both XY direction im pretty sure its a calibration problem, now i did watch about 15 minutes of your video but i couldnt figure out if this would help my printer, do i need to write a marlin firmware or just run some parameter gcode?

@billychampy316 - 28.11.2023 03:57

Thank you bro. You're the man.

@richardshell8775 - 11.10.2023 23:58


@davektowner - 14.07.2023 13:04

Hey Chris, love your videos, always a good place for me to learn. i was wandering if you could suggest a solution to a problem i have. i have a SK-GO and have been using it for a couple of years now, wanted to upgrade to the latest marlin (, after flashing the firmware (SKR1.3) my movements all are correct when i jog all axis, the printer homes correctly, but when i slice a test cube in curar and upload the gcode, the printer homes correctly and the the print head shoots off to opposite side of the bed from (0,0) and stops in the corner and just starts squirting out filament with the bed dropped. ive looked through the gcode and cant see any glaring issues in the code, so im assuming its a firmware issue, something i have wrong in config.h or config_ADV.h

do you have any advice as to where i should start looking?

again thanks so much for your videos, and your time

@regomag8801 - 05.07.2023 13:07

Good stuff Chris I built my own Corey using same board . Your information will help me set up the electronics mate thank you .. cheers from Australia

@user-nt1of3fj6n - 20.03.2023 10:47

Hello, a very good video,
but if the X and Y axes are no correct how i have to do to move the corret direction in bolth Axe "X" and "Y"?
as you have to coordinate both axes and have 8 options?

@katifali4688 - 16.02.2023 20:31

hey i have a question, pls help, i am using reprap discount full graphics lcd, everything is working but ; heated beds's logo where it and its temperature is shown on status screen, is not appearing, nozzle is working fine but what to do for heatbed, pls help

@x_jaydn - 10.02.2023 02:12

how different would it be to compile core zx for switch wire type builds?

@fastfood122 - 02.02.2023 21:43

Brother did u use mellow fly super 8 ?
As u r the best in explaining and can't find any review for it and if there is they r not as good as u 💪💯👌😎

@webslinger2011 - 26.01.2023 17:26

Going to test out Marlin 2.1 on my rook printer. Thanks!

@mahmoudzaefi2958 - 14.10.2022 10:32

If we use parts that will not fall corexy Bed printer, when the power is loss. Can we easily use the power less recovery feature in marlin that you mentioned in the previous videos?

@laurenmiller2529 - 10.10.2022 21:02

Do you know if the skr mini e3v3 can ban be set up like this?
I tried and its telling me there isnt an e1 driver available . Perhaps theres a way to reroute the pins to another driver?

@L3X369 - 04.05.2021 10:28

I'm taking this as a reference tutorial for my DIY coreXY printer I'm making. Starting from 0, it's quite hard to find the actual settings (J deviation, max acceleration, max feedrate, etc)

@SonicAlchemyAmakerspace - 21.04.2021 11:10

Nice video. The new SKR 2 board has a set up that mean you don't have to clip the diag pins anymore when using TMC drivers. I am glad they finally fixed that. Working on a new build with the SKR 2 atm.

@HellCatBravo707 - 23.03.2021 12:44

GREAT VIDEO CHRIS as always about to build compile from scratch but I think I will be running KLIPPER

@sebbev2891 - 15.03.2021 22:33

How can stallguard work for corexy if the motors cooperate on "straight" movements? Wouldnt the first bump trigger both endstops? Or is it so that if you order Y to home before X the stallguard trigger might trigger for both but will only register for Y ? I have a really hard time wrapping my head around it, i mean i see that it works in the video but still :S

@TheDIYer - 06.03.2021 22:12

That standoffs things is way better and those springs

@TheDIYer - 06.03.2021 22:06

I have 12v fans and my power supply is 24v ,and I don't want to use a buck converter so can I setup max pwm for controlling the fans and if yes is it safe?

@TheDIYer - 06.03.2021 22:00

Awesome, I loved how quickly I could set it up with your help

@Hopeinformer - 15.02.2021 01:13

I have been using my Prusa MK3S since it was released. They have made a lot of upgrades to the fimware. One of my favorites is faster bed leveling. I've restarted my Hypercude Evolution build and it's finally all complete. But one thing that I can't seem to figure out is how to speed up bed leveling. It is so slow. It takes 5 seconds per probe. It does 3 probes at each point, so 15 seconds per point. I don't think the MK3 even takes 1 second per point on the grid. How do I speed this up?

@Monosscema2012 - 12.02.2021 16:18

Morning Chris...
I have a question so I chose to post it here related to a marlin question...
So my question is; when setting up marlin for any 3D printer, you obviously have the option to enable your MAX & MIN enstops right! So the question is if you enable your MAX endstops but home on your MIN's, is your MAX going to work in the background? And if so, if one of them is triggered, will it (halt or stop your print in its progress)? what can I expect it to do? I've activated mine with the understanding that it will stop the print from crashing into them (MAX).
I would appreciate it if you reply. Thks...

@hima4all - 30.01.2021 16:04

Could you upload your Settings files

@ventus8232 - 02.01.2021 20:32

Super informative video! My only complaint is how fast you transition between steps. I have to back track your video quite often if im not fast enough hitting pause. Otherwise amazing video. I have learned a ton in one video instead of hunting and watching multiple videos.

@klyddmeisters - 19.12.2020 18:14

Why is your belts twisted?

@stellamarisgimenez8561 - 14.12.2020 22:15

Good afternoon:
From Argentina, I'm Spanish-speaking, sorry for the translation,
I am building a printer, Clone Prusa I3 type. I uploaded the Marlin to the mega 2560 board, and when connecting the motors (X; Y; Z) they make a vibration and do not turn, the drivers are 4988. They can help me with this error
From already thank you very much
Stella maris gimenez

@AlleyBeachElectric - 08.12.2020 10:18

Can you do a video of calibrating a coreXY for dimensional accuracy? I'd pay for it 😂 love your work bud ❤️

@brandonbell359 - 05.12.2020 13:44

Got a question for ya. I know I can fix it by homing Y before X, but while setting up my corexy and sensorless homing, I was testing the motor directions and homing just the single X and Y. If I home X, Y acts like it’s already homed. If I home Y, X homes normally. Any idea why this would be? Just curious.

@austinbutler1985 - 03.12.2020 06:09

This guide has been 10/10! Thank you, Chris. And all was going well in the configuration, but for some reason, some parameters are not updating from the SD card. I need to increase the StallGuard sensitivity, but when I run M503, it always shows my original values of 60 for X and Y. Also, my max feedrate won't change. I know the board has taken the .bin file, because it's gone from the SD every time. All was great until this road block...

@bruce32466 - 24.11.2020 04:01

Chris. Good stuff. keep it coming ;) I have 2 issues. ISSUE 1 is sensor less homing is not working for me. I've set the sensitivity as high as 120 and see no difference from initial setting of 60. it does stop when it reaches home but only after a couple of clicks. I used the stepper motors from my Anet A8 for my new CoreXY. Not sure if this could be the problem. ISSUE 2 is using Z-probe endstop. I have "Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true", "Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true", " Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN" & "FIX_MOUNTED_PROBE" enabled. In Pronterface, I enter m119 to see status of the Z probe when not activated, it shows it as "TRIGGERED" and like wise when it is activated. The probes Iv'e tried is a SN04-N and an OMCH LJ18A3-8-Z/BX. The later runs on 6v-30v and tried powering it from the board and the 24v PSU with the same results.

@MaNwEMeLoDyAM - 05.11.2020 05:50

Hi Chris
Can You create Marlin 2.0 firmware for my XY core printer?
or tel me where i can download it
Firmware I create got problem with homing X and Y
like also Z where do not react for endstop
I have BTT GTR1.0 + BTT7.0 TFT LCD

@siddharth4662 - 04.11.2020 21:36

hi chris... your videos have been very helpful till date and accordingly i used this as a guide to compile my Marlin 2.0.x version using Visual Code Studio but somehow I am still breaking my head over the following... can you please help!

Compiling .pio\build\megaatmega2560\src\src\HAL\DUE\MarlinSerial.cpp.o
src\src\HAL\AVR\u8g_com_HAL_AVR_sw_spi.cpp:65:20: fatal error: U8glib.h: No such file or directory

@mrschmiklz - 30.10.2020 01:01

When I build with 2209 steppers, it won't compile. Says the slave has the same number as another :(

"X_SLAVE_ADDRESS conflicts with another driver using the same X_HARDWARE_SERIAL" same for all(x,y,z,e)

I am also having an issue where one motor will not move as fast as the other. Tested the belt tensions, cables, and motors. firmware or the board?(skr mini e3 v2)

@ferdinandparas2169 - 08.10.2020 00:25

hi cris which one to comment for the btt screen?........thanks....

@hongtse6723 - 05.10.2020 16:24

I somehow managed to get the sensorless homing sensitivity down but now when I home the x axis the y axis will move too and vice versa. any idea's? I ofcourse set my logic to corexy. I also set the current to 650 on both axis so, it shouldn't be a problem right?

@noelbiggins5279 - 12.09.2020 04:00

Chris - you are an absolute champion. Many thanks for your time and patience helping me make head or tails of Marlin and SKR 1.4. Your blood is worth bottling mate. Cheers.

@noelbiggins5279 - 10.09.2020 12:47

Chris, if I sent you the two config files, could you just have a quick look to see what is wrong? I know it is asking a lot but I am truly stumped.

@noelbiggins5279 - 10.09.2020 12:23

Chris. I have built a 300x300 corexy and will be putting an SKR 1.4 Turbo into it. However, I know nothing about coding ut I have followed your video minutely - watching each small section then switching screens to do the same in Visual Studio and platformio, but despite having done it three times now, whenever I try to Build, I get error messages and 'failed' signs - all of which I have no idea what to do to correct. Any suggestions for a tired, worn out old Vet?

@IgnaDi632 - 06.09.2020 23:51

Hey love your videos!! I have a core x-y... and my prints are flipped every time! How do I modify that in firmware? I would love if you could help me with that.

@AspandDos1 - 02.09.2020 22:56


@ferdinandparas2169 - 07.08.2020 04:49

Hi cris.... can I use this on tronxy x5sa?

@riceball4u172 - 02.08.2020 20:42

Wow, thanks! It is very detailed.

@kryptikfpv4253 - 27.07.2020 22:10

i built myself a Hypercube Evolution. 330x330x400 capacity. i've watched your video here several times on coreXY setup. yet, mine doesn't seem to want to cooperate not one bit. mine wont go the way i ask it to. X seems to work, but on my menu, under the Y axis when i attempt to move it forwards, the number starts at 330mm. whereas, X, starts at 0. i don't get it. not at all. so i downloaded your SK-GO copy and edited it to represent my use of a BLTouch, remove the runout sensor since i do not use them, and various other minor compiled fine, however it still is not working. lol HELP, O' WISE ONE!

@MrSpeakerMBurns - 25.07.2020 21:04

Have you used G34 and M422 to align independently controlled Z motors? Could you make a video on this Marlin functionality when you get time? Thanks, Jason

@marcosrobertocouto5346 - 20.07.2020 18:48

You helped me a lot! I have a MKS Robin E3 and i did my own COREXY, after your video, i used de NEON PIXEL conector to control de extruder fan using a relay module! Now i will try to do a auto off system! My optical endstop didn't worked with this board, to resolve this problem a used a NPN transistor and a 10K resistor! A have an esp 01 connected to have wifi control!

@atzukak1 - 01.07.2020 15:35

Am I the only one that does not get a change of status when the probe i triggered? I mean, I can see the light of the inductive sensor lighting up, but the m119 does not reflet a change of state. I`ve followed the video to the detail and can not figure out why it doesn't work

@mcflapper7591 - 29.06.2020 21:12

Thanks alot for this video. It helped verify some z-axis problem where it would lock up but not budge a midge (~ half bees dick). After checking upgraded marlin config (from 1.1.9), checking steppers, motors, ramps ports, adding TL smoother... it turned out: Two leads of the cable to the z-axis motor got pinched somehow. Not enough to sever them but at least one hard enough to cause severe reflections so the motor got distorted signals and thus wining, locking up but unable to spin the shaft. Solution: cut, resolder, reconnect. Be happy :)

@Yakena1 - 22.06.2020 13:19

What a EXCELLENT video!! I learned a lot with this video!

@avejst - 13.06.2020 19:24

Great walkthrough.
I like your "live stile" with bugs an all.
Thanks for sharing👍😀

@Invisible_one - 10.06.2020 03:55

Hi Chris, do you check or adjust the trim pots on the 2209 drivers? I am in line for a Sk-Go2 kit but have a feeling it will be a couple months before it gets here.
